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3 Months Later
*February 17th, Today Is Jake's birthday(I know it's not but it'll help make things more logical later), Erika is 6 and a half Months pregnant, Jake told Erika that he just wants hang out with the family, and find out the gender of the baby since today is their appointment, it's about 8 in the morning and the entire team is down stairs except Jake and Erika who are still sleeping, Tessa decides that the team and herself should make Jake a birthday breakfast*
Tessa's POV
So Today is Jake's Birthday, He told Rik that he just wants to hang around the house and find out what gender the babies are, because It's getting harder and harder for Rik to go out, because she has a really big baby bump and she gets really tired really easily, Jake is actually so good to Rik, he carries her everywhere, gets her whatever she wants to eat, handles her horrible mood swings really well, holds her hair back every morning, you know just being a really good husband, speaking of husbands, Mack and Kade got Married last month, and now they're trying for kids, anyways Rik says he talks to the baby every night, sometimes she takes videos and shows us girls when Jake's out, Lately Jake's been really busy trying to get all his business done before Rik is 7 months pregnant because he wants to stay home with her incase Anything happens, Rik wanted Jake to have a great birthday, so she bought him 2, 100,000 dollar AP's, she put them in boxes and wrapped them really nicely, I thought the Team and I should do something nice for Jake, so I got put of bed, and woke everyone up, they all were grouchy because it was 8 in the morning but I made a big pot of coffee and got everyone to help me with breakfast, I even got Nana to get out of bed and help, we made pancakes, Waffles, Bacon, Sausage, Biscuits, Eggs, Toast, Omelettes, because everyone wanted something different, Yesterday Rik told me she wanted Some Nutella and Strawberries really badly, so I made her a huge stack of pancakes with Nutella and Strawberries in between them, I also gave her eggs and Bacon and Sausage, because Jake gives her both every morning before he leaves, When We finished We ate because it was 8:30 and they weren't gonna wale up till 10 anyway, so we ate our breakfast then got there's together and walked to their room, They were all cuddled up and being cute, too bad we had to wake them up, We all started singing quietly, and Jake and Erika slowly woke up, We sang a little louder and Nana walked over to Jake's side, she handed him the food and then gave him a kiss on the cheek, Jake hugged her
J- Thanks you guys, I love y'all
TT- We love you too
E- Happy Birthday Bubba, I love you so much *kisses him and smiles* I have your presents down stairs
J- Babygirl, I told you-
E- You told me not to but I did it anyway because I love you, and I want you to have a nice birthday
J- Thank you babygirl
E- Your welcome bubba *They kiss again*
Hey is there enough food for me
T- I already knew you were gonna ask *Hands her the plate* Here momma
E- Thanks Baby T I love you
T- Well We're going to go downstairs and chill if you want to join later
J- Ok Thanks Y'all
*They all walk out leaving Jake and Erika in bed, They are eating and watching TV*
E- hey bubba, are you sure you don't want to do anything special today?
J- I'm positive babygirl, I just want to hang here with my family and find out what the baby is
E- Ok *takes the last bite of her pancakes and sets the plate to the side, she goes to Jake who has also finished and sit on his lap, facing him* I love you so much Bubba
J- I love you too baby *they smile at each other and starts to make out after a little They pull away and rest their foreheads on each others* so what times the appointment?
E- noon
J- ok, and what time is it now?
E- it's 10 now so how about we take a shower, and get dressed then we can go open your presents and then we can go to the doctors
J- Ok babygirl let's get up *he stands up with Erika in his arms and walks to the bathroom, he sets her on the counter and turns on the shower and takes off his shirt and pants and gets in he looks at Erika who's still sitting on the counter* You gonna get in or what?
E- Oh yea, *gets off the counter and takes off her sweats a sports bra and walks to the shower* sorry I was just watching my hot husband shower *steps in and kisses him*
J- I love you
E-I love you too
*they smile and kiss again, they take a shower and get out, they get out dry off and get dressed, they walk down stairs and Erika sits down at the counter behind the presents and pushes one towards Jake*
E- Open it *smiles and nods*
J- ok babygirl *he opens it and reveals an all Diamond and Platinum watch* Babygirl... you didn't, this is an AP, it's easily over 90,000
E- Here you go bubba *slides him the second box and he opens it revealing a Platinum and Leather AP*
J- You actually got this? *smiles and walks over to Erika*
E- Yes I did, the all diamond one is from me and the leather one is from the team and I
J- Babygirl you didn't have to do that, I have you and the baby and that's the nest birthday present their is
E- Awww you are so sweet *hugs and kisses him*
J- Thank you Baby I love them *hugs her and puts the all diamond one on*
E- it looks good on you
J- Thanks again baby seriously this is an amazing present, anyway it's 11:30 so do you want to get going to the doctors?
