Planning a-head

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Jenny was pacing in front of the fireplace in the dinning room anxiously. Sirius said he would pop his head in to see her this evening, but he didn't say exactly when. Sady had prepared a lovely dinner, which sat on the table, uneaten.
Jenny glanced nervously at the Order of Merlin, which was laying next to her uneaten dinner.
She had triple checked that there was no secret tracking or listening device on it, and she even got Sady to check as well. Jenny was sure that it must be some kind of trap, the Ministry don't just give out that kind of medal for no reason.
Eventually Jenny's patience was rewarded, and Sirius's head appeared in the fireplace.

"There you are" said Jenny as she dropped to the floor to get closer to him.
"Here I am. What's wrong Jenny, you look nervous. What did the Minister of Magic want?" Asked Sirius.
"He asked me lots of questions about you. He wanted to know if I knew where you were, of course I didn't tell him anything though, nothing he didn't already know I mean. He also asked me how i was feeling, and things like that?"
"The Minister of Magic came all the way to see you, just to find out if you knew where I was, and to ask how you were feeling?"
"Well yes, and no. He also came to give me this" Jenny flicked her wand at the table, and the Order of Merlin zoomed over. Which she caught in her left hand.

Jenny moved the medal closer to Sirius, so that he could see what it was.
"Is that an Order of Merlin?" Sirius asked.
Jenny nodded.
"First class".
"The Minister gave you that? What did you do to deserve such a gift?"
Jenny frowned.
"Well for one thing I nearly died, protecting my brothers secret location. And I just spent the last 14 years in a coma".
"And now that you're awake the Minister thought you might like it?"
"Well it's not just me that got one. Wormtail got one too, for standing up to you. They gave it to his mother"
Sirius swore.

"That's what I thought when Fudge told me. I struggled to hold my tongue" admitted Jenny bitterly.
"Forget about him Jenny. He is not worth thinking about or trying to find" replied Sirius.
"I guess Remus told you about my plan to go after Peter?"
"He might have mentioned some stupid idea of yours like that, yes"
"Well can you blame me?"
"No. But listen Jenny, you can't go after him. Our sources inform us that the traitor is with Voldemort at the moment. So if you go after Wormtail, you might fall into something too big for you to handle".

"Well if I found you-know-who with him, then I could kill him and save the wizarding world" she joked.
Sirius didn't smile.
"This isn't some game Jenny. This is serious. People die" he replied.
"I know that Sirius, I haven't forgotten what happened to my brother"
"I understand. I just want you to be careful Jenny. I can't lose you too".
Jenny bit her lip awkwardly.
"What?" Questioned Sirius.
"Well you see. I was thinking about joining the Order of the Phoenix. So that I could help out, instead of sitting indoors all day" she admitted.

"Absolutely not" snapped Sirius.
"That's not your decision to make Sirius. It's Dumbledore's" reminded Jenny.
"I am not letting you join the Order"
"Why not? Why won't you let me help?"
"Jenny. You didn't just wake up from a nap the other day. You spent 14 years lying on a bed in a coma. You can barely walk, let alone win in a duel right now"
"I'm not a fool Sirius. I realise that I'm not in the best condition right now. But I will be soon. And once I'm back to normal, then I want to do something.
I want to go to work, make friends, explore new places. I didn't leave St Mungos so that I could spend the rest of my life in here. You were always the one who told me that I will have a better life once I leave this place".

"I know Jenny. But things are different now. You are more fragile than you realise" said Sirius softly.
"No I'm not" she shouted.
Red sparks shot out of Jenny's wand, and Sirius eyed them warily. Jenny noticed, and slammed her wand down onto the ground.
"We can talk another time, when you're feeling better. But for now, I bid you good night. Enjoy your dinner Jenny" said Sirius.
"No Sirius. Wait" begged Jenny.
But it was too late, Sirius's head disappeared with a loud pop, and Jenny groaned.

Sady ran into the room.
"Is mistress all right?" She asked, looking worried.
"I'm fine Sady" replied Jenny as she got up from the floor.
"Would mistress like me to heat up her dinner for her?"
"No thanks Sady. I'm not hungry. Thank you for making it though. Sorry I'm such a pain"
"Would mistress like me to bring her something to eat later?"
Jenny shook her head.
"No, don't worry about me. If I want something later I will summon it from the kitchen myself".
Sady bowed and began starting to clear away the dishes and cold food.
Jenny turned back the to the empty fireplace and sighed. She didn't care if Sirius didn't like her plan, it was what she wanted to do, and she didn't need his permission to join the Order, or go after Peter one day.
She turned back around and made her way to her bedroom, planning a letter to Dumbledore in her head as she walked.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now