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Jake has a breakdown on the plane back to LA, and Erika tells him to be strong, Erika almost passes out on the plane because she hasn't eaten, Jake gets her some food and they talk and sleep on the plane, they land and come home, Jake and Erika put Dani into her bed and goes to sleep, Erika wakes up and gets in the ice cold shower with all her clothes on, she cries and cries until Jake comes in a turns off the shower and picks her up, he gets her changed into some dry clothes and he talks to her and tells her to come to him when she feels like she's got nothing, after they talk Jake goes to get Dani and bring her to their room while he's getting Erika food, he goes into Dani's room and sees that she's not there

Jake's POV
When I saw Dani wasn't in her bed, I instantly felt sick, I started hyperventilating, I ran out the room and started looking for her, she's not in the kitchen, the living room, the movie room, or the boys rooms, I ran into Tessa's room, I saw her in Tessa's arms crying her heart out, Tessa looked up at me with red puffy eyes, she shook her head and started crying again, I walked in and kneeled down beside them
T- They were the only people who cared about me, they were my family, now they're gone
J- I know T, I know and I'm sorry, but you still have a family, we are your family and we will always be
T- Where's Rik?
J- waiting on Dani and her best friends in our room
T- Ok, but Loren's in west Hollywood at a meeting
J- Well she needs you and Dani right now
T- *sniff sniff* Ok, let's go D *she picks Dani and they get out of bed and follow Jake into his and Erika's room, Erika sees them and tears start welling in her eyes, Tessa and Dani walk up to the bed and crawl in, they hug Erika, Tessa and Dani starts crying into Erika*
J- Are y'all going to be ok here? Matt is back and he's in the kitchen
E-*nods her head and hugs Tessa*
J- Ok, I'll get everyone some food, do you want the usual?
E- *nods her head and pats Dani's back*
J- ok I love you
E-*mouths* I love you too
*Jake leaves the house and goes to Erika's favorite café and gets Her, Tessa, and Dani's favorites and an extra plate incase someone would want some, then he goes to Lulu's bakeshop and gets Erika's favorite, the lemon and cream cheese bundt cake, he heads back to the house and gets there around 6, he goes upstairs, Tessa and Dani are asleep on Erika, Erika is awake rubbing Dani's back, and swimming in her thoughts*

Erika's POV
I was laying in bed with Tessa and Dani and we were talking, well they were talking I was thinking, I heard what they were saying but I didn't really listen to it, after about 20 minutes they fell asleep on me, so I dug myself deeper into my thoughts, My parents are dead, They were shot and killed, They are not breathing anymore, they're gone, I'll never see them again, They won't get to meet their first grandchild, I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but I have Nana and Jake and the rest of the team, so I should be ok, My thoughts were interrupted by Jake and Tristan getting the girls off of me, Jake got Nana and Tristan got T, Jake put a hand out and I took it, We all walked down stairs and into the kitchen, Jake set Nana down in a chair and Tristan set T down and kissed her, I guess I missed that while we were gone, Jake got a bunch of food out of the bag and started opening it up, He handed me my food, then he handed T her food, and Nana her food, he gave Tristan his food then he got his, then they sat down across from us
J- You ok babe?
E- Yea, just thinking
J- Ok, eat up then
E- Gladly
Tr-T, you gotta eat baby
T- I'm not hungry
D- Neither am I
J- I know you guys are feeling a lot of emotions right now, but not eating isn't going to help, so will you please eat
Tr- For us?
D- ok
T- Fine
*They all eat and go to the movie room, they watch the perks of being a wallflower, then they watch if I stay, when they finish it's around midnight, Dani is asleep on Tessa's lap, Tessa picks up Dani and heads upstairs, They all follow her up to Dani's room, Tessa lays Dani down in bed, she kisses her forehead, The rest if them do the same*
D- Goodnight you guys
all- Night Dani we love you
*They close the door and go sit out by the fire pit, Erika is wrapped up in a blanket and Jake is holding her in his arms, Same with Tessa and Tristan*
J- I want all of y'all to know that no matter what happens we are family, and we will always get through it together
Tr- And we will become stronger because of it, we will always be ok at the end of the day
E- No one comes between family ever
T- If they try they will fail, because we are family, and nothing can break us
J- I love y'all
All- We love you to
*Erika kisses him and falls asleep about 15 minutes later, Tessa falls asleep on Tristan too, Jake and Tristan are talking and enjoying a glass of scotch, when they finish they pick up the girls and they head to bed, Jake helps Erika into bed and they fall asleep*

