Sirius goes Beyond the Veil

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They arrived in the Ministry of Magic in seconds. Jenny wanted to stop to take in the beauty and size of the place. But she knew they didn't have time to stop. They had to save Harry.
The 6 of them ran through the ministry, with their wands raised. When they reached the lift, Jenny felt brave enough to ask a question that had been bugging her since they arrived.
"How do you know where in the Ministry Harry is?" She questioned.
"Voldemort is after something Jenny. Something he didn't have last time. It's here at the Ministry. The Order has been protecting it, to make sure Voldemort doesn't get his hands on it. It's what Mr Weasley was guarding the night he was attacked" answered Sirius.
"What is it?" Asked Jenny.
Sirius opened his mouth to speak, but the lift stopped, and the doors opened.
"Department of Mysteries" said a female voice.
We are here, Jenny thought.

They exited the lift, and Mad-Eye and Kingsley began leading the way through the maze of corridors, until they reached their destination.
The doors swung open and they entered a large dark room. A group of death eaters were surrounding Harry, who was gripping some sort of clear ball in his hand. And he looked close to handing it over the the blond death eater in front of him.
"That's right. Now give us the prophecy, or watch your friends die" ordered the death eater smugly.
Jenny stared at the man in front of Harry, and she realised who it was. He was no longer wearing a mask, but his voice sounded the same as it did in her dreams.
"Malfoy" muttered Jenny.
The death eaters suddenly realised that they were no longer alone, but they were too slow.
The Order of the Phoenix had already sent a bunch of spells right at them. And the whole room erupted into a huge spell fight.

Jenny's one thought was to keep Harry safe. He had used the Order's arrival, as a distraction, to try and get him and his friend Neville out of harms way.
Jenny began trying to make her way towards the two boys, while attempting to deflect any spells that flew her way.
Sirius had the same idea. And even though he was fighting several death eaters at once, he was desperately trying to make his way towards Harry. And eventually he managed to get in front of Harry, while fighting the death eater Dolohov.
Harry pointed his wand at the death eater "Petrificus Totalus" he yelled.
Dolohov's arms and legs snapped together, and he keeled over backwards, landing with a crash on his back.
"Nice one James" said Jenny and Sirius at the same time. They looked over at each other and smiled, before returning their attention back to the room.

Malfoy began to approach them, attempting to take the prophecy from Harry.
"The prophecy, give me the prophecy, Potter" he snarled.
Jenny was angry. This was the man who haunted her nightmares. This was the man who had tortured her and ruined her life. She wasn't going to let him harm another Potter ever again.
Sirius managed to disarm Malfoy, who then raised his arms as if surrendering. But Jenny didn't trust him. She sent a spell at him, that hit him right in the chest and sent him flying backwards.
"Harry, take the prophecy, grab Neville and run. Jenny go with them" yelled Sirius as he ran off to go and duel his cousin Bellatrix.
Harry placed the prophecy into Neville's robe pocket, as he needed both his hands to drag Neville a long, as he had become injured in the fight.
Jenny stood guard, stopping any spells or death eaters that would try and stop the boys escape.

A stray spell hit Neville's legs, and they began to twitch and jerk about, making it impossible for them to continue.
"Come on" said Harry as he tried desperately to haul Neville along. As he gave another heave, he accidentally managed to tare Neville's robes.
The small glass ball dropped from his pocket and fell towards the floor. Smashing into dozens of pieces when it hit the floor.
"Harry, I'm so sorry" cried Neville.
"It doesn't matter. Just try and stand, let's get out of here" replied Harry as he tried to pull Neville up, and control his rage at losing the prophecy.
"Dumbledore" said Neville, staring over Harry's shoulder.
Harry turned to look where Neville was staring.

Albus Dumbledore entered the room, his wand aloft, his face white and serious. Harry felt a kind of electric charge surge through every particle of his body- they were saved.
Harry and Neville stopped running, as they no longer had any more thoughts about leaving.
Most of the death eaters began to scarper when they saw Dumbledore coming towards them. Only one pair continued to battle, unaware of the new arrival.
Jenny saw Sirius duck as Bellattrix shot a jet of red sparks over his head, Sirius was laughing at her.
"Come on, you can do better than that" he yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room.
Jenny smiled at her friends bravery and daring attitude, even in the middle of a battle.
Suddenly a second jet of light hit him square on the chest. The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock.
Jenny began to step towards Sirius, and Harry did the same.

It seemed to take an age for Sirius to fall, his body curved in a graceful arc, as he sank backwards through the ragged veil hanging from the arch, that Jenny hadn't really paid any attention to until now.
She looked at the face of her best friend as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil. Which fluttered for a moment, as though in a high wind, then it fell back into place.
Jenny heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream, as it echoed through the room.
Jenny fell to her knees and stared at the veil. He was gone.
Just like that. One second he was there, smiling at his own duelling skills. And the next he was gone forever .

Harry ran over to the place where Sirius last stood, and Remus grabbed Harry, holding him back. Stopping him from going any further.
"There's nothing you can do Harry" said Remus.
"Get him... Save him... He's only gone through" replied Harry, as he fought to get away from Remus.
"It's too late Harry"
"We can still reach him"
"There's nothing you can do Harry... Nothing... He's gone".
Jenny stared at the floor in front of her. Their words meant nothing to her. She was alone. She had lost her brother, but she wasn't there at the time. She missed him of course, but she hadn't been able to grieve for him properly.
This was different. Sirius had been there only seconds before, and now he would never be coming back.
She, unlike Harry, understood what the archway in the room was, and where it led to. There would be no return from that place. Sirius was gone forever.
He was dead.

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