A terrible itch

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Jenny fired a spell at Sirius who dodged it, and shot one back, which Jenny blocked.
"Getting good Ash" said Sirius smiling
"Could say the same for you Padfoot" Jenny replied, scratching her back, with her left her hand, and holding her wand tight in her hand.
"Ha, well your luck is about to run out" said Sirius, raising his wand, threateningly.
Jenny rolled her eyes, and twisted her wand around her fingers. "Give me your best shot".

Red sparks flew from Sirius's wand towards Jenny, who quickly swished her wand in front of her body protectively. She then fired a spell back at Sirius who deflected it, sending it back her way. She dropped to the floor, and the spell smashed into the wall behind her.
She didn't have any time to check the damage, as Sirius was already sending another spell towards her. She stopped it and got back up onto her feet.
"You are only trying to disarm each other remember" Remus warned.
"Try telling her that" replied Sirius.
Jenny smiled and sent a purple spell back to him, he waved his wand and the spell flew to his right, hitting the fireplace.

For the next few minutes the room was full of colour, as spells flew left, right and centre. Some would fly too close to Remus, and he would have to block the spell to save himself.
But just as Jenny sent a spell off to her right, the doors opened and Peter stepped into the room. He squealed as he saw the spell approaching. It hit him square in the chest and sent him flying backwards into the great hall. He did several somersaults, before landing hard on his bottom.
Jenny and Sirius stopped dueling and ran out the room after Peter, closely followed by Remus.
"Sorry Wormy. We should've locked the door" Sirius appologised, pulling Peter off the floor.

"That's alright. Whose spell was it?" Peter asked, rubbing his bottom.
"Well it was Sirius's spell, but I deflected it towards the door. Sorry" admitted Jenny, scratching her back absentmindedly.
"Don't worry about it Jenny. Should we go and get your parents and warn them about the damage I can see you have done to your practice room? Asked Peter.
Jenny shook her head.
"No point worrying them. We can fix it ourselves. Besides, they said they were feeling a bit under the weather" Jenny answered.
"O.K then" replied Peter.
"I am getting good though, aren't I?" Questioned Jenny, turning towards Sirius.
"Most definitely. I think you could even give James a run for his money" Sirius replied smiling.

"Good" said Jenny, rubbing her back.
"Are you alright Jenny?" Asked a concerned Remus.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a really bad itch. It's driving me insane. You know how it is" she answered.
"Do you want me to take a look?" Remus asked.
Jenny shrugged and turned her back to him, the others walked round and stood beside Remus as he lifted up the back of her shirt.
"Well. What is it?" Asked Jenny.
"You've got spots. Your covered in them actually" Remus answered.
"Well that's one way of putting it Moony. In fact you've also got a slight green tinge to some of skin back here" said Sirius.

Peter gasped and took a step back. Sirius and Remus turned to face him.
"What?" Questioned Sirius.
"That's Dragon Pox that is. Killed one of my uncles it did. He was covered in spots, and it turned his skin green, it looked like that" replied Peter, pointing and Jenny's back.
Jenny turned round to face the others.
"What's Dragon Pox?" She asked.
"It's an illness. Very contagious in fact. There is a cure, but it still takes lives every now and again. If the person is old, or already weak then it's harder for them to fight it" Remus answered.
Jenny stepped back.
"And that's what you think I've got?" She asked.

"I can't say for sure. But we had better get you to St Mungos, just to make sure. Sirius can you and tell James? Remus suggested.
"No, I'll go. You can stay with Jenny, I know how close you two are" interrupted Peter.
Remus shrugged, and Peter ran off outside so that he could disapparate.
"Great. Even Wormtail is scared of me" said Jenny sadly.
"He'll get over it" replied Sirius.
"Yes he will. Now lets get going. If it is Dragon Pox, then the quicker you get treatment the better" instructed Remus.
Jenny nodded and began following them towards the fireplace in the main dining room.
The three of them travelled to London via floo powder, and then walked to the rest of the way on foot.

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