The long night

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Jenny wasn't asleep, but she wasn't awake either. She was vaguely aware that she wasn't alone, as she could hear voices surrounding her.
However the voices were not clear, it was as if she was hearing them from under water.
"Her temperature is still rising" said a worried female voice.
"I've sent an owl to St Mungos, hopefully they will send a healer over as soon as possible" replied a deep male voice.
Jenny was aware that someone was holding her hand and squeezing it gently.
She suddenly felt something poke her in the face, it didn't feel human, and she wondered if she was being attacked. Jenny tried to lift up her arms to protect her face, but her body felt heavy and she was unable to move anything.

She heard a meow, and the assault on her face suddenly stopped.
"Here. Take the cat outside won't you James" said the male voice.
Jenny felt the pressure on hand release, and she heard footsteps. Someone was leaving. She wanted to call them to come back, but she couldn't find her voice. This panicked her, and the voices began to sound more distant.
She felt as if she was drowning. Falling deeper and deeper into a black void of nothingness.

Every time Jenny thought she getting closer to the light, she felt something drag her back down into the darkness. Sometimes she would feel warm, as if she were floating too close to the sun. And other times she felt cold, as if her body was surrounded by blocks of ice.
Just as Jenny thought the feeling would never end, she felt her eyes suddenly jump open.
The light of the world hurt her eyes, but she was too scared to close them, as she didn't want to fall back into the black again.
As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she began to look around the room. There was a large window where the sun was streaming in from. The walls were a dull yellow colour, and the floor was a pristine white colour.

She moved her fingers and felt the coarse white sheet beneath her fingers. It was hard and unlike the ones in her room.
She groaned loudly, as she realised were she was.
A dark shape beside her suddenly moved, and she realised she was not alone in the room. The shape lunged forward and took hold of her hand, squeezing it tight.
She squeezed back, but not as hard. The figure laughed.
Jenny turned her head to face the laughter and smiled.
"Hey James" she said weakly.
James lent forward and kissed her head before sitting back on the chair.

"What happened?" Asked Jenny.
"You don't remember? You passed out while we were in Diagon Alley... I knew you didn't look well" answered James.
"If you say I told you so"
"I wouldn't dream of it"
"What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing serious. You'll be home in no time. The healers think it's just a fever".
Jenny rolled her eyes.
She looked away from her brother and stared at the room. She came here whenever she was sick. And she was sick so often that she had her own private room in the hospital.
"Where's mum and dad?" She asked.
"Outside talking to the healers. I should go and tell them your awake"
"Yeah, you should" said Jenny sadly.

James got up to leave, but Jenny stopped him.
"Wait James. How long was I out for?" She asked.
James frowned and looked to the window. "Almost 24 hours" he said sadly.
Jenny's eyes widened.
She had been in bed for nearly a whole day. She sighed and rested her head back onto her pillow. Overall it hadn't been a very good week at all.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now