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"Where is Sirius?" Asked Jenny, once the healers finished telling her about her brother's death.
"No one knows dear. But don't worry, he won't be able to hurt you in here" answered Tabitha.
Jenny looked over at Harry, who avoided looking at her. Clearly he knew more than he was saying.
"Look, you don't understand, Sirius wasn't the secret keeper when James died, it was Peter. Peter Pettigrew" she explained.
The two healers looked at each other worriedly. Believing that there was something wrong with Jenny's mind.
"My dear, you have been out for a long time. It's easy to get confused. Sirius Black was the traitor, he betrayed your brother and killed Peter Pettigrew" replied Tabitha.

Jenny shook her head.
"No that isn't true. I know Sirius. He would never have betrayed my brother, he would have given his life to save James".
Florence placed her hand on Jenny's shoulder.
"I know this has come as a shock. But you need to calm down. Or you will do yourself an injury.
"Fine. If I remain calm, please can you leave me alone to talk to my nephew?" asked Jenny calmly.
The two healers were sceptical at first, but eventually agreed to leave the two alone for a few minutes.

Once they were gone, Jenny instructed Harry to pull the curtain around the bed, to give them some privacy.
"Now, Harry, I know you don't know me very well, and i don't know you. But earlier, when I was talking about Sirius you looked like you knew more than you were letting on" said Jenny.
Harry looked at the floor and didn't say anything.
"Please Harry, if you know where Sirius is, then tell me, I beg you. I need to see him" she begged.
Harry looked around the enclosed space, to make sure they were alone.
"I know where he is. He is safe" whispered Harry.
Jenny let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank Merlin. I couldn't stand to lose him to".

"He's living at his parents house" Harry revealed.
Jenny threw back her bed covers.
"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go" she suggested.
She pushed herself off the bed and onto her feet. But her legs were very weak, and she fell straight onto the floor, hitting her face with a loud smack.
Jenny turned her head sideways.
"Well that was embarrassing" she admitted.
Harry had to use all of his strength to get Jenny back onto the bed. It was a good thing she was so small, he thought.
"Thank you Harry. Let's never repeat what just happened to anyone" she said smiling.
Harry nodded and smiled back.

Suddenly the curtain was yanked open and Remus Lupin stepped inside. Followed by Mad-eye-Moody, Mrs Weasley, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione.
Remus approached the bed, on the opposite side to Harry. Jenny looked up at him, as if trying to remember who he was. When he smiled, the years melted away, and Jenny realised who stood before her. He may be older, and slightly worse for wear, but it was definitely her Remus.
"Hello Moony" said Jenny, trying to break the awkward silence.
After a few seconds, Remus threw his arms around her, holding her tight. Tears of joy sliding down his cheek.
"I never lost hope" he said.
"The healers said you came every month to see me" she replied.
"I did. James would never have forgiven me if I left you on your own"
"Well for whatever reason you came. Thank you"
"I'm glad you're back Jenny".

Jenny frowned.
"It doesn't feel like I've been away. In my mind I'm still 19. But I worked it out in my head earlier. I'm 32 Remus. 32. They say the best years of your life are your 20's. And I've missed them all".
Remus took hold of Jenny's hand's like he used to, and squeezed it tight.
"It doesn't matter. You're back, and that's what's important".
"Then I need you to get me out of here" revealed Jenny.
"I can't do that Jenny. You need to get your strength up. Your muscles haven't been used in years. It could take days, even weeks before you remember how to walk again, and your legs are strong enough to support you"
"I'm not staying here a minute longer"
"No Remus. I want to leave. I need to get home and get back to normal. Or whatever my new version of normal is. And I have to see Padfoot Remus. I understand that he can't come here, so I will have to go to him".

"Jenny that isn't realistic. Not yet anyway" admitted Remus.
"He's alone Remus. He's trapped in his parents house, he hates that place. That's why he ran away and came to live with me and James. He needs me. And I need him" sobbed Jenny.
Remus sighed, knowing that he could never win this argument so he began to leave.
"I will talk to the healers, and find out the earliest time that you can leave"
"Thank you Remus".
"You're welcome"
"Once I'm out of here then I can see Padfoot. And then I will start my search".

Remus stopped and turned back to face her. "Search for what?" He questioned.
"Wormtail. And when I find him. I'm going to kill him" admitted Jenny.
"Me and Padfoot were going to kill him once"
"Then why didn't you?".
Remus looked over at Harry.
"A certain young man told me that perhaps my best friend wouldn't want me to become a murderer, just for that piece of filth".
"And you let that stop you. You let that traitor get away" said Jenny.
"We meant to hand him over to the Dementers, but he got away"
"Well wherever he is, I will find him"
"No. I can't lose you too"
"Fine... If you want me to stay with you, then I won't leave. But if I ever see him again, I will kill him. And I won't hesitate".

"I'm fine with that. I just don't want you wandering off, just when i've got you back" instructed Remus.
"It's O.K Remus. I promise i won't go anywhere" replied Jenny.
Jenny smiled as Remus left to talk to the healers.
"So Harry, why don't you introduce me to your friends" she said, indicating to other people standing awkwardly at the end of her bed.
Harry nodded and began introducing the people in the group. He started with his friends and Ginny, and he ended on Mad-Eye and Mrs Weasley.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now