Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs...

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After a week or so, Jenny felt that she had adapted to being an Animagus.
Her cat Mellow had even accepted her in her new form. She was hesitant at first of the squirrel, but the tabby cat warmed up to her master once she realised it was her.
Jenny was also glad that the Potter lands were so big. They could easily roam about in the bottom of the garden as their Animagus form, without being seen from the mansion.
On the last day of the Easter holidays, Jenny and the other Marauders, decided to have a bonfire in the garden, to celebrate their successful transformation, and end of the holidays.
Jenny sat on a wooden chair, wrapped in blankets, with Mellow on her lap, purring softly.
"You know something. I think we need nicknames, you know, something to call each others animal form" said Sirius sipping his butterbeer.
"What, like black dog?" Asked Jenny cheekily.

Sirius shook is head.
"No, not that. Something a bit more secretive, but something that still represents our animal" revealed Sirius.
He scratched his chin and looked around the circle, before pointing at James.
"Prongs. Cos that's what reindeer's have right?" He continued.
"I'm not a reindeer. I'm a stag" protested James puffing out his chest"
Sirius raised his hands as if surrendering.
"Whatever you say mate. So you're Prongs, Peter can be big tooth" continued Sirius.
James rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Who said you get to pick all the names?" He questioned.
"What would you call him then?" asked Sirius.

James thought for a minute before replying. "How about Wormtail?" He suggested.
Sirius nodded his head smiling.
"Not bad Prongs. Why don't you choose mine Jen" offered Sirius.
Jenny thought hard, she wanted to get this right. She thought back to a conversation that had had earlier in the week about Sirius's cute little pink pads he had on the bottom of his paws.
"Padfoot" she said.
James smiled at his sister.
"Padfoot. I like it" he complimented.
Sirius shook his head but smiled.
"What about me?" Asked Jenny.
Sirius looked at her sternly and then his eyes flicked to the ash tree behind her.

"Ash" Sirius said.
"Ash?" Said Jenny raising an eybrow.
"Yeah Ash. Squirrel's climb ash trees don't they. And your fur coat is similar to the colour of an ash tree isn't it" replied Sirius.
"I like Ash" said Peter quietly.
"Ash it is then" sighed Jenny.
"We need a nickname for Remus's wolf form, we can't leave him out" she continued.
"Good call sis. Peter, why don't you choose a name for Remus" offered James.
Peter suddenly turned red.
"Oh. Um... I'm not sure" he muttered awkwardly.
"Come on Wormtail, it can be anything werewolf related" urged Sirius.
"Umm, well how about Moony. Because he transforms on the full moon" suggested Peter quietly.

"Moony. I like it. What do you think, Moony?" Sirius asked, looking over at Remus.
"Moony is fine with me" Remus replied.
"Well there we are then. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Ash. The 5 marauders. I like it" said Sirius raising his butterbeer.
The others all copied and everyone stood up, Jenny had to hold Mellow with one hand, to stop her falling on the floor.
"The Marauders" they all chanted. Clanging their bottles together in unison as a celebration of their own brilliance.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now