Safe with me

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Erika is finally home from the hospital, Jake surprised her by flying in Team ten, her best friends, Tessa and Loren, then flying in her mom, Angel, and her little sister, Dani, to take care of her while he was out doing business, when he got back to the house he found Matt, Erika's body guard, Matt told Jake about how, he wants to get him a security team and a gate in the front of his drive way and that he wants Erika to have a full time Body guard, for when Jake's not around, he then notifies Jake that Erika was crying when he first came in, Jake has to Change Erika's gauze and give her the meds anyway so he goes to handle it, then while he is changing Erika's gauze, he realizes one of her Post-Op incisions, has become infected, so he changes everything, and gets her in some new clothes, he then asks Erika why she was crying and she said because she was the lucky one, then Jake said he's the lucky one, and they kiss and then Jake takes Erika to the doctors office

Jake's POV
When I saw Rik's stitches I knew it was bad, I didn't want to scare her, so I said she had a little infection and that we would go get her some stronger antibiotics, so I helped her get dressed, and we talked about why she was crying, and so after we talked for a little bit I got her in her chair and took her to the car, once I got her to the car, I had the pedal to the floor, Erika fell asleep about ten minutes into the car ride, grasping on to my hand, when we got to the doctors which was in the hospital. I didn't want to wake Rik up, so I got her bag, which was full of comfy clothes because I know she'd be  at the hospital for at least a day then I got her chair out, walked to the side of the car and opened the door and picked her up and got her in the chair, she woke when I sat her down in the chair
J- Hey baby, we're here, they said they can take you back now, I'll be back in a minute, I need to call your mom
E-*Nods her head and kisses his cheek*
J- I love you
* The nurse takes Erika back, Jake calls her mom and tells her to get Tessa, Loren, and Matt to come to the hospital ASAP, then heads into Erika's room where the nurse is taking Erika's vitals*
J- Loren, Tessa, and Matt are on their way, I have a business meeting like 10 minutes away, Kevin said I can't miss another one so when they get here I'll have to leave for about 30 minutes to go sit through this dumb meeting, then I'll be right back here, okay?
E- *Nods her head and writes something down* Did I tell you how much I love you?
J- Yes, but you can tell me again *smirks*
E- *writes on notepad* I love you more than words can describe, I get so happy when  I'm around you, I love you so much Jake Paul, I'm so lucky I have you by my side.
J- *smiles really wide* I'm going to marry you one day
E- *writes* I'll be waiting
J-*smirks and mouths I love you*
E-*writes something down and shows the nurse*
RN- *puts on some latex gloves* Open up
E- *Open her mouth revealing the wire*
RN- Yea it looks like it can come out now
J- Wait, your gonna take out her wire?!? *He asked excitedly*
RN- Yea, her jaw seems almost completely healed, and her weight loss is worse than expected, because she's not able to eat real food
J- How bad is it?
RN- well she was 125 and we expected her to lose no more than 4 pounds and she's lost 22, which is really unhealthy so yea, the wire is coming out, right now.
E- *gets super excited*
J- You ready babe?
E- *Nods her head excitedly*
RN- alright this is going to hurt, so I'd hold on to something
J-*holds out his hand for Erika to grab*
E-*Grabs Jakes hand and  Erika nods towards the nurse*
RN- Open wide
E-*opens her mouth again, revealing wire*
RN- 1,2,3...
E- *Screams and grips on to Jake's hand so hard he screams too*
J- Ow, Ow, owwwww
E- Fuck that hurt
J- same here babe
RN- ok, so now that, that is over why are you here Ms. Costell?
E- Well Jake was changing my gauze and he said that my incision from when they fixed my collapsed lung looked a little infected so he brought me here to get it checked out
RN-*lifts Erika's shirt up and sees how bad the infection is* Well your boyfriend was right you do have an infection and a pretty bad one, but I'll run some test, and we'll see which antibiotics will work best, but we will
need to keep you here for a day or two just incase it gets worse
E-Sounds good, thanks!
RN- No problem, oh but you also have to put your brace back on, because your weight loss has caused your chest to rise in a way where it's putting a lot of pressure on your ribcage
E- I can't put it on by myself
J- what do you think I'm here for silly? *chuckles*
RN- well I'm going to run these test down to the lab they should all be done by tomorrow, and if you react well to the antibiotics I give you then you should be able to go home tomorrow morning, anyways I'll leave y'all to it *walks out of the room*
J- Thank you
E- Come here and help me baby
J- ok I'm coming *walks over to Erika and gets the brace out of her bag*
E- did you seriously pack me a bag
J- I don't know how long you're going to be here, and I want my baby to be comfortable, now let me put this thing on your cute ass
E- Aww I love you *lifts her shirt up, allowing Jake to put on the brace*
J- *finishes putting the brace on and kisses her, which turns into a make out, then He pulls away, to breathe * I've been wanting to do that since I met you
E- *smirks* God your sexy
*Matt, Tessa, and Loren are standing at the door when Tessa clears her throat catching both Erika and Jake's attention*
J- well that's my cue to head to my meeting
E- ughhh do you have to? *gives him puppy eyes*
J- Yea babe, believe me I'd much rather be here listening to you ache and complain, then tell me how much you love me instead of sitting listening to old guys talk about what I do, and how I'm so good at it
E- sounds fun *sarcastic* well hurry back I'll miss you
J- I love you
E- I love you more
J- No I love you more
T- OMG shut up and go to your meeting so I can gossip with my best friends
J-*laughs* Sorry I'm going
E- Bye baby, be safe!
J- I Will!! *walks out of the room*
T- Hey Rik!!!
E- Hey T, Hey Lo!
L- Hey E, how ya feeling?
E- Well my jaw still hurts from the wire and I feel kind of sick but other than that I'm alright
M- Excuse me ladies, but I forgot to tell y'all that there is now a full security team at the house, and a gate at the front of the driveway, and Erika I have been asked, by Jake to be your full time bodyguard, so if ya'll are ever going anywhere I'll be with you
E- Wow thats Great, Thanks Matt
M- No problem, I'll be outside at the door
E,T,&L- Ok, Bye * Matt walks out the room*
T- Whoa, Jake got you a freaking bodyguard
L- He must really love you
T- Damn, your bodyguards hot though
E- Maybe to you, but Jake is really the hottest man alive
L- You two are crazy
*All three of them laugh and chat for about 25 minutes until Erika falls asleep*

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