A dangerous job

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Mid August 1981

James was taking a break from Order work, and was spending the evening at the Potter Manor, with his sister, as he didn't see her much anymore. Jenny could tell that he looked tired, and she knew that it wasn't just his infant son, keeping him up at night.
"They are working you too hard" blurted Jenny.
James shook his head and sipped his wine. "I'm fine Jenny" he replied.
"No, you're not. You look tired"
"Well I guess I am tired. But I have a busy life, so that's to be expected".
Jenny raised her eyebrow, but didn't say anything. She called Sady, who came to clear away their dinner plates.

"I see you kept the house elf" commented James.
"Well I still don't know how to look after myself. Even though I am 18. Besides, she's good company. Otherwise it would just be me alone in this house all day" replied Jenny.
"I knew you would".
"I didn't. I guess you know me better than I know myself".
James smiled.
"I still don't understand this Fidelius charm business" admitted Jenny.
James put his glass down, and frowned.
"How do you know about that... I guess Padfoot told you".
Jenny shrugged.
"It's just a precaution. We think you-know-who is after us. This charm makes it impossible for Voldemort to find out where we live" continued James.

"But how does it work. I mean, I already know where you live. So, will I forget?" She asked.
"I think you will forget the address, and location. But once the secret keeper tells you where it is, then you can get there on your own" answered James.
"And that is going to be Sirius?"
"I think so. It's the obvious choice. But I know that Sirius would never betray me. So it seems safe to use him. Professor Dumbledore offered, but I declined. I would rather use one of my friends"
"And this charm will keep you safe?"
"Yes. Don't worry about me sis. I'll be fine"
Jenny sighed, and smiled.

Mid October
Jenny was eating lunch alone in front of the fire, when Sirius stormed in looking like a mess.
Jenny stood up.
"What happened to you?" She asked.
"Never mind. Now Jenny, you would never betray James right?" Questioned Sirius.
"No of course not. Sirius, hat is going on?"
Sirius turned away from her to face the fire.
"Someone has betrayed us. We think there is a spy in the Order. The death eaters always seem to know where we are, and what our plans are" he revealed.
Jenny folded her arms.
"And you think it's me? You think I would betray my own brother, the one person who has always been there for me?".
Sirius turned back to face her.
"No. I'm sorry".

"I'm not in the Order. The only people I know that are in it, are you guys. I don't know what you get up to, so how could I reveal your secrets to someone?" Asked Jenny coldly.
"You couldn't... Sorry, it's just hard. We are all being picked off one by one, and it's hard to know who to trust" admitted Sirius.
Jenny sat back down.
"We are at war. It's the enemies job to pit us against one another".
Sirius joined her on the sofa.
"Yes, I guess it is. That's why we are changing secret keeper".
"Really? Who to?"
"Peter? Why him?".

"Because no one will think of him. Everyone will assume that it's me or Remus, and come after one of us. No one will suspect Peter" admitted Sirius.
"They might think of me. I'm James's sister... Do you they will come after me" asked Jenny nervously.
Sirius shook his head.
"No they won't. Hardly anyone knows about you, so I think you'll be safe. You hardly leave the house anyway, and the Potter Manor is protected by lots of enchantments".
"That's good to hear. I just don't trust Peter with James's life, as much as I trust you"
"Don't worry about James, he can take care of himself. Now you can't tell anyone about this last minute switch O.K. No teachers, or friends, not even Remus"
"Why can't i tell Remus? I assumed he would already know, he is a marauder as well. Why haven't you told him?".

Sirius didn't answer.
"No. Not Remus. I don't believe it. He would never betray James, how can you even think that? Remus is good" protested Jenny
"I know. And I don't want to believe it either. It's just a precaution. I don't want to think that Remus is the spy. If anything, I want to prove that it's not him. But if you want this to work, and you want to keep James safe, then you can't tell Remus. I need your word Jenny" said Sirius sternly.
Jenny looked into Sirius's eyes, and nodded. "I promise".
Sirius sighed.
"Thank you Jenny".
"I hate to lie. But if it will keep James safe, then I will do it" replied Jenny.
Sirius laid his arm around Jenny and the two of them stared into the fire, listening to the cracks it made.

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