The squirrel and the dog

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It took another 5 days before the healers would allow Jenny to go home. They also insisted that Remus stayed with her for a few days, to make sure she settled back into the Potter Manor.
But Jenny had no intention of going there, at least not straight away. She would be going to Grimmauld Place, to see Sirius.
The healers didn't really want her to go, but as soon as she could walk, though not very far, she demanded to be allowed to leave. She knew that Harry and his friends would be leaving for Hogwarts soon, and she wanted to be out by then, to say goodbye.
The healers found it hard to say farewell, as they had looked after her for 14 years. It was easy for Jenny to say her goodbyes, as in her mind, she hadn't been there very long.

They gave her back wand, which they had been keeping safe for her, as residents in that ward were not allowed to keep their wands.
She had also managed to get her hands on some scissors, and she cut her messy, matted hair, into a cute pixie cut. To help herself to feel younger, as her body felt foreign to her.
She was escorted to Grimmauld Place by Remus and Harry, who were able to get a muggle taxi to a nearby street, as they couldn't give the real address.
Remus had the location on a piece of paper that Dumbledore had given him. He let Jenny read it, and then he destroyed it.

Once they arrived on the street, Jenny realised that she couldn't see the number 12.
"But Remus, there isn't the right number on the street" said Jenny.
"Think about the number carefully" replied Remus.
Jenny obeyed and began thinking of number 12. As soon as she did, a house began to appear out of nowhere.
"Wow" commented Jenny.
Remus smiled and gestured to the house, Jenny stepped forward and the other two followed closely behind her.

Once inside, she found herself in a long, dark corridor. When Remus slammed the door shut behind them it made her jump.
The corridor had a hideous carpet, and a bizarre choice of wallpaper. She looked down the end of corridor, and then she saw him.
Sirius Black.
Neither of them moved for a moment. They just stood at opposite ends of the corridor, staring at each other. Then suddenly Jenny began to run, as fast as her weak legs could carry her, towards Sirius.
When she reached him, she jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. He had more facial hair than she remembered, and he, like Remus, appeared to have aged much more than you would've expected in 14 years.

Eventually they parted, and he gently placed her back onto the floor.
"Hello Padfoot" she croaked, trying not to burst into tears.
"Hi there Ash" he replied.
She could tell by his face, that he was also trying to hold in the tears.
"Come this way. We've got a welcome back party all set up for you" he continued, gesturing towards the kitchen.
"After you" said Jenny.
Sirius smiled and threw his arm around Jenny's neck, leading the way into the kitchen.

The kitchen had been decorated with 'welcome back' banners, as well as countless different Christmas ornaments and decorations.
The food was delicious, and much better than the food Jenny had been eating in St Mungos, but she couldn't eat much of it, as her appetite was still very small.
Jenny sat at the table in between Remus and Sirius, and was just like old times.
"What happened to Sady?" Jenny asked Remus.
"After it was clear that you weren't going to wake up she went back to work at Hogwarts. I have spoken to Dumbledore and he said that once a week she would return to the Potter Manor to clean it. He also said that she has already begun to make the Manor ready for your return" he answered.
"That's good. I won't be alone, if I do decide to go back home. What happened to Mellow?".

"Who is Mellow?" Asked Harry.
"Mellow is my cat" she replied.
Remus looked awkward.
"I'm afraid she died several years ago Jenny. I took her home with me to live, she had a good life, I promise".
"Thank you Remus" replied Jenny.
"Oh, that reminds me. We got you a present" said Sirius.
Jenny smiled.
"What is it?"
"You'll have to wait and see" replied Sirius standing up.
He left the room and came back carrying a cage with a red cloth over it.
Jenny stood up and removed the cloth.
She gasped. Inside was a beautiful brown, Tawny owl.

"He's for you. This will make it easier for us to talk when you go back home. You will also be able to write to Harry as well" explained Sirius.
Jenny threw her arms around him.
"Careful" he said.
"Thank you Sirius" replied Jenny, as she took the cage from him.
"What are you going to call him" asked Harry, who sat opposite her.
Jenny thought for a moment.
"I'm going to call him Jay. After James" she answered.
Remus nodded. "Good name".

The next day was the last day of the holidays, and Harry and the others would be returning to Hogwarts the next day.
Sirius was sad about Harry leaving, but Jenny always managed to make him smile.
After breakfast Jenny had somehow managed to lose Sirius. She bumped into Ron and Hermione on the landing, looking nervous.
"What is it? Where is Sirius?" Asked Jenny.
"He's downstairs with Harry" answered Hermione.
"And Snape" snarled Ron.
"Snape. That git who James hated?" Questioned Jenny.

"Yes. He's the potions master at Hogwarts now. You know him?" Asked Hermione curiously.
Jenny nodded.
"Yes, I remember all the Marauders talking about some guy they disliked at school called Snape. Actually, I think he came up in conversation a lot".
"Well he is here to talk to Harry" replied Hermione.
"Oh dear, I had better go down there, to stop Sirius doing something he'll regret" said Jenny.

As she approached the kitchen, she began to hear raised voices. She placed her hand on the door handle, and Remus appeared behind her.
"I was about to go in and make sure everything was O.K" he admitted.
"Me too" she replied.
She opened the door and Remus followed her in.
Sirius was standing up and glaring at Snape, who was standing opposite him, while Harry sat on the other-side of the table, in between in two.
"Wait a moment" snapped Sirius.
Snape sneered at him. "I am in rather a hurry, Black. Unlike you, I do not have unlimited leisure time".

Sirius balled his fist in his pocket.
"I'll get to the point. If I hear you're using these Occlumency lessons to give Harry a hard time, you'll have me to answer to".
"How touching. But surely you have noticed that Potter is very like his father" Snape sneered.
"Yes, I have" said Sirius proudly.
Jenny smiled at her best friends courage, and fierceness towards the greasy-haired man in the room.
"Well then, you'll know he's so arrogant that criticism simply bounces off him" said Snape.
Remus had to grab hold of Jenny to stop her running forward and attacking Snape.
Sirius removed his wand from his pocket, and Harry had to climb over the table to stop Sirius from doing the same.

"I've warned you Snivellus. I don't care if Dumbledore think's you've reformed, I know better-" said Sirius, barely a foot from Snape's face.
"Oh, but why don't you tell him. Or are you afraid he might not take very seriously the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mothers house for 6 months" interrupted Snape.
Sirius raised his wand, and Jenny fought off Remus and ran to Sirius's side, drawing her own wand to defend him, as Snape began to point his wand towards Sirius's face.
Suddenly the entire Weasley family entered the room, with Mr Weasley in his pyjamas smiling. "All cured" he said.

They all lowered there wands and Snape glared at Harry.
"6'oclock, Monday evening, Potter".
Then he left, without saying one word to the Weasleys.
After everyone had congratulated Mr Weasley on his recovery, Jenny found Sirius, standing unhappily in the corner.
"I don't like him" she whispered, her thoughts still on Snape.
Sirius turned to her and smiled.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now