A new beginning

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25th of December 1995

Ron, Harry, Ginny and Hermione had just said goodbye to Neville and his grandma. Having just met his brain damaged parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom. Harry was the only one in the group who already knew about Nevile's parents, having seen it in a pensive flashback the year before.
They were about to leave the ward, when Harry noticed that Hermione had stopped at one of the beds in the middle of the room.
"What is it Hermione?" Asked Harry.
"Come and look at this" instructed Hermione, gesturing at the bed she was in front of.
Harry and the gang approached Hermione, and stared at the patient in the bed.
In the bed lay a middle age woman, with messy black hair and bright blue eyes. She was staring at the wall behind them, her eyes un-moving.

"Who is she?" Harry asked.
Hermione pointed to a clipboard at the end of the bed, with the patients notes on.
Harry bent down to read them, and then looked up at Hermione.
"What does it say Harry?" Asked Ginny.
Harry didn't answer, but began to approach the women, round the side of her bed.
Ginny and Ron looked to Hermione for answers.
"According to her notes. This woman's name is Jennifer Potter" Hermione answered.
Ginny gasped.
"You don't think she's related to Harry do you?" Asked Ron.
"How many other Potter's do you know Ron?" Snapped Ginny.
Ron shrugged.

Hermione called the healer on the ward over.
"Excuse me. What do you know about this woman?" She asked.
The healer Tabitha looked down at the lady in the bed.
"Well this is sad case I'm afraid. Her parents both died of dragon pox, when she was about 15 or 16. And her brother, James died a few years later. She has been in this bed for 14 years" said Tabitha.
"Are you saying that she is James Potter's sister?" Asked Ginny.
"Yes. That's right dear" answered Tabitha.
"What is wrong with her?" Asked Hermione.
"No one is quite sure. What we do know is that she was tortured by death eaters, who were trying to find out the location of her brother and his wife. During the torture something happened to her spirit, that we can't seem to undo".

"Why did no one tell me?" Muttered Harry.
"What was that dear?" Asked Tabitha.
"Does anyone visit her?" Asked Harry.
Tabitha smiled sadly.
"Yes. Mr Lupin always visits once a month. He sits with her for a while. And he always brings flowers" she answered, pointing at the vase on the bedside table, that currently had pink roses in it.
Harry took hold of Jenny's hand and stroked it tenderly. Suddenly Jenny's eyes snapped to Harry's, making him quickly withdraw his hand. He stared into her eyes, and she stared back.
"James" mumbled Jenny.
Harry looked over at Tabitha. "Well that's never happened before" she noted.

Harry looked back to Jenny, and she mumbled again.
"Harry, I think she think's that you are your father" suggested Hermione.
"I was thinking the same thing" replied Harry.
Jenny suddenly began blinking rapidly, and then she coughed violently, causing her whole body to ripple.
Healer Tabitha stepped forwards, and propped Jenny up, making it easier for her to breath. Once she stopped coughing her eyes returned to Harry.
"James" she said again.
This time Harry shook his head.
"No I'm not James. I'm Harry".
"Harry" she replied.
Harry nodded his head. A smile appeared slowly on Jenny's lips.
"Baby Harry" she muttered.
Jenny suddenly closed her eyes and began convulsing. Her mind started to wake up, and a certain memory flashed in front of her eyes.

"I'll always protect you Harry" whispered Jenny.
Harry took hold of one of Jenny's fingers and held it tight in his little hand.
Jenny smiled.
"Clever boy Harry. I am your aunt Jenny and I will always protect you".
*end of flashback*

Tabitha had sent Ginny to go and get help and healer Florence swiftly arrived.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I don't know. She started speaking and then began fitting" answered Tabitha.
Jenny stopped shaking and gasped loudly.
She then began looking around the room, looking frightened.
"What happened? Where am I?" She croaked, sounding panicky.
"It's alright Miss Potter, just calm down" said Florence soothingly.
Jenny looked up at her.
"Florence? You look different" she admitted.
"Well dear, you've been unreachable for 14 years" Florence replied.
Jenny shook her head. "What do you mean?"
"You were attacked by death eaters, and that left you in a sort of coma"
"I don't understand".

"I can see that this is going to take some explaining. Children, do you think you could give us some space?" Asked Florence, looking at the gang.
They all nodded and turned to go, apart from Harry.
"No. I want to stay with her. I am family after all".
Florence looked at Tabitha, who nodded. "O.K, you may stay young man" said Florence.
Harry looked at the others.
"You should go and tell Mrs Weasley and the rest of them, where we are".
They all nodded and left the ward, while Harry stayed by Jenny's side, as the healers tried to explain everything that Jenny had missed out on. They both found it very hard to tell her that her brother and his wife were now dead. And that her old friend, Sirius Black was now an escaped convict, responsible for their death.

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