Another brother

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Summer 1975

James had only been home from school for about a week, when the whole house was awakened in the middle of the night. There was a loud knocking coming from the front door.
James answered the door, while Jenny watched nosily from behind a nearby pillar.
As James opened the door, he gasped. Sirius stood in front of him, soaking wet, and holding a suitcase.
Once Jenny saw who was at the door, she began to run towards them.
As she approached she noticed Sirius's unusual appearance. He had red rings around his eyes as if he had been crying. He had a cut lip, and a large purple bruise on his cheek.

"What happened?" Asked Jenny.
"I couldn't do it any more. I couldn't live with them any longer. I didn't know where else to come" replied Sirius, a tear running down his cheek.
James stepped forward and hugged him, patting his back in a brotherly way. Once it was done they walked inside, heading in the direction of James's room.
But they were stopped by Fleamont and Euphemia, who both wore looks of immense concern.

After ushering everyone into the sitting room, Fleamont waved his wand and started a fire. While Euphemia went to fetch a blanket and some tea.
Sirius sat on the sofa in front of the fire, trying to get dry and warm up, James and Jenny sat either side of him. Euphemia had tried to convince her daughter to go back to bed, with little success.
When Euphemia returned, she wrapped a blanked around Sirius's shoulders and handed him the cup of tea, before sitting on the second sofa, next to her husband.
"Now dear, why don't you tell us what happened" she said kindly.
Sirius took a sip of tea, and then held it in his hands to keep them warm.

"It was just an argument that got out of hand. We argue all the time, me and mother. She was going on about how Regulus was the perfect son. A true pure blood son, of the noble house of Black. She said she was going to try and write me out of the will entirely, so that I would be left with nothing. It ended with father hitting me, and mother throwing various objects at me until I left. I don't think they want me to come home ever again" explained Sirius.
"Well you are very welcome to live here with us, Merlin knows, you are here almost every day anyway. When you turn 17, we will support you financically if you need it. But we don't need to worry about that just yet. Right now, its time for everyone to go back to bed" replied Euphemia.
"Thank you. You are too kind" said Sirius politely.

Fleamont stood up, waved his wand and sent Sirius's case upstairs.
"You can have the guest room on the same floor as James, use the one opposite his room. But I don't want you staying up all night talking, I don't want you to make me regret my decision to have you two that close" said Fleamont smiling.
Sirius stood up and smiled. Then without warning he threw himself at Fleamont's waist. Holding him tightly.
Fleamont hugged him back.
"There you go son. It will be alright in the end" he said.
He then looked over at his wife.
"Well dear, it looks like we have another son" he continued.

Everyone laughed and began making their way out of the room.
"And I have another brother" said Jenny yawning.
Euphemia put her arm around her daughters shoulders.
"All right you, straight to bed and no arguing" she replied.
Jenny yawned again.
James put his arm around Sirius as they walked up the stairs and grinned.
"What?" Asked Sirius.
"I was just thinking what a great summer this is going to be. The three of us living in the same house" whispered James.
Sirius grinned back.
"Yeah. I think Moony and Wormtail will be jealous" he muttered.

When the boys got to their floor, they were finally alone, as Jenny's room was on the floor below.
"Night mate" said James, pushing his door open.
"Night Prongs" replied Sirius, sighing.
He opened the door to his new room and paused. James was right, this really was going to be a great summer, he can feel it. Smiling, he closed the door and got into bed, fully clothed. Not bothering to unpack, as he could always do that in the morning.
After-all mummy and daddy Potter had told him to go straight to bed. He didn't want to disappoint them, not on his first night.
But when the door squeaked open, and James tiptoed in, he smiled to himself.
This was going to be a long summer.

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