E- Yea, Let's go say bye to the team *grabs Jake's hand and walks into the living room where the rest of the team is*
J-All right guys we are going to the doctors, we'll be back around 1:30-2, and thanks for the watch I love it
TT- No problem, Bye *They leave and drive to the doctors office, Erika sits down as Jake signs them in, after he signs them in he sits down with her, they wait about 15 minutes and then get called back*
RN- Paul?
J- Right here *they both stand up*
RN- Right this way *they follow the nurse back into the exam room* You know the drill right?
E- Yep, Thank you *The nurse walks out and Erika gets out of her pants and lays back on the examination table, she looks over at Jake and takes his hand* You excited?
J- I'm more than excited, I get to find out what my baby is, and I get to do it on my birthday
E- Aww bubba, you are literally the best husband ever and you're going to be the best dad ever too, I love you
J- I love you too babygirl
E- So Have you thought of any names yet?
J- actually yea, I was thinking for a boy I'd want to name them Paxton or Branson and for a girl I'd want to name them Molly or Jacquelyn
E- I actually love all of those
J- I know I'm pretty good *chuckles and smiles, soon after doctor raymer comes in*
DR- Hey Y'all how's it going
J- Amazing
E- It's someone's birthday today!! *points at Jake and giggles*
DR- Really, Well happy birthday man, now how about we make this birthday amazing by finding out what color your painting your nursery
E- *giggles* Alrighty
*Doctor Raymer outs the gel on Erika's belly and starts moving around the ultrasound wand, he mutes it so they can't hear the heartbeat, Afar about 2 minutes of looking around Dr Raymer finds the heartbeat, of two babies, his eyes widen, causing Erika to panic*
E- What's wrong? is everything ok? Oh my god please tell me everything's ok
DR- Everything's better than ok *he unmutes the machine allowing them to hear the heart beats, at first they think it's only one*
J- Wait a minute what's that sound?
*he hears the heart beat of one baby then another*
E- What?
J- Listen *they both listen and Erika hears it too, her eyes light up when she hears it*
E- Oh my god Bubba, We're having twins *she starts crying happy tears as Jake gives her a long kiss*
J- Best Birthday gift ever!!! *smiles and hugs Erika*
DR- Congrats you guys, would you like to now then genders?
E- Yes please
DR- You are having twin boys
E- OMG bubba, we're having 2 baby boys
J- I'm so excited baby
DR- Once again congrats and happy birthday, I'll leave y'all now, see y'all next month
E- Ok thank you bye *Dr. Raymer leaves and Erika gets dressed and they leave, they talk about what they're going to do with the twins and how excited they are about them, They get home and Jake starts cooking dinner while Erika sits across the counter on a bar stool*
J- Hey babygirl, do you want to have a family dinner tonite and tell everyone, since my moms in town? Or do you just want to eat dinner and go to bed?
E- Well since Pam's in town, I think we should, since it's also your birthday
J- Ok sounds good, do you mind calling Logan and telling him that mom and him are having dinner here tonite?
E- Of course bubba, the team is all at the movies right now, seeing some comedy, but they should be here in about an hour or two
J-Ok perfect *Erika calls Logan and tells him the plan, he agrees and says he'll be there in an hour and a half *she gets off the phone with him and decides to help Jake with dinner*
E- Hand me the pasta please so I can start boiling it
J- Not until you crank up the jams
E- Alright *she giggles and walks over to the kitchens iPad and turns on Her Thomas Rhett playlist* Now pass me the pasta *giggles as he hand her the pasta, and kisses her*
J- I love you, you know that right?
E- I do, but did you know I love you more *pours the pasta in the pot and puts the top on it*
J- That's not possible
E- No it is because I do
J- It's not because I love you more than life itself
E- Damn it you won this one Paul
J- I think sometimes you forget that you're a Paul too
E-How could I forget, That was the best day of my life *smiles and hugs Jake, she kisses him and then hugs him one more time before going back to the pasta, They finish cooking the chicken Alfredo, as the team and Logan, and Pam arrive, Pam and Erika, and Logan and Jake hug, then they all serve themselves and sit around the table, after about 15 minutes Jake stands up grabbing everyone's attention*
J- So as y'all know today is my birthday
TT- Yea
J- Well I think y'all would also like to know that I got the best birthday presents ever, not only did I get two beautiful watches, but I also got to get pictures of my two healthy baby boys
TT- *gasp*
*all the girls squeal as Jake and Erika show them the pictures, the boys congratulate Jake and Erika and continue eating since they're really hungry*
P- So have y'all decided on Names yet?
E- Yes we are going with Paxton James Paul and Branson Christopher Paul
TT- Awwww
T- I love them
P- Me too
*They continue to talk about the babies for and 20 Minutes then they go to the movie room to watch a movie, they watch the movie and when they finish it's about 9, so they all head to bed, Erika and Jake were walking up the stairs when Erika stops suddenly*
E- Jake... Hospital NOW
J-What?! why?! What's wrong?
E- Jake my water just broke...

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