First impressions

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December 1977

"But what if she doesn't like me?" Asked Jenny nervously.
She was standing opposite her brother, in his bedroom, while he fixed his tie. He was preparing to introduce his girlfriend Lily Evans to the rest of his family.
Since becoming a bit more mature, Lily had started to take more interest in him. And eventually, he had found the courage to ask her out, and their first date was at the Halloween ball.
Once James had finished with his tie, he turned to face the mirror, to do a final check.
"James, this is serious. What if Lily doesn't like me?" She asked again.
James sighed and turned back to his sister. "Look Jen, just stop fussing. It's going to be fine. She is going to love you, just as I do" he reassured her.

"If you say so" said Jenny quietly.
James rolled his eyes and walked towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Jenny, you are a remarkable person, and completely un-hate-able. Now stop stressing and go and get changed. I'll be off in a minute, to fetch her for dinner" replied James.
Jenny didn't say anything.
"What is it?" Asked James.
"I wish Sirius was coming" answered Jenny. James frowned.
"Sirius already knows Lily from school, he doesn't need to be around ours all the time, now that he's got his own place"
"I know. His uncle gave him money and now he doesn't live here any more, I get it" groaned Jenny.

"Look. It's not like you are never going to see him again. He'll be over here in a few days, so you don't need to worry. Just because I've got myself a girlfriend, it doesn't mean I'm going to forget about my marauders. That includes you, you'll always come first you know" admitted James.
Jenny relaxed and smiled.
"This is the same girl you've been in love with since your first year, right?" She questioned.
"Yep. I can't believe it took until my final year for her to love me back" answered James.
"Didn't you once tell me that she said she would never go out with you, even if you were the last person on earth?"
"She did. But times have changed".

"Yeah I guess once you deflated that big ego of yours, she could see the person underneath" teased Jenny.
"Rude" muttered James.
"But true"
"That's it. Come here".
James then lunged towards Jenny, but she managed to dodge out the way and run out the door.
They continued chasing each other for a few more minutes, until James gave up and apparated right next to Jenny. Accidentally knocking them both to the ground.
"Cheater" said Jenny laughing.
"Well sometimes you have to use your skills to your advantage" replied James.
James got up off the floor and pulled his sister up too.
"Truce?" She asked.
"Truce. Now go and get changed" said James.

Jenny waited on the stairs nervously, biting her nails and fiddling with her dress.
She had changed out of her day clothes, and into one of her favourite dresses. It was purple, and reached just below the knee. James had left 10 minutes before and would be apparating into the great hall with Lily, any moment now.
When they arrived, they landed a few feet from the front door, and began patting themselves down before approaching the others. Jenny's mouth fell open, but she quickly shut it.
Lily was just as beautiful as Jenny had imagened. James had sent her, a phtoto of him and Lily, but the photo didn't do her justice. She wore a georgeous floor length red dress, with black heels, and a black handbag.

James introduced Lily to his parents first, and then Jenny.
"Jenny, I've heard so much about you. Your brother is clearly very fond of you" said Lily politely.
Jenny shook her hand.
"It's very nice to meet you too. James is always talking about you" replied Jenny.
Lily smiled and placed her arm around James's waist.
"Really? That's nice of him" she said, grinning.
James smiled.
"All right you two stop picking on me. I love you both. Now come on, lets go and have some dinner" said James, leading the way into the dinning room.
Jenny sat next to her mother and opposite Lily, who sat beside James. Their father took his position at the head of the table.

The meal went very well, and Jenny found that she liked Lily a lot, and she could see why her brother did.
Lily was smart, funny and beautiful. As well as a very kind person. Jenny found out that Lily had an older sister named Petunia who was a Muggle. Jenny had never met a Muggle, and was fascinated.
"So, your sister knows that you are a witch?" Jenny asked.
Lily nodded.
"Yes. A professor from Hogwarts came to my house, and explained everything about magic to my parents and my sister" she explained.
"Does she know about James?"
"I did inform her by letter about your brother. As I would like to introduce them to each other. And we are going to meet up after Christmas, she is going to introduce us to her boyfriend Vernon as well".

"Well dear, I am very pleased to have met you" said Euphemia after the meal was done.
"Thank you, it's been so nice meeting you all" replied Lily.
"Do come again any time" said Fleamont, shaking her hand.
Lily nodded.
"I will".
Lily hugged goodbye to James and with a wave of her hand, she disapparated.
"I like her" said Jenny, after a few moments of silence.
"Me too" said Euphemia, placing her arm through Jenny's.
"I told you that Lily would like you Jen" said James.

"Was there ever any doubt. I am a very likeable person" replied Jenny sweetly.
"You little... I'm gonna get you this time" said James, running towards her.
Jenny squeaked and ran up the stairs laughing. Euphemia rolled her eyes as her son passed her.
"And I thought he had changed" she said sighing.
Fleamont laughed.
"Our boy? Never".

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