Alone again

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The mood was very subdued the next day, Sirius and Snape's argument had left Harry and the marauders feeling low. This was the first time that Harry didn't really want to return to Hogwarts. He didn't want to leave Sirius, and hated the idea of extra lessons with Snape.
Jenny was watching the students pack their cases and get all their luggage downstairs. Deep down she was quite jealous, going to Hogwarts was one thing she had always dreamed of doing, but had never been allowed to do. She had missed out on all the normal things like homework, detentions, and making friends.
She had never found out what house she would've been in, she hoped it would have been Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. But really she didn't mind, as long as it wasn't Slytherin, as she didn't think James would ever have forgiven her.

During all the chaos that took place as everyone tried to pack as quickly as possible, Sirius found himself watching Jenny as she stared at Hermione. Who was trying to persuade her cat to get into the basket.
"What you doing?" He asked as he approached Jenny.
"Nothing" she replied.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.
Since waking up, Jenny had decided that she was going to carry on with her life, as if nothing had happened. So her age would remain the same.
Everyone at Grimmauld place agreed, and began treating her like a 19 year old girl, rather than a middle aged woman. Which she was very happy about.

Sirius was about to walk away from Jenny, when she stopped him.
"Wait" she said.
Sirius turned to face her.
"What is it?".
"What does Hermione call her cat?"
"Just answer the question"
"Crookshanks, I believe. Why is it important?"
Jenny didn't reply, instead she made her way over to Hermione.
Hermione smiled as she approached, the two of them had gotten on well so far, due to their love of books.
"Hermione. Where did you get your cat?" Asked Jenny.
"The pet shop in Diagon Alley. The woman who worked there said he had been there for a long time. Why do you ask?" Hermione inquired.

Jenny became nervous as the corridor became silent, and Jenny felt everyone's eyes on her. What if her suspicions were wrong? What if there was something really wrong with her brain?
"Well you see, I bought a ginger kitten, like that, for James and Lily, as a wedding gift. And that cats name was Crookshanks" she explained.
"So you think they are the same cat?" Asked Hermione.
"Possibly" replied Jenny, looking over at Remus for back up.
"Well it could be. After the cottage was destroyed, no one ever found any trace of the cat, dead or alive. I had forgotten all about the cat to be honest" he admitted.
"Would that cat have survived this long?" Asked Harry.

"He could've. You see Crookshanks isn't 100% cat. He is half Kneezle. Which is a cat-like magical creature, that is extremely loyal. So there is every chance that this is the same cat" replied Jenny.
"Well then, do you want him back?" Asked Hermione awkwardly.
Jenny shook her head.
"Of course not. He's yours now. He was never mine, I bought him as a gift for my brother. And now his original owners are gone, it makes sense that you should have him. Besides, I heard from Harry and Sirius that the cat helped you out a few times, he even saved Sirius's life a few years ago. You keep him Hermione".
Hermione smiled and threw her arms around Jenny and thanked her.
"Alright, come on every one. You need to be ready leave in the next 5 minutes, so get going" ordered Mrs Weasley.

10 minutes later and everyone had finally said goodbye to one another, and Jenny and Sirius watched Harry and his friends leave, with Remus and Tonks as their escorts.
"They'll be fine Sirius" said Jenny, patting his shoulder.
"I know. I'm just going to miss him so much. I'm going to miss you too" he said.
"What do you mean you're going to miss me? I'm not going anywhere" replied Jenny folding her arms.
Sirius smiled sadly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter addressed to Jenny.
"Sady, your house elf had this sent over to you, through Dumbledore. It arrived at the Potter Manor, the day you left St Mungos. It's from the Ministry of Magic. It says so on the back" said Sirius as he handed her the letter.

Jenny looked at him as she tore open the letter, letting the envelope fall to the ground. She scanned the paper quickly with her eyes, before looking back to Sirius.
"They want to meet me. Why do they want to meet me?" She asked.
Sirius shrugged.
"Maybe because you just came out of a coma. Maybe they want to talk to you about your parents will, perhaps James's death affected something. I don't know" he replied.
"I'm not in trouble am I?"
"Of course not Jenny. But listen, there is one thing you have to remember, you cannot mention me, or anything you might have heard about the Order of the phoenix while you were here".

Jenny rolled her eyes.
"What?" Questioned Sirius.
"Nothing. It's just, this conversation reminds me of another one we had. When you accused me of betraying the Orders secrets. When will you get it into your head. I'm not an idiot. I realise that the ministry want you dead, and they don't believe You-Know-Who is back. I'm a fast learner Sirius. I understand what I can and cannot say" she replied.
"How do you even remember that?"
"Because it doesn't feel that long ago. To me, that conversation only took place the other day"
Sirius sighed.
"I have a bad habit of underestimating you don't I?".
"Yes and it's rather insulting" replied Jenny, teasingly.
Sirius threw his arm around her shoulders.
"Come on lets get you packed, your ladyship" joked Sirius.
Jenny jabbed him in the stomach, and he feigned injury, making Jenny laugh.

Leaving Sirius alone later that day, was one of the hardest things Jenny had done in her life so far. Deep down she knew that she couldn't stay with him forever, but she was reluctant to go back home alone without him.
Remus would be taking her via side-along apparation, to her front door, where she would have a few hours to settle into her house before the minister of magic and some of his employees arrived.
"I'll see you soon" said Jenny as she hugged Sirius goodbye.
"I know. It's just very hard to say goodbye" he replied.
Jenny let go of Sirius and took hold of Remus's hand.

"I could come back tomorrow, for all you know" she said as she picked up the cage containing Jay.
"Right" he mumbled.
"And you can always stick your head in my fireplace whenever you want"
"I know"
"And you can owl me everyday if you want to. Even more than once if you need to"
"I sure can"
"Well then, it's not really goodbye is it. It's more of a, see you later"
"O.K. Well, see you later Jenny"
"See you later Sirius"
Remus opened the door and dragged Jenny with him. Once Sirius closed the door, the house began to vanish from view.
"Ready?" Asked Remus.
Jenny nodded, and the two of them dissapparated.

Once they arrived at the Potter Manor, they made their way inside. After a few minutes Remus said farewell, and left her alone.
She couldn't hear Sady, but Jenny knew she was somewhere in the house.
All she had to do to summon her, would be to say her name, and she knew that.
But right there and then, Jenny felt more alone than she had ever felt in her whole life.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now