It hurts so bad

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Dani and Tessa fall asleep on Erika while they were talking, Jake comes home with the food and employs Tristan to help move Tessa and Dani and Erika downstairs so they can eat, They get the girls downstairs and eat, when they finish they all go downstairs and watch some movies, when they're done everyone goes to put Dani to bed, after that and they all go outside by the fire and chat, the girls fall asleep the boys take them upstairs and the fall asleep, about an hour after the fell asleep Dani has a nightmare and goes to Jake and Erika's room and wakes up Jake, after they talk they fall asleep, about 3 hours later Erika gets up to throw up, Jake helps her and they get back in bed, in the morning Erika gets up first she hears a phone buzzing, she picks it up although it was Jake's phone and reads the text, it was a threat against her and Jake, she tried to stand up but she couldn't because she couldn't breathe, Jake gets up and runs to her side, the last thing she see is him, then it all goes black

Jake's POV
I heard a big thud and instantly looked over, I saw Mikey on the ground barley breathing, she was trying to breathe but she couldn't, I held her in my arms and then I started yelling at anyone to call 911, Dani started screaming and crying, but all I could focus on is Mikey
*Tessa runs in with Tristan behind her, she's already got 911 on the phone, Tristan picks uo Dani and takes her out of the room*
T- *frantically pacing and trying not to cry* Hello, um we need a ambulance to our house now, my friend collapsed and she's unconscious, and pregnant please hurry
O- Ok ma'am we are sending an ambulance now, can you tell me the name, age, height, weight, and how far along your friend is?
T- Her names Erika Costell, She's 21, She's 5'8 and she weighs about 130, and she's 3 months pregnant
O- ok ma'am calm down the paramedics are on their way
T- Ok thank you bye
*hangs up, and goes and kneels next to Jake*
T- Jake, what happened? *calm voice*
J- I-I d-do-n't k-kn-ow, a-all I-I h-heard w-was h-her f-fa-ll
T- What's that? *points towards the phone that's slid under the bed*
J- M-my p-ph-on-ne
*lays Erika flat on the ground and grabs his phone, he reads the first three text and stands up and starts pacing back and forth*
T- What is it Jake?
J- *silent*
T- Jake Paul what the hell is it
T- calm do-
Tr- AMBULANCE IS HERE LETS GO ME TESSA, DANI AND THE TEAM WILL MEET YOU AT THE HOSPITAL, JUST GET RIK TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP *The paramedics come in and get Erika on the stretcher, Jake goes with them and gets in the ambulance, he looks at Tessa Tristan and Dani with teary eyes and then they shut the doors and drive off*

Tessa's POV
I have never seen Jake like this something is really wrong, he looked so scared and alone without Rik he has no one, before I could even think about how my best friend is going to the hospital, Tristan took my hand and we went upstairs, he packed Jake a bag and I packed Rik one. I got her favorite comfy clothes and then we all piled into the team ten van, Chance had his head in his hands, Nick was on the phone basically screaming at the head of tech security to figure out who the hell is doing this to Jake and Erika, Chad is looking out the window silently, Kade is trying to keep Mckenzie from crying, Anthony is driving and swimming in his thoughts, Justin is texting sunny and filling her in, and Tristan is holding Dani as she cries into his shoulder, and I'm resting my head on his shoulder, I was just thinking and then I thought about Loren, she's been out in Malibu for the week I need to call her
*Tessa dials Loren's Number and she picks up*
On the phone
L- Hey T what's up?
T- Lo you need to get back to LA now it's Erika She's in the hospital, she passed out, and I have something to talk to you about but I'll talk to you when you get here
L- Omg I'm on my way now, god I knew I shouldn't of gone, what do you want to talk about?
T- It's about Angel and Dan so I think you should get here first *shaky*
L- What's going on T, why did Rik pass out, and why are you getting so shaky when you say angel and Dan?
T- I-It's Nothing Lo just get here and we'll talk about it later we are at the hospital talk to you later bye love you
L- Ok T, love you too bye
*Tessa hangs up and everyone gets out the Van, they walk into the hospital and Tessa walks up to the nurses station*
T- Hi, um excuse me, we are looking for Erika Costell?
RN- Oh yes, she was brought in about 15 minutes ago, she had a severe anxiety attack, and she was very malnourished, for her to be 3 months pregnant, she's in room 7187
T- Thank you so much *Tessa walks back to the team and tells them everything then they head upstairs, they get to Erika's room and walk in to see Erika crying into Jake's chest, Jake is crying to, he looks up to see the team and shakes his head*
T- Wh-What h-happened?
J- *Jake and Erika both started crying even harder*
T- Hey y'all how about you guys take Dani to get some ice cream *widens her eyes implying for everyone to leave*
TT- Ok, let's go *Tristan takes Dani's hand and walks out, the rest of the team follows*
E- t-th-the b-ba-by *she puts a hand on Jake's chest and clenches his chest as she continues to cry*
T- No, no, no this can't be happening, no you don't deserve this *Tessa walks up to Erika and Jake and grabs their hands they look up at her and she hugs them tightly*
T- I'm going to get my Dad involved, this is so wrong, I will kill the person who has been threatening y'all, I swear you won't ever hear from them again
E- y-yo-ur d-dad?
T- Yes my dad, the CIA director who left me with my physco mom
E- T n-no d-d-don't i-it's o-ok
T- Erika Costell you will not tell me it's ok, because none of this is ok, you and this man right here deserve the world, and the fact that all this bullshit has happened to you guys and it's only fucking Wednesday is awful, I can't stand to see you two like this you are the strongest people I know, you are always there for me, so for once I'm going to be strong and be there for you, wether you like it or not.
E- I l-love y-you T
T- I love you too now I have to go make a phone call to the CIA so I'll be awhile, do you want me to take Dani home? i packed you two bags too.
J- t-take h-her h-ho-me p-pl-ea-se
E- C-an I h-ha-ve m-my b-bag t-to
T- Here you go *hands her the bag* and I'll make sure she's in bed by 9, I love you guys, and this will all be over soon, I promise
*Tess hugs then one more time and leaves the room as she dials her dad's number*

