Forever Yours

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Next Day
*Jake, Erika, and Dani, wake up the next day around 5:30 in the morning to Branson screaming his head off, Erika bolts up along with Jake and Dani, Erika shoots Jake a look implying for him to stay in bed, he picks up on it and stays in bed, Erika and Dani get out of bed and walk across the hall to the Nursery, Paxton and Branson are both hungry, Erika gets Branson, and Dani gets Paxton, they walk back into the room and Erika puts Branson in the bassinet next to Jake, she walks into the bathroom and gets Branson's and Jake's medicine, and new gauze's, she walks back in the room and straddles Jake's lap, she takes the gauze's off his chest, cleans his incision and applies his medicine to the cut and puts on the new gauze then kisses him, Paxton and Branson both start screaming at the same time, Erika gets off of Jake and let's him rock Paxton as she gets Branson and changes his gauze, after that she takes Paxton from Dani, she asks Dani to get her blanket from the Nursery, while Dani grabs her blanket, Erika lifts her shirt and latches Paxton onto her boob, Dani comes back in with a Blanket and gives it to Erika, she covers herself and starts talking to Jake who is feeding Branson the medicine he has to take before he nurses*
E- How you feeling bubs?
J- I'm alright still really sore and my chest pain is still happening every once in awhile
E- Do I need to call Dr. Sealy and have him put you on that blood pressure medication?
J- No, don't worry about it babygirl, cause if you worry about it I'll worry about it, and that won't help
E- I'll try bubba, anyway, Are you hungry?
J- When am I not?
E- Great point, Hey Nana my phones on the table next to the bassinets do you mind getting it for me
D- sure * gets up and grabs the phone, she walks back over to Erika and hands her the phone* I'm going to get in the shower but will you get me some food when you order it?
E- Sure, the usual?
D- Yep *starts walking out*
E- Ok see ya later *Dani closes the door and Branson stops drinking the bottle and starts screaming and rooting for Erika, Jake tries to get him to calm down and drink the rest of his medicine but he's is just getting more upset, Paxton detaches from Erika, so Erika hands him to Jake and takes Branson and the bottle*
E- Hey baby boy, listen I know you're hungry and want some milk, but you have to drink the medicine before I feed you so you can get to feeling better, I know you don't want to but after you drink it all you can have some milk, so please drink the rest of it, for momma? *Branson starts drinking and finishes his bottle as Erika placed their order from Panera, when she's done ordering She puts her phone down, Branson starts getting fussy and rooting for her boob again, so she lifts her shirt and latches him onto her boob, he starts drinking and she covers herself and turns to Jake*
J- How are you?
E- Stressed, Tired, Relieved, hungry, the usual, How about you?
J- I'm sore, but good, is there anything I can about it?
E- Well I mean you can rest and take it easy and be my teddy bear when I want to cuddle
J- Sounds pretty do-able, *looks down at Paxton who is sound asleep on his chest* Aw look at him babygirl
E- Aww he looks so cute
J- I know right, he must be tired
E- yea he didn't go to bed till 5:30 this morning, he wanted to lay down with you, but I didn't want him moving around and hurting you
J- So you didn't go to bed till 5:30 this morning?
E- Yea, but it's not a big deal
J- Are you kidding me Mikey? yes it is you need to sleep too you should've woke me, I wouldn't of minded
E- It's fine bubba, I just want you to get  some rest, I can take care of you and the babies it's ok
J- *sighs* Mikey, babygirl, you can't take care of all of us if you can't take care of yourself, please wake me up next time I don't want you up all night having to deal with the boys alone
E- ok bubba, I'll wake you up next time
J*smiles and kisses her* I love you
E-I love you too

Jake's POV
This is what I didn't want to happen, I didn't want to stress Mikey out, she thinks she has to care for me and the boys all by herself, she's not the type of person to ask for help, it's a quality that has its perks but it really does take a toll on her, she needs to take it easy or she won't have enough left in her to be a mom to twins, after we talked we Laid in bed and watched TV, after about 20 minutes Branson detached himself from Erika and started crying, I took Branson from Erika after she burped him and laid him on my chest, across from Paxton, not gonna lie it hurt when they moved around but it was ok, Branson stopped being fussy as soon as he laid down, I looked over at Erika and she was out cold, I grabbed my phone and took a picture of her, I just watched the boys sleep for awhile and then I texted Tessa and asked her to come up here, she came in the room about 2 minutes later
J- Hey T, do you mind putting the twins in the Nursery, and getting Our Panera when it gets here
T- Sure, here let me have them *walks to the other side of the bed and grabs Branson and then Paxton off of his chest and walks them to the Nursery she lays them in their cribs, she walks downstairs and the doorbell rings she goes to the door and gets their food, and walks it back to their room, she walks in the room and sees Jake passed out on Erika's chest, she laughs to herself and sets the food down on the table, she walks out and turns off the lights, and lets them sleep*

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