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Jenny had been lying in a hospital bed for days, and no one had come to tell her what was wrong with her. As she was under 17, she wasn't an adult. So her parents had to give their permission before Jenny could undergo any medical procedures.
This also meant that they would be told first if Jenny was seriously ill, and sometimes would refuse to let Jenny be told what was wrong with her. They mostly did it when she was younger, to try and protect her from the truth. Thinking that she would be too young to understand.
Although Jenny was no longer coughing up blood, she was still very weak. And had to take a blood replenishing potion twice a day, to refill her body with the blood she lost.

After a few more days (Jenny had lost count) she woke up to find a visitor by her bed.
"We really need to stop meeting like this" said Jenny, trying to lighten the mood.
Her brother looked up at her from his chair, he wasn't smiling.
"Shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?" She asked.
"It's the weekend little sister. Professor Dumbledore gave me permission to come and visit you" replied James.
"That was kind of him".
After a few minutes of silence, James finally spoke again.
"You really scared us Jenny"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to"
"I know"
"Merlins beard. I really messed everything up didn't I?"

James shook his head.
"It wasn't your fault" he reminded.
"How is Lily? I remember her being there and speaking to me. But I can't remember what she said" Jenny confessed.
"Lily is fine. She's worried about you, you know. So are the Marauders, particularly Sirius"
"Poor Padfoot. I'm surprised that he didn't come with you".
James smiled.
"He wanted to" James admitted.
"I bet he did... James there was something I needed to ask you" she said slowerly.
James leaned forward in his chair.
"Go on".
"Well I was thinking about this yesterday. I wanted to know whether or not the healers would be able to tell that I had changed. You know, become an Animagus" whispered Jenny.

Her brother shook his head.
"No it leaves no mark. Unless you accidentally changed in front of them there is no way for them to know" he answered.
Jenny sighed.
"Well that's a relief" Jenny admitted.
"Listen. I just want you to focus on getting better O.K. I hate it when you're in here, because I can't be here with you" said James.
Jenny smiled.
"I don't want you worrying about me James. This is your final year at Hogwarts. You are taking your NEWTs not long after Easter. After that you have all the time in the world to spend with me" replied Jenny.

Suddenly a healer walked into the room carrying a tray full of potions. Jenny wrinkled her noise in disgust.
"I guess that's my cue to leave" said James.
The healer placed the tray down on the bedside table, and selected a greenish potion, which she began to open and pour onto a spoon.
"Well have fun sis. I will see you soon" he continued.
James lent down and kissed his sisters head, before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
The healer, whose name was Florence Fisher, brought the spoon, filled with the green medicine towards Jenny. Who moved her head away and folded her arms.
Florence sighed.
"Really Jennifer, are we going to have this fight again. I thought you had grown up. Now, are you going to take this medicine to make yourself better, or am I going to have to magically restrain you again?" Asked Florence.

Jenny looked at her and then back to the spoon.
"Do I really have to drink that?" She questioned.
"I should think you would be used to it by now" replied Florence.
"Well I'm not"
"Come on, stop behaving like a little child. Drink this, or I will go and fetch your parents. And you can tell them that are refusing to make yourself better".
Jenny refused to move at first. But eventually she gave in and opened her mouth. Allowing the healer to pour the medicine inside.
The taste was foul, it tasted as if every single green thing in the world had been blended together, including grass and vomit.
The worst thing was, Jenny didn't even know what she was taking it for. She hadn't be told what each of the potions did, apart from the blood replenishing potion.
She didn't know what would happen if she refused to take it, and that scared her.

It took another 3 weeks in St Mungos, before the healers allowed her to go home. During the 2nd week, she had another episode of coughing up blood. Which put her back to square one.
But since then, she had been slowly regaining her strength. And at last the healers agreed that she could go home.
When she got home in the afternoon on Friday, she saw a larger banner in the grand hall that said 'welcome home Jenny' on it.
Underneath it, stood all 4 of the Marauders, and Lily, who stood beside James.
Jenny smiled at looked at her brother.
"It's not a weekend" she said.
James ran up and hugged her gently, as if she were made of glass.
"No. But Dumbledore allowed us to come home and see you. Some of us actually had a free period anyway. So we won't miss much" replied James.

"Thank you all for coming here" said Jenny happily.
"That's alright little sister. We wouldn't miss it for the world" replied Sirius.
Lily came forward and took hold of Jenny's hand. In it she placed a beautiful silver hair clip.
"It's identical to the one I wore when I first met you. James said you liked it" she said.
"I can't accept this" replied Jenny shaking her head.
"Yes you can. Think of it as a welcome home present from me".
Lily then began attaching it to Jenny's hair, as she turned to face her brother.
"Do I look pretty? She asked.
James smiled.
"You look beautiful" he told her.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now