The best brothers

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After Professor McGonagall had left, Jenny and the boys all went up to James's room. Jenny sat on the bed in between Sirius and James, and Remus and Peter sat on the floor. 
"So what happened?" Asked Jenny, once they were safely out of sight and in her brothers room.
"I offered to help Sirius carry your birthday present-" started James.
"And I told him I didn't need any help" interrupted Sirius.
"Then he fell over"
"Only cos you tripped me".
"You got me a birthday present?" Asked Jenny excitedly.
"Of course" replied Sirius.
He then threw his hands onto his head dramatically, and groaned.
"I've left it downstairs" he continued.

"Don't worry, I carried it up while you all ran ahead" said Peter, handing the present over to Jenny.
It was beautifully wrapped in red paper, and was in a large box as long as her arms. Jenny took the box from Peter and raised an eyebrow.
"You wrapped this yourself?" She asked Sirius sceptically.
"What doesn't it look like my handy work?" Quizzed Sirius.
"No it doesn't"
"Fair enough, well you're right. Lupin wrapped it. It's a gift from all of us".
Jenny carefully removed all the paper and pulled the lid gently of the box. Inside was a beautiful, sleek broom.

"It's a broomstick" Jenny exclaimed.
"Yep. We wanted to give you something we know your parents would never give you. They would think that flying would be too dangerous for you, I'm sure" replied Sirius.
Jenny took out the broom and gave Sirius a large hug.
"Thank you".
"You're welcome. Just don't let anyone see it. Or we'll all be in trouble" replied Sirius. Jenny nodded and placed it back into the box.
"Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but I really don't think that I will have much use for a broom. I've just been told that I'm too sick to go to Hogwarts, so I will never get to play Quidditch" she said sadly.

Remus crawled over to her and took hold of her hands.
"No matter where you live, you will always be our sister. Write to us if you are ever lonely or sad, and we will reply. We will always be there for you. And just because you aren't going to Hogwarts, that doesn't mean that you don't have the chance to become a very skilled witch. I'm sure you will be the best out of all of us. And you can always practice flying in the garden, we'll teach you how to be just as good flyers as us" he told her.
"Remus is right. Although I'm not sure anyone will ever be a better flyer than me. And at least now I don't have to worry about keeping an eye on you all the time at school. I'm free" joked James.

Jenny pretended to punch his arm, but she began to smile.
"Thank you. All of you. You guys really are the best" said Jenny.
"Now all that mushy stuff is out of the way, why don't we go and eat some nice birthday cake. That's the only reason we came after-all" said Sirius smiling.
Jenny elbowed him, but agreed that she did want to go an get something to eat from the dining room. It was her birthday after-all. And even though she wouldn't be going to Hogwarts, she realised that she did have friends after-all.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now