Mr and Mrs Potter

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1st of September 1978

James and Lily had chosen to get married on the first of September, as that was the day that James first met Lily. James had wanted to invite Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. But the headmaster managed to convince James, that having that many Order members in one place, was too big a risk. Although he did promise to pop by the Potter Manor later on.
James and Lily wouldn't be meeting each other, until they were in the church, as they didn't want to cursed with any bad luck. However Jenny had planned to spend some time with James, before going over to Lily's to get ready with her.

James was waiting patiently in the church with Sirius by his side. The other Marauders were on his right, and his parents were over on the left.
The vicar was a Muggle, that Lily had known since childhood, and the church was in her home town. James had wanted to get married in a beautiful garden somewhere. But Lily had wanted their wedding to be traditional.
"Calm down Prongs, you are making me nervous" whispered Sirius.
"Sorry Padfoot. I'm just a bit on edge" admitted James.
"Yeah, I can tell".

Eventually the organ began to play and James turned to his his little sister walking up the aisle holding a bunch of pink roses and yellow lilies. She wore a beautiful light pink, floor length dress, that matched the roses. The smile on her face was infectious. She grinned at James and he finally began to relax.
He looked behind Jenny and saw Lily a few feet behind. She wore a white wedding dress, with a yellow sash around her waist that matched the lilies that were in her bouquet. It was the same as Jenny's but a bigger.
Once she reached James, Lily handed her bouquet to Jenny who stood on her left, and took hold of James's hands. They read their vows, and Sirius handed them their wedding rings from a small yellow cushion that he had been holding since the beginning of the service.

"And I now prennounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" said the vicar.
Lily and James looked into each other's eyes and leaned in to kiss each other, causing everyone in the room to applaud. When Sirius began to cheer too loudly, they withdrew and began walking back down the aisle hand in hand.
The opened the back door and were assulted by a large amount of confetti that had been thrown in their faces.
James gasped as he looked around him, and saw a bunch of his old class mates. Including Alice and Frank Longbottom who had married three weeks before.
"Surprise" said Sirius who had appeared behind James, making him jump.
"You are unbelievable" replied James.

Lily began pulling James towards a woman in the crowd, who was drying her tears with a white handkerchief.
"Professor McGonagall. I didn't think we would be seeing you until later" admitted James.
"It was young master Black's idea. He thought you would like to be surprised on your wedding day" she revealed.
"Well I am surprised. It's nice to see you, but shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?"
"I would normally be there now. But the Hogwarts Express won't arrive until late this evening. Then I will have to be there to welcome the first years. But I couldn't miss the chance to see two of my favourite students getting married".
"Thank you for coming" replied Lily.
"Right everyone. Clear the way for Mr and Mrs Potter. Anyone who wants to come back to the Potter Manor for drinks is welcome" said Sirius loudly.

The large dining room had been decorated for the wedding. And there were many guests at the Potter Manor, as lots of people had wanted to offer their congratulations.
Sirius gave a very embarrassing speech as best man, and James gave a very heartfelt one about his new bride. Making all the women, and some of the men cry.
Eventually all the guests said their goodbyes, and it was just the marauders left in the house. James and Lily had ordered a muggle taxi to drive them and their belongings to Godrics Hollow. They had just started saying goodbye to everyone, when Jenny and Sirius suddenly ran upstairs.
"What are they doing?" Asked James.
Remus smiled cheekily.
"They are just getting your wedding present" he revealed.

A few moments later, the pair came down the stairs, and Sirius was holding a large round box in his arms. Once they reached the bottom, Sirius handed the box over to Jenny.
Jenny walked up to James and handed it to him.
"Congratulations" she said smiling.
"Jenny, how did you manage to get me a present?" Asked James.
"Sirius and Remus took me to Diagon Alley last week to get you something from me" Jenny answered.
"You shouldn't have. What if something bad had happened?" Questioned James, as he began to remove the bow from the box.
"It's something for both of you" added Jenny.

Lily took the lid of the box and looked inside, gasping in delight. She placed her hands inside and picked up the small ginger kitten from the box. It had a squished, ugly looking face, and a mess of fur.
"He's called Crookshanks" said Jenny.
James shook his head, and tried not to laugh at the kittens appearance.
While Lily's eyes seemed to melt when she saw the pitiful little creature. She brought it to her chest and then ran forward and hugged Jenny.
"You are my sister now Jenny. Anything you need, you come to me o.k" said Lily, with tears running down her eyes.
Jenny nodded, and rested her head on Lily's shoulder, leaking tears onto Lily's dress.

Eventually they came out of their embrace, and laughed as they wiped their tears away.
"Come on Lily, the taxi is here. We need to go now" announced James, breaking the silence as he placed the empty cat box on the floor.
Peter and Remus picked up some of the bags and took them outside and began packing them into the taxi.
James hugged his parents goodbye, and then he approached Jenny, who began crying again. He bent down and held her tight.
"Take care of yourself Jen. I'll see you soon" he said to her.
The two released each other and Jenny nodded her head.
"Sure" she muttered.

James went over to Sirius and hugged him. "See you soon mate" said James.
"Yeah, see you Prongs. Have a good night" replied Sirius letting him go and then winking.
James then said goodbye to Peter, and then Remus, once he was done, he took hold of Lily's hand. And the young couple got into the back of the car, waving to everyone as they drove off.
"Guess it's just you and me left then Jenny" sighed Sirius placing his arm around her shoulders.
Jenny wiped away her tears from her face, and turned to look at Sirius.
"Yeah, I guess so" she agreed.
"The two best looking ones are without dates. It's always the way" sighed Sirius.
Jenny laughed.
"I suppose so. Just don't tell James that".
"Wouldn't dream of it" promised Sirius.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now