A sad goodbye

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After a few nights in hospital, Jenny was allowed to return home as long she took things slowly. Jenny spent most of the following days trying out magic in secret, in her room. With James and his friends giving her tips.
By the end of the week she had successfully mastered the art of levitation using the charm, Wingardium Leviosa.
And in no time at all it was September the 1st. The time had come for James and the boys to return to Hogwarts, leaving Jenny behind.
As Jenny wouldn't be coming to the train station, she would have to say goodbye to her brother at home. She found him in his room, packing the last few things away into his trunk. She knocked on the door and entered without permission.

James turned his head quickly to see who had come in.
"Oh, it's you" he said, turning back around to continue packing.
Jenny walked over to the chair by his desk, and continued to watch him pack. She watched him take out a handful of books from under his bed, and place them into his case. She was about to ask why they were not in his bookshelf, when she read some of the titles and gasped.
"Doing a bit of light reading are we?" She asked standing up.
James ignored her and carried on packing. Jenny stood up and reached into his case, and picked out one of the books. She then proceeded to read out the title.
"Animagi: And The Dangerous Consequences In Becoming One".

Jenny placed the book back into his bag and picked up another.
"Werewolves And Other Dangerous Beasts".
She put the back down.
"Why do you have these books James?" She questioned.
"No reason. Just thought they would be interesting to read. We have to write about things like this at Hogwarts. So I thought I'd get some books to help me get my grades up" he replied.
Jenny raised an eyebrow. She had lived with James her whole life. And something in her gut, told her that James wasn't telling her the truth. But she knew that now wasn't the time to go into it.
James finished packing and took his suitcase off the table and placed it onto the floor. The two stared in silence at each other.

Eventually James sighed and opened his arms wide. Jenny smiled and jumped into them, holding her brother tight.
"Promise you'll write to me every week" she said.
"Of course I'll write. But maybe not every week sis".
"Don't forget to remind the others to write. I love Remus's letters, and Sirius's letters, they always tell me about how much trouble you really get into. You dumb down those parts in your letters. And Peter always writes about every single thing you did, in detail, no matter how boring. Which is fun to read, if I'm not doing anything".
James put Jenny back down and picked up the handle on his case.

"I'll remind them, but I'm sure they haven't forgotten. Look, you'll see me soon. Christmas isn't that long away you know" reminded James.
He kissed her cheek and them began pulling his suitcase out the door, and down the stairs.
As Jenny watched him go, a small tear rolled out of her eye, which she carefuly wiped away.
"Yes it is" she whispered quietly, as another tear began to fall.

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