Jake's POV
When they took Erika into the ER I felt the same way I did when they took her out my arms the first time heart broken and alone, I paced back and forth in the waiting room until the doctor pulled me aside
J- is she ok? What's wrong? Is the baby ok?
*frantic and scared*
D- Your fiancé is ok, she is very underweight, she hasn't been gaining weight since the last time we checked up on her, if anything she's lost weight, with her being severely underweight and three months pregnant, it caused her to pass out because of the anxiety she felt, and I'm sorry to say, but due to the lack of nutrition and the amount of stress, Erika miscarried
J- No, No, No, No *sits down and outs his head in his hands and starts crying*
D- I'm sorry sir, your fiancé has been informed and has asked for you
J- w-whe-re is s-she?
D- Last room down the hall on your right
*Jake stands up and runs to her room, she looks up at him with red eyes and shakes her head, and starts crying some more Jake walks up to her and hugs her, she pulls him into bed and cries into his chest as her cries while hugging her tightly*

Jake's POV
When the doctor said Mikey miscarried, I couldn't believe it, the first thing that popped in my head was Mikey, and how she must be feeling, our child is dead, the child we were so excited to bring into this world, the child that was our world, I felt hot tears start rushing down my face, I tried so hard not to cry, but I couldn't, this is my fault, I didn't protect Mikey and the baby, I didn't make sure Mikey was ok, and I didn't make sure the baby was ok either, I sat down and put my head in my hands and the doctor told me Mikey wanted to see me, I asked where and ran to her room, when I opened the door her eyes found mine, they were red and puffy, she shook her head and started crying harder, I walked up to her hugged her as tight as possible, she pulled me into the bed and started crying harder, I cried too, I held her in my arms, refusing to let her go, I lost my child, and I promise you I won't lose her too, we sat and cried for awhile then Tessa, Nana and the Team came in, I looked up and shook my head, Tessa got the team to take Nana out of the room and then we talked about who's been threatening me and Mikey, Tessa said she's getting her dad involved, I'm so grateful for T, but right now I just need sometime with Mikey, she's blaming herself right now, when it's my fault, T brought us stay-bags and took Nana home since Mikey can't leave for another 2 days, once T left I lifted Mikey's face up to mine and wiped her tears away with my thumb
J- I love you baby, I know your hurting, I am too, but it's all going to be ok, I'm just thankful you're ok
E- It's a-all m-my f-fault *starts crying really hard*
J- Erika... look at me, this isn't your fault at all, I didn't take good enough care of you, I didn't keep you out of harms way, or stress free, this is my fault and I'm so sorry Mikey, but I promise you I will kill the person who did this, and you and I can try again whenever you're ready, but I'll never let this happen again
E-i-it h-hurts s-so b-bad J-Ja-ke, y-you a-and N-Nana a-are a-all I h-have l-left
J- and we aren't going anywhere, I promise you *kisses her*
E- *sniffs and nuzzles her head in his chest*
Can you get me sweats and your sweatshirt from my bag?
J- Of course baby, here you go *gets up and hands her the sweats and sweatshirt*
E- *tries to stand up to put it on, but is still bruised and dizzy from hitting the ground*
J- Here let me help you, arms up
*Erika lifts her arms up and Jake helps her get out of the hospital gown, then he puts on her sweatshirt and pants and helps her lay back in bed, he lays down with her and she falls asleep on his chest almost instantly, he looked at the time and it was like 10:30 so he fell asleep too, about 4 hours past and the doctor come in and lightly taps Jake waking him up*
J- w-what's going on *whispering*
D- I need to talk to you about Erika, do you mind *whispers*
J- oh ok, sure what's up?
D- Erika weighs a lot less than your friend Tessa told us when she called 911, she said Erika weighed about 125, but when she got here we weighed her and she weighs 100 pounds, that's what average sized 6th graders weigh, when she is allowed to go home, I'm going to need you to make sure she's eating, and she needs to drink a weight gain supplement twice a day until she is around 125
J- Jeez it's bad, um ok can do doc
D- Jake you have to make sure she's eating enough if she keeps this weight loss up she could slip into a coma or even die
J- Wow, ok that's different um ok I need a minute, um I'm sorry, today's been a shit day
D- I know it has been, losing a baby is tough, my wife and I lost ours twice, but don't blame yourselves and don't try again until you are ready, You're fiancé needs you right now, and you have to be there for her, just take care of her and yourself and everything will be just fine
J- Thanks doc, for everything, but do you think I can take her home tomorrow, she really needs to be home with the rest of our family
D- I'll see if I can get them to push her test and CAT scans ahead
J- Sounds good, thank again doc
D- My pleasure, now I'll leave y'all be *walks out the room and closes the door Jake leans back and kisses the top of Erika's head and falls back asleep*

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