The 4th Animagus

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James was right about the transformation being hard, Jenny was glad that she was not the one making the potion that would enable them to become Animagi.
However the process for Jenny was still tricky, one key part of the process involved her holding a mandrake leaf in her mouth, for an entire month.
Once the month was up, she followed James's instructions, that he sent regularly by owl, as to what to do with the leaf. Once she was done she sent it to her brother, so that he could add it to the potion.
Before she knew it, it was Easter, and James and the others came home.
Jenny could barely contain her excitement. A few days into the holiday, and the potion was ready. They had barricaded themselves into James's room, and moved the desk to the side of the room, in case anyone turned into an extremely large animal.

"I guess it's now or never" stated James.
"Yep. Time to see if we did everything right" replied Sirius.
Remus handed them each a small vile, with the potion in, before sitting down in a chair, at the back of the room.
Jenny looked at the others, James nodded, and the they all poured the potion down their throats. The taste was revolting, but as Jenny was used to drinking foul tasting medicines, she didn't find it too bad.
Once drunk, she placed the empty vile into her pocket and began chanting. This was the same thing she had been repeating every sunrise and sunset, for the past week. Finally she uttered the last word "Animagus".

She felt hair rise up out of her body, and she began getting smaller and smaller. Jenny felt something grow out of her back, please let me not be a rodent, she thought.
She looked at her furry arms, and felt her body. It was the strangest feeling she had ever experienced.
She finally felt brave enough to look behind her. She had a tail. A big bushy, brown tail.
I'm a squirrel, she thought.
Jenny looked around at the others, her brother James has transformed into a large male deer, and was taking up a lot of space in the room.
Sirius had become a large black dog. Jenny was actually quite worried, as he was much larger than her now, and she knew that most dogs chased squirrels. He looked at her and gave her a big toothy grin, as if telling her to relax.
It took her a while to see Peter, as he had transformed into a creature, even smaller than her, he was now a small, brown rat.

It took a few minutes for everyone to get accustomed to their new bodies. But after a while Jenny was happily scampering around the room, and climbing on the furniture. She looked over at Remus, who was still sitting on his chair. He looked happy, but she could tell that deep down he was a little sad, maybe a full moon was approaching, she didn't know.
She ran over to him and jumped onto his lap, causing him to laugh.
"Very impressive Jenny. Now, can you turn back, that is the question?" Asked Remus.
Jenny closed her eyes and thought very hard, she felt herself growing, and when she opened her eyes, she was a human again. She kissed Remus's cheek and got off of his lap.
She looked over at the others, who followed her example. Sirius was the first to change back, closely followed by James. It took Peter another few minutes, before he worked out how to change back.

They sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about what they had achieved.
"Well I have to say, I didn't think that would actually work" said Sirius eventualy.
"I did. I knew it would work, I had faith in you guys" replied Jenny.
"Well I'm glad someone did" her brother replied.
"You realise we could go to Azkaban, for what we just did" announced Peter, worriedly.
"Well you'd better not tell anyone then" joked Sirius.
Jenny smiled, she had just become an Animagus, an unregistered Animagus. What they had just done was against the rules, but that just made it even more fun.

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