A sleepy confession

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On the night before James and Lily's wedding, James was spending his last night in the Potter Manor.
Most of his stuff was already packed, and waiting to be moved to Godrics Hollow. After the wedding, him and Lily would take their stuff to the cottage, and begin their new life together.
James was nervous about the big day. Of course he was excited to finally marry the girl he had loved since he was 11 years old. But he was also afraid that something bad would happen to those he cared about.
In the recent weeks, some of their friends and people in the Order had been killed. Voldemort had begun picking them off one by one. And he was scared to find out who was next.

James was trying to get a good nights sleep, so that he would look his best on his wedding day. But by midnight he was still no closer to falling asleep.
His door suddenly creaked open and he grabbed his wand by his bed.
"Lumos" he muttered.
The room filled with light.
Jenny covered her eyes and shut the door behind her.
"Can you stop trying to blind me?" She asked.
James lit a candle on his beside table and extinguished the light from his wand.
"Thank you" continued Jenny, who had began to walk towards the bed.
"What are you doing here Jen?"
"Can I get in with you?".

James raised an eyebrow. They hadn't shared a bed since they were kids.
He used to like sleeping by her side, because he felt like he could protect her from all harm.
He nodded and shuffled over, making room for her on his right side.
Jenny got onto the bed and pulled the covers around herself. Then she laid down and tried to get comfy.
She turned away from her brother, and he turned to face her back, resting his arm on her shoulder.
"Still trying to protect me James" she questioned.
"Always, little sister" mumbled James.
"Everything is going to change tomorrow isn't it. You aren't going to be mine any more"
"Well you are nearly all grown up. You don't need me anymore".

"But who am I going to talk to when you are gone. The Marauders won't visit me if you aren't here" complained Jenny.
"They will. You don't realise how much they care for you. Especially Sirius. You mean the world to him" revealed James.
Jenny turned around to face him.
"I love him you know. But sometimes I'm not sure if it's the right kind of love" she admitted.
James raised an eyebrow.
"There is no wrong kind of love Jenny... I guess the reason you feel confused is because you haven't had a chance to experience other men. Once you turn 17 things will change. You will be able to walk out of this house and down the street whenever you feel like it. But you cannot love Sirius in that way. He is like your brother, we are all family. Us marauders are too close to form relationships like that".

Jenny sighed.
"I know... Sometimes I wish I had gone to Hogwarts. Then I would know how to interact with people my age. In particular, boys my age" she admitted.
"You will learn soon. I can't wait for you too experience the world properly" replied James.
Jenny rolled onto her back to face the ceiling, and James copied her.
"Me too. I can't wait to get out there. Into the world that mother and father have always denied me from entering. Unfortunately I still have to wait another two years, until I'm 17" she complained.
"Good things come to those who wait"
"So they say".

"You should get some sleep Jenny. We can't have a bridesmaid with baggy, tired looking eyes can we" teased James.
"Or the groom" replied Jenny, yawning.
James lent over and blew out the candle.
"Goodnight Jenny" he whispered.
"Goodnight James. This is your last night as an unmarried man. Enjoy it".
James turned to face the wall, and closed his eyes.
Jenny continued staring up at the ceiling in the dark. Wondering if she would ever get the chance to marry one day, like James.
Or if she would spent the rest of her life, alone.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now