The truth

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28th of December 1975

Jenny was on her way to becoming quite a gifted witch. Her parents were excellent teachers, and not having a strict curriculum allowed her to learn a wide range of spells, that Hogwarts didn't teach their students until they were older.
After learning magic for a year, her parents even believed that she was more talented than her brother was, when he was her age. Though she doubted it.
Despite her happiness at learning magic, Jenny was still very lonely.
She was aware that as James was in his 5th year, he would be busy studying, as he would be taking his OWLs very soon. But Jenny had hardly seen him all Christmas.
He was often with his friends in his room, and whenever Jenny would try and come in, they told her that they were busy.

By the end of the holidays Jenny had had enough. James and the others would be returning to Hogwarts soon, and she wanted answers.
She waited until James was alone in his room one day, and charged in, without knocking.
"Merlin's beard Jen. You know you could knock before entering" snapped James, as he jumped up from his chair.
Jenny looked around his room, and noticed how messy it was.
On his desk there were 4 chairs around it, one of which James had just been sitting in. But the table was covered in tons of parchment and ink bottles. Along with various quills and books of all sizes and colours.

"Has your room always been this untidy?" asked Jenny.
"Probaly not. Look Jenny, I don't mean to sound rude, but you haven't come at the best time. Sirius and the others will be arriving soon, and we have studying to do" replied James.
Jenny folded her arms.
"Studying. I know that's what you told mum and dad. But I don't believe it. I know you James, you would never study during the Christmas holidays, even if this is your exam year"
"Well maybe I've changed".
Jenny rolled her eyes and stepped towards the messy table. She then began reading some of the titles of the books that were laying on the table.
Once James realised what she was doing, he quickly began trying to cover up the books with spare parchment.

"All of these books are about Animagi... James, is there something you want to tell me?" Jenny asked, raising an eyebrow.
James remained silent.
"You're not going to try and convince me that all the books are hyperthetical are you? I may be only 12, but I'm not an idiot".
"I never said you were" said James quietly.
"James. You are my brother, and I want yo know the truth. You can trust me... Are you an Animagus?"
"No... But I'm trying to be".
Jenny didn't reply at first. She thought it over in her head before replying.
"If you are trying to become an Animagus, I'm assuming that Sirius, Remus, and Peter are trying as well".
"No. Just me, Sirius and Peter. How would you feel if I told you that Remus was a werewolf?"
Jenny's mouth opened, but she closed it pretty quickly.
"If you are all trying to become Animagi, I guess to comfort Remus when it's his time of the month, then I want in... I want to become one too".

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