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*February 14th, Tuesday, 2 weeks later, it's 7 in the morning and it's Valentines Day, Jake woke up around 5 to work out, he took a monitor with him so he could hear the boys wake up, they woke up around 6:30 and they weren't hungry, so he took them out of the nursery and they all went downstairs into the kitchen, Jake put them in their bassinets and set them on the counter*

Jake's POV
Today is valentines day, and I have the perfect surprise all planned out for Mikey, first it starts off with breakfast in bed, so I made her Toast, Egg whites, Avocado, and turkey Bacon, when I finished cooking I got a text from Jc saying that he'd be here in about an hour with Moe, Moe couldn't come 2 weeks ago because of work so it worked out now my plan is officially in action the boys were staring to get fussy so I ran back upstairs and grabbed the bottles Mikey pumped last night from the mini fridge in the nursery, then I ran back downstairs and warmed them up, the boys are only a month old, and since they were premies they are still super small so I picked them up and held them in one arm, and grabbed the plate and bottle in the other hand, I walked upstairs and set the plate and the bottles down on the bed side table, then I woke up Mikey with a kiss on the forehead,she  groaned and turned towards me, And kept her eyes closed
E- Good morning bubba
J- Morning babygirl, say good morning to Momma boys
E- *slowly opens her eyes and smiles, then she sits up* Are they hungry, I'll feed them, give them here *tries to take them from Jake, but he doesn't let her*
J- No, today is valentines day so you will not have to do anything, except eat this breakfast *hands her the plate*
E- Aww thank you bubba *Kisses Jake and starts eating, Jake grabs the bottles and walks to the other side of the bed and sits down, he lays the twins down on their backs and holds the bottles up as they start eating*
E- So I was thinking that we could just hang out with the boys here maybe go get a nice family dinner
J- Umm no, today is a mommy and daddy only day, My mom, Jc, and Moe are coming over and the team and them are taking care of the twins till Friday
E- Umm ok, why till Friday?
J- Because we are going to Aspen for a little getaway
E- Omg, this is going to be so much fun
J- I know right, and The girls already packed your bags last night
E- Ok, then what do I need to do?
J- Nothing really, I mean you might want to pump, because our flight leaves at 10 and it's like 7:45 right now, and we only have like 10 bottles and they go through them really fast
E- Ok, well I'm gonna eat this delicious breakfast and then I'll pump
J- Sounds good babygirl
E- omg guess what?
J- ummm we are going to have the best trip ever
E- Well duh, but No, today will be the first day we'll be away from the boys for more than 3 hours
J- Oh you're right, I don't think it'll be that bad
E- I hope not, but I mean, just look at these two
J- yea I know they're the best, but I mean we could use a little alone time too, if you know what I mean *winks and makes it really Cringey*
E- *giggles and smiles* Yea I totally agree with that *Erika takes the last bite and gets up, and grabs the pump from the nursery, she walks into the room, and sits in the rocking chair, she sets up the pump and starts pumping Jake picks up the boys and sits in the rocking chair next to her, he lays the boys belly down on his lap and burps them, and then picks them up and puts them in the bassinet, as soon as Jake puts Paxton down, he starts screaming*
J- Come on Pax, I thought we talked about this man *Paxton keeps crying*  Oh Ok, fine just because I won't see you for like 3 days *takes off his shirt and picks Paxton up again, he sits down on the rocking chair and lays Paxton down on his chest, Jake looks over at Erika and she's biting her lip*
J- *chuckles* What are you looking at
E- My sexy husband
J- what are you talking about, your the sexy one, you had twins like less than a month ago and you already have an 8-pack again
E-*blushes and smiles* Aww thank you, but I mean like your abs are pretty good too, and you have like the best arms ever
J- Thanks babygirl
*they continue talking for about an hour and a half, until Erika is done pumping, she disconnects the pump and screws on the tops to the like 12 bottles she pumped, then she puts the pump up and takes the bottles to the fridge in the nursery and puts them away, she then walks back into the room and grabs Branson from the bassinet, and she grabs her blanket, Branson woke up and he was hungry so he instantly started rooting for her boob*
J- Do you want me to go get a bottle
E- No I wanted to feed them myself one more time before we leave so I saved some
J- Ok well we got like an hour and a half before the flight leaves so let's hope he's hungry *Latches Branson on and he starts eating, she covers him with the blanket*
E- Hey Bubba, will you go get Tessa and Dani?
J- Sure thing babygirl *gets up and walks out the room with Paxton still sleeping in his arms, he walks downstairs and to Tessa's room first*
J- *knocks on the door* Hey T, you in there?
T- Yes come in *Jake walks in*
T- Hey Jake, Hey Pax, you little cutie
J- Shhh he's asleep
T- Opps my bad
J- It's Fine I just came down here to tell you that Mikey wants you
T- Ok where is she?
J- Feeding Branson in our room
T- Ok, let's go
J- I'm gonna go wake Nana up you can head up there first
T- k *walks out the room and upstairs to Their room, Jake walks across the hall to Dani's room, he walks in and sees her sleeping, he walks to her bed, and sits down while holding Paxton, he shakes her leg and wakes her up*
J- Nana, wake up, Mikey needs you, so can you please get up?
D- Ugh ok, I'm up, let's go *gets out of bed and walks with Jake upstairs*
E- Morning Nana
D- Morning Mikey
E- So I had to wake you up, because bubba and I are leaving for a couple days, to go on a little trip, and Grandma Pam, Jc, and Moe are gonna stay here with you and the twins and help out while we're gone
D- Ok, how long are you gonna be gone?
E- We'll be back Friday
D- Ok have fun, can I go back to bed?
E- *giggles* Sure Nana * Dani walks out the room, and Tessa walks out after her, Paxton wakes up and starts crying so Jake hands him to Erika and takes Branson, and burps him, Erika starts feeding Paxton, after about 15 minutes, Paxton is full, and Erika burps him, they put the boys down for a nap, and quickly go shower and get ready to leave, by the time they finish it's 8:45, Jake grabs their bags and puts them in the car, then he goes back inside, he walks up to the nursery where Erika and Pam are talking*
J- Hey mom, thanks again for doing this for us
E- Yea, we really appreciate it
P- No problem guys, just have fun
J- Ok, can do
E- well we have to go so let me kiss my babies bye, and we can head to the tarmac *Takes Paxton and Jake takes Branson, they say bye and kiss them, and then switch babies and do the same, after they do that they hug Pam and leave, they get to the tarmac about 30 minutes later when they arrive it's 9:30, they get there and get settled in on the jet, about 10 minutes later they take off, Erika and Jake lay down and cuddle on the couch*
J- You excited?
E- How could I not be? I get to have a little getaway with my amazing husband *smiles and kisses him and rest in the crook of his neck*
J- You tired?
E- Yea, the boys were up till like 4
J- Babygirl why didn't you wake me up?
E- Because you always go when they're crying and I felt bad because you looked so tired so I didn't want to wake you up
J- Aww thank you babygirl, but next time wake me up so I can keep you company and help with the boys
E- Well I won't have to worry about that for as long as we're here
J- We sure won't *Jake kisses her and then they fall asleep, they wake up when they land*

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