A New Start

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Erika is at the hospital because of how badly Tyler beat her, Jake has stayed up every night since it happened 2 weeks ago, just watching over her making sure she's safe, Jake had Logan pack all of his and Erika's stuff up in their apartments and bring it to the new team ten Calabasas mansion, while Erika is still at the hospital, Tyler comes back and tries to hurt her again, he breaks Jake's nose, and Erika falls asleep on Jake , even though she's supposed to sleep alone

Jake POV
*It's been 2 weeks since all the stuff happened with Tyler, and Alissa, and Erika is finally being released from the hospital, her jaw is still wired shut, but they put a thinner wire in so she could make noises, but she also had to stay in a wheel chair for a couple more weeks until, her ribs healed completely, but I was happy because I could finally, take home and have a fresh start with the girl I love*
J- So I got logan to set up the team ten house so it should all be done, and I booked the whole crews flights so, Chance, Anthony, Kade, Chad, Tristan, Nick, Nathan, and Justin. Should be here around 7:30 tonight so we should be home and back in Calabasas before they get here.
E- *gives Jake a thumbs up, and continues to pack, then she just stops and starts crying, hard*

Erika's POV
These last 2 weeks have been hell, I can't eat solid food, I can't sleep through the night in the same bed as Jake because he might crush my lungs, and I can't even tell him how much I love him, but I am going home today with him, I'll finally be able to just stay in my own bed and have him sit with me, I'll be in a wheelchair, and I still can't eat solid food, but I'll be able to feel his warmth, and thats a start, but I still just want to be able to to talk to him and tell him I love him and kiss him, I'm at a breaking point, I just can't take it anymore, last week I was getting the shit beaten out of me, but this week I've woken up to an amazing guy sitting there right in front of me, clearly not getting any sleep, just watching me, making sure I'm safe, why does he love me so much, I'm just his assistant, why does he treat me so well, next thing I know I'm sobbing, and I'm not sad, and I'm not happy, I'm just thankful, thankful for Jake, and I can't imagine myself without him, and that scares me. While I was trying to figure out what the hell was up with my subconscious my thoughts were interrupted by Jake's embrace, luckily I had my brace on, because if I didn't, Jake would've crush my lungs, but he didn't, and it felt nice to be in his embrace, but then I tried to speak and I couldn't and it only made me cry harder, but he knew why I was crying so hard cause all he said was I love you to.
J- Come on Rik, let's go home
E- * smiles and motions for Jake to help her into the wheel chair*
J- *picked up Erika helped her in the chair and wheels her to the elevator, they go downstairs and The valet pulls the car up and Jake helps Erika get in the car*
E-* winces in pain because Jake accidentally kissed her cheek*
J- Shit, I'm sorry Rik, I forgot *looks away and starts tearing up because he didn't mean to hurt her*
E-*mumbles for him to come to her and kisses him even though it hurts her*
J- * smiles* let's go home baby

@ The Team 10 House

Jake's POV
When we got home I had a surprise waiting for Rik, I flew in her 2 best friends from Tennessee, loren, and Tessa, I think I'm going to have them join Team Ten, Tessa as a talent member, and Loren and a business associate, but before Rik got hurt she would talk about, them all the time and how much she missed them, so I made sure they are some of the first people Rik sees. They are waiting at the new house for us, Logan set up Rik's temporary room since she can't go up the stairs, and the girls made it girly or whatever, The whole Team Ten squad is at the house too, I told Rik that they'd be there after we got home, but I told her that because the Team is throwing a welcome home party for her. We pulled up in the drive way of the House and Rik was asleep, so I parked the car, got her bag, pulled out the wheelchair and then I woke her up and helped her into the chair, she smiled at me and gave me a kiss, I knew it hurt her every time she kissed me, but I knew she didn't mind it either, When I opened the doors Rik and I were swarmed by our team ten family, and when I looked down at Rik she was crying and hugging loren and Tessa, seeing her this happy filled my heart, I finally knew my purpose in life, To make Erika Costell as happy as possible.

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