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Jenny stood at Kings Cross station, wearing muggle clothing.
She was accompanied by Remus, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Fred and George. They were all waiting for Harry to come through the magical barrier on Platform 9 and 3/4.
Eventually he came through with Ron, Hermione and Ginny at his side.
Mrs Weasley embraced her children, and then Harry.
"Hello Harry" said Jenny, as Mrs Weasley let go of Harry and moved to embrace Hermione.
"Hi... I didn't expect... What are you all doing here?" Asked Harry.
"Well we thought we might have a little chat with your aunt and uncle, before letting them take you home" answered Remus.
"But before we do, I need to talk to you" said Jenny, taking hold of Harry's arm and dragging him away from the crowd.

"I want you to write to me this summer Harry. I know you used to write to Sirius a lot, but since he's gone I thought you might want someone magical to talk to during your break. And if you want to come and visit me and the manor, you're very welcome to. Just send me an owl first O.K" said Jenny.
Harry smiled.
"I will".
"Good. Listen, Harry. I am going to be busy this summer. I've joined the Order, and Dumbledore has a few tasks for me to do" she replied.

"No you can't. It's too dangerous" protested Harry.
"You sound like Sirius" replied Jenny, smiling sadly.
"That's because he was right. I don't want to lose you too"
"You won't. I promise I will be careful, and I won't engage in anything dangerous without consulting someone first"
"I suppose the more people trying to take down Voldemort, the better".
Jenny smiled.
"That's right. Now lets go back and join the others shall we".

Jenny and Harry walked back to the group, who were currently staring at Fred and George's new dragon skin suits.
"I still don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to the Dursley's" admitted Harry.
"Oh, I think it is. That'll be them, will it Potter" said Mad-Eye, pointing at the three Dursley's, who were looking appalled to see Harry's reception committee.
"Well, shall we do it?" Asked Mr Weasley.
"Yeah, I reckon so Arthur" replied Mad-Eye.
The group began to walk over the Dursley's who were looking scared and embarrassed.
"Good afternoon" said Mr Weasley pleasantly, as he came to a halt right in front of Vernon Dursley.
Vernon began to turn a deeper shade of puce, but chose not to say anything. As the Dursley's were vastly outnumbered.

"We thought we 'd have a few words with you about Harry" said Mr Weasley.
"Particularly about how is treated at your place" growled Mad-Eye.
"I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house-"
"I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books Dursley" interrupted Mad-Eye.
"The point is, that if we find out that you've been mistreating Harry. And make no mistake, we'll hear about it. You'll have us to answer to" explained Jenny.
"Are you threatening me girl?" Asked Vernon loudly, that passers-by actually began to stare.

"We are" smiled Mad-Eye menicingly.
"And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?" Questioned Vernon.
"Well..." started Mad-Eye, as he pushed back his bowler hat, to reveal his revolving magical eye.
Vernon jumped back in horror, and collided painfully with a luggage trolley.
Mad-Eye turned away from Vernon and back to Harry.
"So, Potter... Give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along".
Petunia whimpered, plainly worried about what the neighbours would think, if this group of people turned up at her house.

Everyone then began saying their goodbyes to Harry. Leaving Jenny until last.
"Bye Harry" she said quietly
"Bye Jenny. Stay safe" he begged.
"You too".
Jenny leaned forward and kissed Harry gently on his forehead, like Sirius and James used to do to her.
Harry turned away and began pulling his luggage in the direction that the Dursley's were walking in.
"He'll be O.K won't he?" Jenny asked Remus.
He nodded.
"He'll be fine Jenny. Hopefully his aunt and uncle will have us in mind, if they think of being horrible to Harry".
"I think he was glad to see us"
"Yes, I think he was".
Remus placed his arm affectionately around Jenny's shoulders, and the two of them walked off into the distance, holding each other tight, afraid to let go.
Jenny realised that she wasn't completely alone, she still had Remus by her side. And always would.


Thank you for reading book one, Jennifer Potter and the Marauders. I didn't want to have too many scenes between Harry and Jenny. As book two, is going to focus on their relationship.

The next book will take place during Harry's 6th and 7th Year at Hogwarts.

Please read book 2 Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Jenny and Harry).

Please read book 3 Jennifer Potter and the marauders (the new world).

Please read book 4 Jennifer Potter and the marauders (The years that followed).

Please read the fjnal book, book 5 Jennifer Potter and the marauders (19 years later).

If you like my book, then please read the other books I have written. One of my other Harry Potter fanfics is called Death Eater Spawn, so please give it a go, if you are into this fandom.

Thank you.

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