Just Friends?

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Jenny declined Remus's offer to take her home. Once she had checked that the other members of the Order weren't in any real danger of dying, she apparated back home. She just wanted to be alone.
Sirius was gone, and she needed time to deal with it, without having to talk to anyone, including Sady.
If Harry hadn't gone to the Ministry in the first place, then Sirius would still be alive. And Jenny was finding it hard to ignore that fact.

Dumbledore kept his promise and arrived an hour later, but he was not alone. Harry stood by his side, staring up at the Manor in awe.
"It's much better looking on the inside" Jenny said to Harry, as she let them inside, trying to lighten the mood.
"You live here?" Questioned Harry.
Jenny shrugged.
"Yes. It was my parents house, and it was left to me".
"Why wasn't it left to my father?"
"In our parents will, they left 60% of their fortune to James. And the other 40% to me. They also left me this house and everything in it, and James was given the family cottage in Godrics Hollow, which he was already living in at the time of their death".

"And you have a house elf?" Quizzed Harry.
"Yes. I didn't want one at first. But my parents died before I was 17, and the Ministry wouldn't allow me to live alone. Now I'm glad I have her, she is like an old friend who is always by my side" answered Jenny.
"You never thought about freeing her?"
"She would hate to be free. Just ask her"
"But that's because she-"
"Where would you like to talk sir?" Jenny asked Dumbledore, happy for an excuse to talk to someone other than Harry. As she was in serious danger of doing something she would regret later.
"Wherever you find most comfortable Miss Potter" replied Dumbledore.
Jenny nodded and led the way to the sitting room, lighting the fire with her wand as she entered. The three of them sat down on the sofa and stared at the floor in silence.

Eventually Dumbledore broke the silence "Harry, would you mind waiting outside while I talk to your aunt. You can come in and talk to her afterwards if you want to".
"Feel free to explore the house. James left a few things in his bedroom you might like to see" offered Jenny.
Harry stood up and Jenny summoned Sady to show him around the manor. Once Harry had left, Jenny found it easier to relax.
"Now, Miss Potter-" started Dumbledore.
"Please, call me Jenny" interupted Jenny.
"Jenny. You must know that Sirius loved you very much, and if you want to blame me for his death, like Harry did. Then you are most welcome".

Jenny frowned.
"Why did Harry blame you?".
"Well if I had been honest with Harry, and warned him that Voldemort might try and trick him into going to the Department of Mysteries. Then he never would have gone and Sirius would still be alive.
I tried to protect Harry, by keeping my distance from him. To stop Voldemort from wanting to possess him. Unfortunately all it did was make Harry mad with me... My plan failed I'm afraid" explained Dumbledore.
"I don't blame you for what happened. True, you could've reacted quicker and saved him from Bellatrix, but the same could be said for all of us. We were all there. It wasn't your fault. The blame is not with you".

"It isn't with Harry either" informed Dumbledore.
"How did you know that I-"
"It is quite easy to see. It was obvious when you invited us in, that you couldn't quite meet your nephews eye" interupted Dumbledore.
"Did he notice?" Asked Jenny nervously.
"No. I think he has a lot on his mind right now, which is why he didn't notice"
"Am I a bad person? For thinking those things?"
"It is completely natural. You went there to save Harry, and Sirius ended up dying instead. Your feelings are to be expected"
"But Harry didn't mean to lead us there did he?".

"No. He was shown a vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius. And he went there to save him" revealed Dumbledore.
"He was trying to save Sirius?" Quizzed Jenny.
Dumbledore nodded.
"I guess that changes things a bit" said Jenny sighing.
"What happens now?" She asked.
"Well I have a few tasks for you. If you still want to join the Order of the Phoenix that is" said Dumbledore.
"I still want to join"
"Good. You shouldn't worry about them just yet though. You still need time to grieve. Now why don't you go and find Harry, I think he wants to talk to you about Sirius".
Jenny got up and left the room, leaving Dumbledore in front of the fire.

She found Harry sitting in James's old room, on his bed.
Large Gryffindor posters and old scarves still hung on the walls and on the ceiling. James had been very proud of his house colours, and had decorated his bedroom accordingly.
Jenny approached Harry cautiously, and sat on the bed next to him.
"He was a true Gryffindor, wasn't he? My dad?" Asked Harry.
Jenny nodded.
"He really was. And so are you. You're more like him than you realise. And not just in looks".
Harry said nothing.
"You are a lot like Sirius as well" she continued.

"So are you. In the short time I saw you together, you got on very well. But one thing always puzzled me. Why did Sirius sometimes call you Ash?" Asked Harry curiously.
Jenny smiled.
"I was one of them you know. A Marauder. The 5 of us were like a family. Ash was my nickname for my, other form, Sirius chose it.".
"You're an Animagus like Sirius?"
Jenny smiled slyly.
"What animal can you turn into?"
"Well I have brown fur, like an ash tree, which I can climb with ease. And a big bushy tail. Try and guess"
"You're a squirrel. Can I see?"

Jenny shook her head.
"I am a squirrel. But I can't show you. I haven't transformed yet since waking up. I don't think it would feel right with James. And now that Sirius has gone as well, I don't know if I can do it. We became Animagi to help Remus. But now I'm the last one who can change, it just doesn't feel right to become Ash again without Prongs and Padfoot".
"I see. Even though I only knew Sirius for a few years, it felt as if I'd known him forever. If Sirius leaves me his house in his will, will you mind? I mean you knew him better than I did" replied Harry.
"That's true. He was like my brother. But I had never been in his house before this year. He hated that place. He came to live here with us for a year to get away.
And then he got an apartment, I've been there a few times. But I never went to his ancestral home, I had no need to.
His parents weren't nice people, so I never wanted to meet them. You keep the house Harry, you might need somewhere to live one day. Besides I've got my own home that my parents left me".
Harry nodded.

"Look Harry, I need to be honest with you. I don't know how to be an aunt to you, I wouldn't even know where to start. I can't replace Sirius, and I'm not responsible like Remus. But I still want to get to know you, and seeing as we are quite close in age, I think we have a shot at being friends".
Harry thought for a moment.
"Just friends?".
"Yes, just friends. I think that way would be best. Because we will still get to spend time together, but hopefully it will be less awkward, for the both of us"
Harry held out his hand and Jenny shook it, smiling.
"Friends?" She asked.
"Friends" replied Harry.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now