Order of Merlin

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Jenny had never met the Minister of Magic before, and in a few minutes he would be arriving at her house.
She had barely had time to get used to the place again, when the time arrived. But she knew she would have to act like she had been there for a few days already, and not at Grimmauld Place.
She was nervous about how to act around him. She wanted to hate him on sight. After-all, he had spent years trying to capture Sirius, and had apparently been forcing the Daily Prophet to write horrible stories about Harry and Dumbledore.
But Jenny couldn't let that affect her meeting with the Minister, as she didn't want to get Harry or Sirius in trouble.
Jenny had ordered Sady to make tea, and have it ready for when the Minister arrived. They would be drinking it in the second dinning room, which was a bit smaller, and more accommodating for a small number of people.

At exactly 3 pm there was a knock on the door, and Sady answered it, as Jenny was told this was the custom.
In walked the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and two other people. One was a young male with red hair. The other was a tall man with dark skin, and extravagant purple robes.
Fudge introduced himself and two people beside him. The red-haired one was called Percy Weasley, his personal assistant. And the other was Kingsley Shaklebolt, who was an Auror.
Jenny led the way into the dining room, and the three of them sat on the table opposite Jenny. Who began to feel very anxious. Sady gave her a thumbs up sign, when no one was looking, making Jenny smile.

"Now, Miss Potter. You are probably wondering why we asked to see you, so soon after you came home" said Fudge as he sipped his tea.
"Yes sir" replied Jenny quietly.
Fudge chuckled.
"No need to sound so afraid girl. You are not in any trouble".
Jenny faked a smile.
"Well that's good to hear".
Fudge smiled and placed his tea onto the table.
"How are you feeling Miss Potter?" He asked.
Jenny was confused, surely the Minister of Magic, hadn't come all this way to ask her how she was.
"I'm feeling better sir. I have decided to carry on with my life as if nothing has happened".

"That sounds like a marvellous idea. Now the real reason we came here today is to congratulate you" revealed Fudge.
"Congratulate me?" Questioned Jenny.
"Yes. You showed extreme bravery, from what we've heard, refusing to give in to the death eaters. However, the information about you in any official record is rather lacking. So we would like to hear it from you in person, what really happened the night you were attacked".
Jenny sighed, she was trying so hard to move on with her life, and here was the Minister, forcing her to recall the events that led to her coma.
"I'm afraid I don't remember much Minister. I remember leaving the house to see a friend, and the two of us were going to go and visit my brother. But I don't remember anything else" answered Jenny.

This wasn't completely true. Every time she went to sleep she had flashbacks.
She remembered the harsh voices of the death eaters in the room. And the light from their wands as it hit her.
She was lucky that so far, she could not remember the pain that she knew she must have been in that night.
"Would this friend have been Sirius Black" questioned the Minister.
Jenny nearly choked on her tea. She looked at the man named Percy, who had his quill ready to write down everything she said.
"Yes, I believe so" she answered.
"Are you aware that Black was the traitor who betrayed your brother and his wife? He also killed another friend of your brothers, Peter Pettigrew".

Jenny began to sweat nervously.
"The healers at St Mungos told me when I woke up" she said.
"I see. Now I assume that you knew him quite well, so do you have any idea where he might be hiding right now?" Asked the Minister.
Jenny looked over at Percy who was scribbling away. She felt her hands go all clammy, and her breath become more frantic.
"He had an apartment that he lived in for a while, after he left here" she said quietly.
"This location has already been checked Minister" informed Kingsley.
Fudge nodded his head.
"Is that the only place you can think of?".

Jenny began to tap her feet together, to get rid of some of her nervous energy.
"Yes, that's all I can think of" she said.
"Doesn't matter dear" replied Fudge looking slightly disappointed.
"Minister... I thought I should inform you that Sirius Black wasn't the secret keeper, the night my brother and his wife died. It was Peter Pettigrew" said Jenny bravely.
Fudge and Percy looked quite taken back, but they managed to correct themselves almost immediately.
"Now that's where you are mistaken. Professor Dumbledore swore in court that Black was the secret keeper at the time of the murder. Anyway as far as I'm aware you were already at St Mungos by then. So you couldn't have known the truth" explained Fudge.

"Of course Minister" replied Jenny quietly.
"Anyway, that wasn't the real reason we wanted to visit you" he admitted.
"It wasn't Minister?"
"No. Like I said earlier. We came here to congratulate you on your bravery. What you have lived through is so inspiring. So we have a reward for you"
"A reward"
"Yes. We offer you the Order of Merlin, 1st class".
Kingsley reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to Jenny who opened it slowly, in case it was a trap.
She gasped as she saw the medal inside. It was a beautiful green colour, with an inscription around the edge.
"Thank you. I don't know what to say" she stuttered.

"You don't have to say anything. Your friend Peter Pettigrew was given one as well, for his bravery at standing up to Black. It was given to his mother, as he couldn't accept the award himself of course" revealed Fudge.
Jenny began to clench her fist, at hearing that the traitor had been rewarded for betraying her brother. And leaving Sirius to take the fall for him.
"Are you alright my dear?" Asked Fudge.
Jenny smiled sweetly.
"I'm fine thank you. It just came as a shock".

"That's good. It should have been given to you as soon as your accident occurred, but your fate, and existence isn't well known. Do you know why that is?" He asked.
"I assume it's because I didn't go to Hogwarts. I was very sick as a child, so my parents didn't allow me to attend" answered Jenny.
"Shame. Well it was a pleasure to meet you" said Fudge as he reached his hand over the table.
Jenny shook his hand and stood up, preparing to lead them out of her house.

She bid the Minister and his colleages farewell, and shut the front door behind them.
Sady came running out to check on her. "How did it go Miss?".
"Well, I think Sady. I received a special award for my bravery" replied Jenny, showing her the Order of Merlin 1st class, that she had just received.
"Congratulations Miss"
"Thank you Sady"
"Would Miss like me to polish it and take it to the trophy room?"
"No thanks. I would like to hold it for a while if you don't mind"
Sady bowed and skipped off back to the kitchen. Leaving Jenny to wonder who to tell first.

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