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Almost 2 months later
*November 10th, 2 days before Erika's birthday, Jake is no longer in his cast and Dani's stitches are gone and she's al healed up, Erika and Nick are out shopping, Nick agreed to go shopping so Jake could explain the plan for Erika's birthday to the rest of the team*

Jake's POV
So I had a really good idea for Mikey's birthday, I wanted to take her skiing, but I wanted to take her skiing in the alps, so I thought we would take the whole team to our house in Hallstat, she's gonna be so excited, I really live making this girl happy, I mean I married her for a reason, I bought the entire first class of an air bus, so we got extra room for the entire team, anyway Mikey's out with Nick right now shopping so I have to tell the Team the plan, pack for Mikey and I, cook dinner and probably carry Mikey around because she's pregnant so she doesn't have to walk around when she doesn't want to, anyway I need to get The team down here so they can get packing
TT- COMING *they all run downstairs and sit on the couch while Jake stand ups and starts talking*
J- So as many of you now Mikey's Birthday is in 2 days, but what you don't know is that I have planned a family trip to Austria, it's Mikey's favorite place and we have a house in Hallstat, overlooking the vineyard which we also own, we will be staying for 2 weeks so start getting packed and boys, yes you can bring your girlfriends, I booked the entire first class on an A380 so we have about 25 first class seats, now let's get packing, it's about -5 degrees this time of year so pack a lot of warm clothes, we leave at 3 am so we should get there at 7 pm on the 11th
TT- Got it *they all run to their rooms and start packing*
L- Jake, I'm going to run to my house and pack and runs some last minute errands do you need anything from the store?
J- Yea get lots of Cheeze-it's, Oreos, and chocolate almond milk, like a crap ton, because 22 hours on a plane with a hungry pregnant lady isn't fun at all oh and enough Benadryl for the entire team because Jet-Lag is a killer
L- Alright man, I'll be back later, see ya later bye *he leaves and Jake goes upstairs And starts packing for himself and Erika, Jake told nick about his plan yesterday so nick is already packed, when he finishes packing it's 8, so he cooks everyone dinner, as he's cooking Erika and Nick come home, Erika walks into the kitchen and Jake hugs her and they kiss, She sits down across the counter and he hands her a plate of food, he makes everyone else a plate and calls them down, everyone comes down and they all sit around the table They are all eating and laughing when Jake stands up and gets everyone's attention*
J- Alright so Everyone knows what we are doing for Mikey's birthday except her so we might as well tell her am I right?
TT- Yep
J- Alright well babygirl I think you would like to know that we are going back to Vienna for 2 weeks to go skiing in the alps and celebrate your birthday
E- OMG NO WAY WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE VINEYARD??? *gets up and kisses Jake*
J- You know it babygirl, you're already packed we leave in about 4 and a half hours
E- Omg we are actually doing this, thank you so much bubba!!!!!
J- I love you babygirl now eat up and go put on the sweats and sweatshirt I laid out for you
E- Ok, Thank you so much I love you too bubba *kisses him and sits back down and starts talking to Tessa and Sunny about what they're going to do while they're at the vineyard, she finishes eating and foes upstairs to her room and sees Jake has laid out her favorite baggy greg Nike sweatpants and her favorite hoodie of his, A black Nike hoodie that is way too big for her, she throws her hair up in a messy bun, and changes into the sweatpants, she changes into a sports bra and starts taking off her make up when Jake walks in and up behind her, he wraps his arms around her growing baby bump and kisses her neck slowly, he then rest his head in the crook of her neck and she looks at him through the mirror and smiles*
E- You know I love you right? *smiles and turns around so she's facing Jake*
J- You know I love you more right? *has his hands on her hips*
E- That's not possible *giggles and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him*
J- Then how is it that you have a baby in there? *chuckles and moves his hands around her belly*
E- That's because I'm irresistible, just look at this body and these sweatpants *giggles and jumps on Jake and wraps her legs around his waist* Now carry me to bed so I can go to sleep
J- Ok princess *Says with sass and sarcasm*
E- What was that
J- Ok babygirl to bed we shall go *carries her up to the bed and lays her down, he lays down next to her and starts talking to the baby* Hi little baby, it's me your daddy, so guess what, Momma, the team and I are going to our favorite place, we are going skiing in Hallstat, It's momma's Birthday so I had to surprise her, I also have a surprise while we're in hallstat for your mom but she doesn't know about it
E- Well I want to now *giggles and runs her hand through his hair*
J- Shhh me and the baby are having a conversation, anyway you're momma is going to love it, but anyway you and momma need some sleep, because we got a long flight to get on soon, so get some rest my little baby I love you so much *kisses her belly and goes back up to Erika He pulls her into his chest and kisses her forehead*
E- *yawns* I'm tired bubba
J- I can tell babygirl you rest up, and I'm gonna go make sure Nana is all packed and out bags are in the van, and then I'll be back here
E- *nods her head and quickly falls asleep*
*Jake kisses her forehead and gets up, he takes the bags downstairs and loads them in the van, he goes to Dani's room and sees she's all packed and that she's taking a nap, he quietly gets her bag and checks it, then he loads it up and puts it in the Van, Logan's walking through the door as he's walking back upstairs, Logan quietly closes the door because he realizes everyone is trying to get some sleep before the flight, Jake whisper yells to logan*
J- Put the snacks in the back pack on the counter, put the chocolate milk in the fridge in the kitchen, Alissa is asleep in her room, we're leaving in like 2 hours *Logan nods and walks towards the kitchen, Jake continues to walk back upstairs and into his room, he slips under the covers with Erika and she immediately cuddles up to his chest, making him smile, he wraps his arms around her and falls asleep*

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