The Cruciatus curse

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*warning. May be unsettling for some readers*

A few days after her tense meeting with Sirius, Jenny was preparing to go to Diagon Alley, to do some shopping, after lunch.
"Sady. I'm just going into town, I've got a few bits to buy, winter clothes etc, and going to meet Sirius at the end of the road once I'm done. We are going over to James's for a while, but we will be back in time for dinner, please have it ready for when we get back" instructed Jenny.
The house elf nodded.
"Of course miss. Have a good trip" said Sady bowing.
Jenny left in high spirits. She liked this time of year. The leaves were beginning to fall, making the town look beautiful, and the temperature was perfect. Not too hot or too cold.

She had dressed in muggle clothing, so she wouldn't stand out.
Jenny was starting to get used to the outside world. Since her parents died, she had been trying to get out more, to strengthen her body and immune system.
She loved interacting with people, even if they were just strangers on the street, or muggle shop workers.
Jenny had always been stuck in doors, so now that she was older, she felt free to explore the world and make new friends.

After Jenny had bought her items from Diagon Alley, she exited the Three Broomsticks, onto the Muggle street, and began making her way back home.
She knew she could've used floo powder, but they had run out, and Jenny liked to walk.
She hoped she would have enough time to take her bags inside, and then meet Sirius at the end of the street in time.
She was only a few streets away from her home, when she heard a loud pop behind her, like the sound if someone apparating.
She turned around smiling, assuming that it was Sirius arriving early.
But once she had turned round, she realised that it wasn't Sirius. Jenny reached into her pocket to withdraw her wand, but it was too late.
The figure in front of her, fired a spell, knocking her to the ground. Something was then held over her mouth until she lost consciousness.

When Jenny woke up, she felt groggy, and had a headache. She had never been drunk before, but she assumed it felt like this. As her eyes adjusted to the lack of light in the dark room, Jenny began to look at her surroundings.
It looked like she was in a large shed, or something similar. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she was lying side ways on the cold, hard floor, with her feet bound as well.
"She's awake".
Jenny moved her head to see where the sound had come from. She rolled over onto her right, and saw three figures, in black, wearing skull masks.
"Go outside and keep watch" ordered the middle one, and the man on his left sighed and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"What do you want with me?" Asked Jenny, trying to sound brave.
"We don't want to hurt you little girl. Once you tell us where your brother James Potter lives, we will let you go. And you can continue with your life as if nothing ever happened" said the middle man. He stepped forward and the man on his right remained back.
Jenny guessed that this man stepping closer to her was the leader of this little group.
"You won't get anything from me" Jenny said to the man. Even though she couldn't see his mouth, she could tell by his eyes, that he was smiling.
"Don't be silly little girl. We don't want to hurt you, but we will do whatever it takes to get the information that our master needs" he replied.

Jenny had never met a death eater before, but she assumed that the men in the room were death eaters, and the people that her brother and his friends fought on a daily basis.
"I will never tell you anything" snapped Jenny.
"Don't be so sure. You see there are many spells we know, that can make a person reveal information that they wouldn't usually give willingly" replied the man.
Jenny wasn't worried about accidentally revealing her brothers location, as she was not the secret keeper. So she couldn't tell them where he was, even if she wanted to.
The secret keeper was still Sirius at present, but they planned to change it to Peter in the next day or two.

"Your silly little spells won't work on me, I will never give you the information you seek" Jenny spat.
"We'll see" replied the man.
The death eater removed his wand from what appeared to be a small cane with a snake on top. A Slytherin, Jenny thought. James had told her that most death eaters were pure blooded Slytherins, and the snake was the Slytherins symbol.
He pointed his wand at Jenny.
"Crucio" he muttered.
She closed her eyes as a blinding light hit her body. She cried out in pain.
It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Even when the spell had been removed, she could still feel it's affects rippling through her body.

"That wasn't nice, was it? Now, i'm going to ask again. Where is the location of James Potter and his family" asked the man, who was now bending down towards Jenny.
She glared at man, and spat into his eye, as that was the only part of his face on display.
He quickly withdrew in disgust.
"Disgusting child" he snapped.
Jenny's face frowned at being called a child. Sure she looked young, and was defiantly younger than this man. But she was 18 years old now, and not a child any more.
The man pointed his wand back at Jenny, who closed her eyes before he even cast the spell.
This time she was prepared for the pain, but it was still unbearable, and she screamed so loud that hurt her vocal chords. She didn't even realise that the spell had stopped this time, because she could still feel the pain all around her body.

The second death eater in the room, appeared to be slightly uncomfortable. "Come on Malfoy. I think she's had enough. She clearly isn't going to tell us anything. We will have to get the dark lord, maybe he will be able to get it out of her" he suggested.
"No. The dark lord trusted us to do this, and we aren't going to fail him. Besides, we have only just started, let us see how much she can take" the man named Malfoy replied.
He raised his wand once more at Jenny and fired curse at her.
This time Jenny didn't scream. Nor did she scream the next three times that Malfoy tortured her. She didn't fight or struggle. She didn't move her eyes, apart from when she blinked. The only other part of her body that moved was her chest, which moved up and down, proving that she was still breathing. Her body still convulsed when the spell hit her, but she didn't react to it.

"What did you do to her?" Asked the second death eater.
"Nothing. She's fine, look she is still breathing. Maybe she's just holding her tongue to stop herself revealing something" replied Malfoy.
He raised his wand once more, and the second man looked away.
A bright light suddenly filled the room, but it didn't come from Malfoy's wand. Three figures stood at the door, with their wands raised.

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