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Spells flew in every direction, flashes of multicoloured lights flew through the air, like fireworks. They were no longer duelling to disarm their opponents, it was kill or be killed.
Suddenly Malfoy conjered a storm of grey smoke, to cover his escape. He grabbed the death eater beside him and threw him out the door, and then ran after him.
Sirius and Remus tried to follow, but they couldn't see an inch in front of their faces. When they looked outside they saw that the death eater they had tied up and gagged, was gone. The death eaters had taken him with them.
James cleared the smoke, and dived down onto the floor beside his sister. Once the others had checked outside, they came in and joined James on the floor.

"It's O.K James. She's breathing" said Remus, removing his fingers from Jenny's wrist.
Tears ran down James's face.
"What's wrong with her? It's like she doesn't even realise I'm here. She's looking right through me" he cried.
"I don't know James. But we can't stay here. For all we know those death eaters are going to come back in bigger numbers. We need to get Jenny to St Mungos as soon as possible. Hopefully they can find out what is wrong with her" said Remus.
James picked up Jenny and held her limp body in his arms, while Remus picked up her bags and wand, that were sitting in the corner of the room. As they exited the building, Sirius led the way, holding out his wand, checking for danger.
Once they were sure the coast was clear, they held hands and dissaparated just outside St Mungos. As it was impossible to apparate directly into the building, like Hogwarts.

"What happened?" Asked healer Florence. Sirius looked at James, who was still holding Jenny, unsure whether or not to tell the truth, but James beat him to it.
"She's been tortured by death eaters. We are not sure why. But if I were to guess, I think it was to find out my location. As they have been trying to find me and my wife for months" he said.
Once they reached the room that Jenny always stayed in, James laid her down onto the bed.
"Right, now I need to find out what is wrong with Miss Potter. Mr Potter, you can stay, but your friends will need to leave" said Florence, pointing at Remus and Sirius.

"Go back to my place and tell Lily what has happened" instructed James.
"No! I'm not leaving her" shouted Sirius.
"I agree with Sirius. We can't leave her like this" said Remus.
"Please, will one of you just go. You can't help her, and there is no point you both hanging around in the waiting room" snapped James.
Sirius folded his arms defiantly. So James looked over at Remus.
"Please Moony" he begged.
Remus sighed, but eventually he nodded and left the room.
Florence looked at Sirius who hadn't moved, and they had a stare off, Sirius refusing to give in. In the end Florence raised her hands in defeat, and allowed Sirius to stay in the room.

4 days later and there had been no improvement. Jenny still remained in a almost comatose state.
The healers had to feed her, bathe her and force drink down her throat.
Sometimes her eyes remained fixed on a person or object, other times they would float aimlessly around the room.
"Mr Potter please try and think rationally. There has been no change is Jennifer's condition. We think that moving her to a different ward might help. Being alone in this room is doing her no favours" explained Florence.
"You always said that it was best if Jenny was alone, that way she doesn't pick up diseases from other people" replied James.

"That may have been true then, but things are different now. The other healers and I have a theory that being around other people might help her. We were thinking of moving her to the long stay ward, where those that have permanent damage live" said Florence.
"This isn't permanent. She will get better" snapped James.
"Mr Potter please try and understand. There has been no improvement in your sister's condition. It is like she has lost her soul. She doesn't seem to react to anything anymore".
"Then why do you want to move her?"
Florence looked uncomfortable.
"Well. If there is no change, then there is no reason for her to have this room for the rest of her life. We might need this solitary room for another patient" she revealed.
James looked over at his sister, who was currently staring at a vase of flowers on the bedside table.

"Fine. If you need this room, then you might as well move her. Like you said, being around a lot of people might make her better" said James.
"Thank you Mr Potter" replied Florence, who then left the room to inform her superiors.
James sat down on the chair by his sister and held her hand.
"I'm sorry Jen" he whispered.
After a few minutes of silence, he released her hand and kissed her head gently. James got up from his chair and headed towards the door. He pushed it open, taking one last look back at his sister, before leaving the room.
He didn't know it then. But that was the last time he would ever see his sister.

On the 31st of October, James and his wife Lily were killed in their home at Godrics Hollow, leaving their son an orphan.
Sirius Black was blamed for their death and sent to Azkaban. Peter Pettigrew was believed to be be dead, killed by Sirius. Remus Lupin was therefore the last remaining Marauder.
He would visit Jenny every month, and bring her some flowers. He would send her a birthday and Christmas card every year. Making sure that she was never forgotten.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now