When Everything Changed

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Erika's POV
My name is Erika Costell, I'm a 21 year old model, and I just moved to LA with my boyfriend Tyler Joesph, he has a temper, but after every time he hits me, he says he's sorry, and that he didn't mean to hurt me. I see the good in him, and I believe he can change, I really do love him. Since Tyler works as a personal trainer, and I'm a new model, I'm usually home alone for most of the day unless I have a shoot, I really don't like having all this free time on my hands, so I think I'm going to find a job as an assistant, luckily this guy named Jake Paul emailed me after I posted on linked in that I'm looking for an assistant position, we are meeting in the Breakfast Café in front of my apartment building.

Jake's POV
My name is Jake Paul, I'm a 21 year old youtube star. I recently moved to LA with my brother, Logan, and my girlfriend, Alissa, they are also youtube stars. My Girlfriend is beautiful, but I get a feeling when she's around my brother, and its not a good one.  I usually just ignore it because I love her, but lately something just seems super off, but I'm too busy to really figure out what's going on. That's why I'm looking for an assistant, and I'm interviewing a possible one today at the Breakfast Café in front of my apartment building.

@The Café
Erika gets there first, sits down and orders a coffee with some egg whites, avocado, and toast. Soon after she gets her food and coffee Jake arrives and sees a beautiful girl, with long brown wavy hair, and bright green eyes. She waves at him and then he realizes thats the girl he's interviewing, he sits down across from her and introduces himself.
J- Hi, I'm Jake Paul, and you must be Erika Costell?
E- Hi, and yes, I'm Erika, but you can call me Rik.
J- Okay then Rik, tell me about yourself.
E- Well I'm 21 years old, and I recently  moved to LA with my boyfriend, I'm a model, but I have a lot of free time on my hands so I need something to do since I don't like being alone, and I know how to cook, clean, set up websites, and I'm really good with numbers and business.
J- Wow, so basically if I hire you not only am I getting an assistant, but I'm also getting a chef, a web designer, and an accountant?!
E- Yea basically *giggles*
J- You're Hired!!
E- Really? Just like that?
J- Yep! Can you start tomorrow morning?
E- Totally, I'll be there around 8:30 if that's good.
J- That's perfect, see you tomorrow.
* Jake leaves and Erika finishes her breakfast and goes back to her apartment, where she jumps up and down, because she's so excited*

Jake's POV
When I first walked into the café I saw a beautiful girl sitting there drinking a cup of coffee, and eating some egg whites and avocado. When I saw her my heart stopped for a second, and I couldn't breathe, she was so beautiful, I had to know her, when she waved at me I realized she was the girl I was interviewing for the position as my assistant, god I didn't realize she was that beautiful. God Jake, just shut up and go talk to her. I knew I was going to hire her. Her being good at everything definitely helped my decision, she starts tomorrow at my place at 8:30. SHIT I FORGOT TO TELL HER WHERE I LIVE!! Fuck, ok I'll email her when I get back from the gym downstairs.

Erika's POV
After I sat down and got my breakfast, I saw this really good looking Blondie, who's eyes were the most beautiful hazel, and he was really tall. Then I realized that the gorgeous man standing there staring at me is Jake Paul, the man that's interviewing me. All of the sudden I really wanted this job, probably because if I got it my boss would be hella fine, what am I saying I have a boyfriend, and I'm positive a fine piece of man like that has a girlfriend.  I waved at him and his gaze broke and he started walking over to me and sat down across from me. After he introduced himself, he asked me to tell him about myself, after we talked for awhile he told me I was hired, I was so excited. He said I could start tomorrow, after that he left and I finished my breakfast and headed back to my apartment. After jumping around and dancing out of pure excitement, I decided to go to the gym, when I realized Jake didn't  tell me where he lived. Shit, ok i'll email him when I get back from the gym downstairs.

@The Gym
Jake's at the bench press spotting Logan when he see's Rik walk in, he immediately stops spotting Logan, which causes Logan to drop the heavy weights on his chest, but Jake doesn't care, he just wants to talk to Rik.

Jake's POV
I was at the gym with Logan when I saw Rik walk in and I realized nows my chance to tell her where I lived, so I immediately stopped spotting Logan and jogged over to Rik. I said her name making her look up from her phone and smile, god her smile could light up a room.
J- Hey Rik!
E- Oh Hey Jake! What are you doing here?
J- Well I was working out with my brother when I saw you walk in and then I remembered that I didn't tell you where I live.
E- Oh yea I was going to email you asking when I got home!
J- Dope, anyways I live in apartment C367
E- OMG, really, no way!!
J- Why do you say that?
J- Yooo your kidding! That's so dope!!
E- Yea me and my boyfriend Tyler live there.
* When Erika brought up her boyfriend Jake's heart sank into his stomach, but he didn't know why because he had a girlfriend*
J- Oh that's cool, well by the looks of it Logan needs some help so I'm gonna help him out, see ya later!
E- See ya *giggles as he runs back*

Erika's POV
I was texting Tyler about how I got the job, he wasn't too happy that I'd be spending my day with a guy who wasn't him, but I reminded him that I loved him and wouldn't ever be unfaithful, then all of the sudden I hear someone call my name, I look up and see a tall blonde, with a muscle tank standing right in front of me, it was Jake, and god he was hot, I didn't realize how ripped he was, but yet again he was wearing more clothes. He realized he hadn't told me where he lived, but then he said he lived in an apartment 3 apartments down the hall for me. When I brought up how I lived with Tyler, Jake's mood changed like he was saddened, but before I could dig deeper into his feelings he said that he had to go help Logan with his weights, and with that he was gone.

@ Erika's place
E- Babe, I'm Home from the gym!
T- Took you long enough God
*He's been drinking for hours so he's very drunk*
E- I'm sorry babe I was at the gym
T-  Really, or maybe you were with that guy
E- Babe I ran into him at the gym and that was it
T- So now your working out with that asshole!!!
*He's getting angrier and angrier, and closer to Erika*
E-  Calm down Baby, please just calm down
T- Why should I, Your cheating on me you little bitch!!!
*He punches Erika right in her lower jaw, and she falls down the stairs, and passes out*
T- Oh god, baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to!!
E- ...
*Tyler takes her to their room and lays her on the bed, and gets her some water and a cold rag and she starts waking up*
E- w-w-why d-did you d-do t-that
*she stutters out right before wincing in pain because of her jaw*
T- I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to I just got so angry baby
E- It's okay baby can I get some ice and Advil
T- sure babe, I'm so sorry
E- It's fine, I hope there won't be a bruise though I have work tomorrow
T- Can't you call in sick?
E- No, it's my first day
T- Shit ok babe, I'll go get you some ice
E- Ok, I'm tired I'm going to go to bed in a little bit
T- I guess I'm sleeping on the couch
E- It's better than sleeping on the street isn't it?
T- Yeah ok, goodnight baby.
E- Night
*Tyler brings Erika ice, and went to sleep on the couch, Erika cried herself to sleep, because she finally realized that Tyler and his temper were only going to get worse, but she was too scared to leave him, but that's all going to change*

Hope ya'll liked my first one!!

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