3 Hours later
*Dani is having a nightmare about the shooting she wakes up sweating and out of breath, she starts to cry, she gets out of her bed and walks upstairs into Jake and Erika's room, they're both asleep but Erika is on Jake's chest, Dani lightly taps Jakes shoulder waking him up*
D- *lightly crying* J-J-Jak-key
J- *sleepily whispers* W-what's w-w-wrong Nana?
D- I-I c-can-n't s-slee-p-p *sniffles*
*Jake opens his eyes completely and looks at Dani*
J- It's ok Nana, I know come on lay down, try to get some sleep*opens the arm that's not wrapped around Erika Dani gets under the cover and lays her head on Jake's chest too*
D- I-I d-don't h-have p-pare-ents a-anymore
J- I know Nana, but you have us, me and Mikey aren't ever going to leave you, we will always protect you and we will never let anything else hurt you again, I promise
D- I-It h-h-urts s-s-so m-mu-uch *starts lightly crying again*
J- I know it does Nana, it's always going to hurt, and I'm so so sorry, but you will be ok, this pain will make you stronger
D- I-I lo-ove y-you *nuzzles her head deeper
into Jake's chest and stops crying and slowly starts drifting off*
J- I Love you too, night Nana *kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly then falls back asleep*

And Hour and A half later
*Erika gets up and has to throw up, she runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up, Jake comes in and holds her hair back and tubs her back, Erika is about 3 months pregnant, she finishes throwing up and Jake gets her Advil, vitamin water and her prenatal pill, they both go lay down in bed, Dani nuzzles herself back into Jake's chest and so does Erika, but Erika is awake*
E- Hey baby, what's up with Nana is she ok?
J- Yea she just had a bad dream and wanted to sleep in here
E- Oh,... *it's all silent for about a minute*
E- Jake I want to get married, like next week
J- Ok, can I ask why?
E- After yesterday I realized that life's too short to not do what you want to do as soon as you want to do it, and I want to get all the guardian paperwork over with, but I want your name on the paper so you have guardianship of Nana incase anything happens to me
J- Oh ok, so do you want a courthouse wedding or a quick church wedding?
E- We can do it next week at St. Marys on Sunday, I already had a dress shipped from kleinfield
J- Ok baby, whatever you want, who do you want to come?
E- Pam, Greg, JC, Morgan, Team 10, and Logan and other super close friends and I don't want a after party
J- Alright babe whatever you want *pulls her close to his chest and kisses her forehead*
E- I love you Jake
J- I love you to Mikey, get some rest
*Erika falls asleep quickly, Jake's phone Starts buzzing but he just ignores it and falls asleep*

In The Morning

Erika's POV
I woke up this morning feeling great except for the fact that my baby bump is getting a lot more noticeable, I sat there for a little and watched Jakey and Nana sleep, they looked so peaceful, Thank god I have them, then I heard a buzzing coming from what I thought was my phone, it turns out it was Jake's, I didn't go into his phone and read through all the text because I trust him, but I do see  some of the text from his lock screen, they are all threats from an unknown number, my heart instantly drops into my stomach when I see one text in particular, it said "soon enough your baby won't have a mother or a father" when I read that it felt like all the air in the room had been sucked up, I couldn't breathe, then all of the sudden I feel Jake moving I try to say something, but I found myself starting to gasp for air, I try to stand up to go to the bathroom and get it together, but I collapsed on the floor, after I hit the floor I remember Jake talking to me then screaming out the door for some to call 911, then everything went black.

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