Finishing the mission

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"He hasn't gone" yelled Harry, who still fought to get away from Remus.
"Sirius! Sirius!" He bellowed.
"He can't come back, because he's d-" said Remus.
"He's not dead" roared Harry.
Jenny wished he would shut up, he wasn't making this easier on himself or her.
The battle began to come to close around them, but she and Harry ignored the spells that were still flying about.
Kingsley stepped forward and continued Sirius's fight with Bellatrix.
Remus tried to drag Harry away from danger. There was a loud bang and Harry saw Kingsley hit the floor. Bellatrix smiled and began to make her escape.
"Harry no" cried Remus, but Harry had already ripped his arm away from Remus. And was running towards Bellatrix.
"She killed Sirius. She killed him. I'm going to kill her" he shouted as he ran.

Jenny missed all this as she continued to kneel on the floor, and stare up at the archway. Without realising it, her body began to get up and drift towards the veil.
She wondered if joining Sirius on the other-side was the best idea. Maybe she might see her brother and Lily again. She needed him to hug her, and tell her it would all be alright.
Perhaps she might even be able to find her parents.
She took another step towards the veil, until she was only inches away. Jenny prepared to take another step, when suddenly Remus was at her side. He placed his arm around her waist, and gently pulled her away from the archway.
Snapping her attention back into the present.

"Where is Harry?" She asked.
"He ran off after Bellatrix Lestrange. Dumbledore's gone off after him" replied Remus.
"Well then we should go join them"
"No Jenny. It's not safe for us"
Jenny looked around the room analysing the damage.
Dumbledore had tied up most of the remaining death eaters and immobilised them. Mad-Eye Moody crawled across the room to where Tonks lay, and he began trying to revive her.
Remus flicked his wand and removed the spell that had been making Neville's legs twitch. He then took his arm away from Jenny, leaving her standing on her own.

Suddenly a loud scream echoed through the room, coming from one of the doors on the far side of the room.
Jenny looked over to Remus.
"That was Harry wasn't it?".
Before giving Remus the chance to reply, Jenny had raised her wand and was already running in the direction of the screams.
She ran through corridor after corridor, until she found herself back in the Atrium, where she had first apparated to earlier.
She saw Harry laying on the floor by the golden statues that usually lived in the fountain. But were now standing by Harry, as if they were protecting him.
She saw Dumbledore kneeling beside her nephew, and she began to approach them.
She also saw Bellatrix, who appeared to be unconscious on the floor a few meters away.

A loud loud swishing sound echoed through the room, and Lord Voldemort suddenly appeared a few feet from Harry.
Jenny gasped.
He was nothing like Jenny had ever imagined. He was as pale as a ghost, and he didn't look completely human. He had red eyes, and a slit nose, like a snake.
He stepped towards Harry threateningly, but the Atrium was suddenly full of people, who had apparated into the building, or come out of the many fireplaces that lined the room.
Among the many people, stood Cornelius Fudge, and Percy Weasley.
"He was there. I saw him Mr Fudge. I swear it was you-know-who. He grabbed a woman and disappeared" said one wizard with a ponytail. Pointing to where Bellatrix had lain only moments before.
"I know Williamson. I know. I saw him too" gibbered Fudge. Who was wearing his pyjamas under his cloak, and gasping as if he had just run for miles.
"Merlin's beard. Here. Here in the Ministry of Magic! Great heavens above. It doesn't seem possible. My word, how can this be?" He continued.

Jenny stepped closer to all the commotion, so that she could be nearer to Harry, who looked like he was beginning to stir. Dumbledore saw her and gestured for her to approach.
She knelt beside Harry who had started to open his eyes.
"Are you alright Harry?" She asked.
"Yes" replied Harry. Who was shaking so hard, that he couldn't hold his head up properly. He was clearly not alright.
"Yeah, I'm... Where is Voldemort? Where... Who are all these... what's?"
"Shh" interrupted Jenny.
"We'll talk later" she continued.
She stood up and walked over to Dumbledore, who had been trying to tell Fudge what had happened.

"I don't... Very well. Dawlish, Williamson. Go down to the Department of Mysteries and see... Dumbledore you, you will need to tell me exactly what happened. The Fountain of Magical Brethren. What happened?" Asked Fudge.
"We can discuss all that once I've sent Harry back to Hogwarts" replied Dumbledore.
"Harry? Harry Potter. Here? What's that all about? And Jennifer Potter. What are they both doing here? What is going on Dumbledore?"
"I shall explain everything. When Harry is back at school".
Dumbledore walked over to the head of one of the golden statues, that had become detached from the rest of the body. He pointed his wand at it.
"Portus" he muttered.

"Now see here Dumbledore. You haven't got authorisation for that Portkey. You can't do things like that in front of the Minister of Magic. You. You..." Fudges voice seemed to fail him.
Dumbledore ignored him and gave the Portkey to Harry.
"Take this Portkey Harry. Miss Potter, you should return to the others. I'm sure they are anxious about your safety. Remus will take you home. I will meet you there later to speak to you about what has happened here" he said.
"One... Two... Three" said Dumbledore, and Harry disappeared, holding the Portkey tightly in one hand, and his wand in the other.
Dumbledore pointed back the way Jenny had come from and she nodded. She ran away, leaving Dumbledore to deal with the Minister and all his many questions.

Jenny had completed the mission to save Harry, but she had lost Sirius.
And she wasn't sure that it was a trade she wanted to make. She felt terrible about it, but at that moment, she would have given up Harry's life, to bring back Sirius.
She was only human. And right there and then, she needed Sirius, more than she needed Harry.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now