Rescue Mission

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The next few months went by quickly.
Jenny spent half her time at the Potter Manor, and the other half at Grimmauld Place with Sirius.
Sometimes Remus would come over to see her. He usually explained to her, everything that had happened while she wasn't awake. She wanted to know every little detail that she had missed.
Jenny was sad to the learn the fate of the Longbottoms, who she had met several times.
They weren't like her though. Remus had explained that their minds had been almost destroyed, and they had become like small children. Whereas she had become stuck, almost frozen.
She had just needed waking up from a sort of deep sleep, but for the Longbottoms there was no cure, or magic wake up spell that could save them.

Harry occasionally wrote letters to her, but Jenny could tell that he didn't really know how to react around her. She was his aunt, but he didn't really know her.
It didn't help that she refused to act her age. As she preferred to behave like a 19 year old, it made things awkward, as that was only a few years older than Harry.
Jenny wanted to get to know Harry, as he was her saviour. Without him, Jenny may never have woken up.
But it wasn't just Jenny, that Harry was being distant with. He wasn't sending as many owls to Sirius or Remus either. Something was clearly troubling Harry, and Jenny wanted to find out what it was.

When she wasn't learning about the world from Remus, she was practising magic, and getting her body used to moving again.
With permission from the Ministry she was also allowed to learn how to apparate. A ministry official came round every day for 2 weeks, until she could apparate perfectly on her own.
It wasn't her favourite mode of transport, but she was old enough to understand the importance of the skill.
She also spent a fair bit of time in the library reading, pouring over books to expand her knowledge.
Jenny hadn't lied to Sirius when she said that she wanted to get out more, she was just too afraid to leave her house at the moment.
She felt safe in her back garden, as she knew she was being protected by very old, strong magic.
But she had become too afraid to step outside her front door on her own. She kept thinking back to the last time she did that, and how she had almost lost her life and her sanity.

Night-time was the worst.
Nightmares came to her in the form of flashbacks. She would wake up screaming and Sady would have to sit by her bed, and try to comfort her, until she fell back to sleep.
One man kept coming back to her. Everything about him, was stuck in her mind. His mask, his voice, even his smell. She knew she would never forget him for as long as she lived.
That's the name that was always being repeated in her dreams. It was what the smaller death eater had called her torturer. It was the name she was too afraid to speak out loud, in case it somehow summoned him, or alerted him to her presence.
She hadn't even told Remus or Sirius about him, or her nightmares. As far as they were aware, she couldn't remember anything about the night she was tortured.
And that was the way she wanted it to stay.

One afternoon, Jenny was at Grimmauld Place with Sirius. This was the same day as Harry's last exam, and he has promised that he would write to Sirius, telling him how it went. So Jenny had come over to read the letter with Sirius, when it arrived.
"So how do you think he'll do?" Asked Jenny.
"I don't know" admitted Sirius.
"Well is he smart?"
"Yeah I think so. He's good at magic I mean"
"That's good. James did good in his exams didn't he?".
Sirius smiled.
"He did good in the exams that he cared about".
"Ha, yeah. I don't remember him scoring too highly in Divination"
"I think Harry's going to be in the same boat".

"Oh well, you can't win at everything. As long as he does well in the main ones. Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions-" started Jenny.
"He hates Potions" Sirius interrupted.
Jenny frowned.
"Well if he has that greasy-haired git, who came over when I was here, teaching him. I can see why he hates it".
"You did OWLs didn't you Jenny?"
"Yes. But I just had someone from the Ministry come to my house, to watch me do them. I didn't have to do it in a large hall with other people"
"Did you pass them all?"
"Of course. I only got an Acceptable in Care of Magical Creatures though. However, as I had never actually seen any of the creatures. And all my work was theory based, I thought I did quite well"
"I suppose you did".

Suddenly there was a tremendous screeching sound from above, cutting their conversation short.
"What was that?" Asked Jenny, standing to her feet and removing her wand from her pocket.
"I'm not sure. It might have been Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. Stay here I'm going to go and check" replied Sirius as he headed towards the door.
"No. I'm coming with you".
Sirius looked like he was going to refuse at first, but he nodded, and allowed Jenny to go up with him.

When they reached Buckbeak's room, Sirius opened the door slowly and entered the room.
Jenny gasped as she saw the Hippogriff laying on the floor, with it's leg hanging at a funny angle. Sirius bowed at Buckbeak, who returned the bow, and then approached him slowly.
Sirius touched the Hippogriff's leg, causing him to screech again. Sirius removed his hand and looked over at Jenny, who was standing uncomfortably in the doorway.
"I think the leg's broken. I need you to fetch some bandages from the cabinet in the downstairs bathroom" ordered Sirius
"Why don't you just use magic to fix it?" Asked Jenny.
"I'm no Madame Pomfrey. I don't want to distress him, by healing his bones quickly with magic. I will wrap up the leg and give him a potion for the pain. Once he is asleep and out of pain, I will heal it then" explained Sirius.

Jenny nodded and ran out into the landing. She flicked her wand and summoned the things that Sirius needed, from downstairs. Once the things arrived, Jenny took them to Sirius, who started work straight away.
A few minutes later, and Sirius had finished healing Buckbeak, and him and Jenny made their way back downstairs.
"How do you think he hurt himself?" Asked Jenny.
"No idea. But I guess that a bedroom isn't the natural environment for a Hippogriff to live" he replied.
"No I don't think it is" said Jenny smiling.

"Sirius where are you" shouted a loud voice from downstairs.
"Who was that?" Jenny asked.
"I don't know" answered Sirius as he removed his wand. Jenny copied and removed hers.
Once they reached the bottom floor, they found Remus, Mad-Eye, Tonks, and Kingsley waiting for them.
"Sirius there you are" said Remus.
"What's going on? What are you all doing here?" Asked Sirius.
"It's Harry. He's gone the Ministry. He think's you're there. Snape sent word to us as soon as he realised Harry had left Hogwarts" answered Remus.
"Why would Harry think Sirius was at the Ministry?" Asked Jenny.

"Look, whatever Potter's motives were, they doesn't matter. We need to get to the Ministry as soon as possible" ordered Mad-Eye.
"O.K. Let's go then" said Sirius.
They all turned and began to leave, but Sirius stopped Jenny.
"You're not coming" said Sirius firmly.
"And why not?" Asked Jenny folding her arms.
"Because it's not safe".
Jenny rolled her eyes.
"Look we don't have time for this right now. Harry is in trouble".
"She's right Sirius" said Remus.
Sirius sighed but eventually he nodded, and they all ran out of the house. Once they were outside they all held hands and dissapparated.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now