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Erika finds out she's pregnant and Jake proposed after she told him while they were eating breakfast, They tell everyone and they're all happy for them, Then they tell Dani that they're all going on a trip to Austria, after they tell Dani, Jake leaves to go visit Matt, but when he gets to the hospital Matt's asleep, so he leaves him a note and heads to the store and a bakery to pick up Erika's favorites, when he gets home he finds Erika and Dani sleeping, Erika wakes up and Jake starts talking to the growing baby in Erika's belly, after that they start watching a movie, then Dani wakes up and ask Jake to take her downstairs, Jake takes her downstairs and puts her to sleep, then gets ready for bed with Erika, around 3 in the morning Jake and Erika hear Dani screaming, Jake immediately runs downstairs and Erika is right behind him. They go into Dani's room and see she's having a nightmare, so Jake wakes her up while Erika gets her inhaler, after they comfort Dani for awhile they take her back upstairs to their room so she can sleep, Jake and Erika talk in the bathroom about how they are going to be parents, then they head to bed, the next morning they wake up and Dani goes to take a shower and get ready, Jake and Erika come up with baby names for a girl and a boy, then they have a "romantic" shower, before they take Dani out to breakfast

2 Days Later

Erika's POV
Tonite we leave for Austria, We are going to be there for a week and I can't wait, I know Jake has business for the first two days, but after that he's all mine, ever since I told him I was pregnant he's been so much more protective and He's been getting me all my favorite foods, and every night before we go to bed he talks to the baby, its honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen, I love him so much and I can't wait to be his wife, anyways its about 6 right now and I am just finishing packing my carry-on, which consist of, two pairs of outfits incase they lose my luggage, Dani's inhaler, Jake's inhaler, My inhaler, My prenatal pills, Snacks, my book, all three of our passports and My laptop, and charger, then I pack Jake's which is basically snacks, clothes, his laptop, charger, headphones, and his second vlog camera, then I pack Nana's which is basically her phone, her iPad, her coloring books, and the book she's reading, then I take a nap, because all of that was exhausting.

Jake's POV
I was out getting some new suits for my meetings, A surprise for Rik, and running some last minute errands, I got home around 7 and found Dani downstairs eating a salad in the kitchen, I sat down with her and asked her if she had everything
J- Hey Dani, you ready to have some fun?
D- Totally, I'm so ready to sleep the entire flight
J-*laughs and smiles* Do you have everything packed?
D- Yes
D- Yes
D- Yes
D- Yes Jake, I have everything I'm positive
J- Ok, what about your passport, you need that in your carry-on
D- Mikey has all three of our passports in her carry-on
J- Ok, good speaking of Rik, where is she?
D- Taking a nap in your room, she finished packing all our carry-ons and got tired so she went to lay down
J- Ok, well it's 8 right now we need to leave here at midnight so I'm going to go chill with Rik for a couple hours and then we have to say goodbye to team ten and apollo
D- Ok, bye
J- *walks upstairs and into his and Erika's room, and sees Erika peacefully and slips his shoes off and crawls into bed, waking Erika up*
E- Hey Jakey, do we need to get up, what time is it? *asks sleepily*
J- *whispers* Shhh Don't worry about that we got a couple hours and you need to sleep and so do I
E- Ok baby, I got our passports, y'alls inhalers, and my pills, then I packed yours and Dani's carry-ons so everything is done and ready to go
J- You are amazing, I love you *kisses her cheek and pulls her close*
E- I love you to *puts her head on his chest and they fall asleep*
* About 3 and a half hours later, Dani comes in and starts jumping on their bed*
J- Dani, we have 30 minutes still let us sleep
E- Yea Nana, please can I sleep
D- well if you want to sit through about 45 minutes of traffic and possibly miss our flights then be my guess
J- Are you serious ugh ok Dani we're up *sits up and runs his hands through his hair*
E- Jakey I'm exhausted, can I sleep in the car?
J- Of course you can, but don't you want to go say bye to your best friends before we go?
E- Yes, carry me I refuse to get up
J- Ok princess *chuckles and sounds sarcastic, then picks her up and walks her to Tessa's room, where Tessa and Loren are watching a movie*
E- Hey y'all what's up?
L- Nothing much just watching a movie
T- Yea what's up with Jake why'd he carry you?
E- *giggles because Jake rolls his eyes at the question* cause I didn't want to walk
T- Well your pregnant so I guess you can be lazy
L- She's got a point
E- *laughs with Tessa and Loren* Well I'm also leaving for Austria now so I just wanted to say bye and that I love y'all
T- Aww we love you too
L- Yea we will miss you with all these guys running around the house
E- Yea have fun with that, but it'll only be a week so I'll be back
T&L- Ok, well have fun be safe
E- I will I love y'all bye *waves bye and blows them kisses before Jake walks her back to their room and they get their shoes on and get Dani, their bags, and say bye to the rest if the team and leave*

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