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4 Hours later
*Jake woke up and had to use the bathroom, he didn't want to wake Erika up to help him, so he quietly got up and held Branson close to his chest, once he got up from the bed he set Branson down in the crib, he got to the restroom and, went to the bathroom, he went and on his way back to the bed, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he winced in pain loudly, waking Erika up. She sat up quickly and saw Jake bent over the dresser, she jumped out of bed and ran to his side*
E- What's wrong bubba? Is it your stitches?
J- my chest, it hurts when I breathe, Aghhhhh *holds his hand to his chest and grabs onto Erika's arm so he doesn't fall over, Erika helps him to the bed, she gets him to lay back on the bed*
E- does it feel like your drowning when you breathe?
J- No, it feels like I'm getting stabbed
E- Ok so your lung isn't collapsed, where does it hurt?
J- in the middle of my ribs on the left side
E- Ok so nothing with your heart, umm do I need to get a doctor in here?
J- yes please *lays back and starts breathing heavily and fast, Erika runs out the room, and gets doctor Sealy, they come back in the room, and Dr. Sealy, starts to examine Jake, and Branson starts screaming in pain again, Erika walks to him and picks him up, she grabs his medicine and applies it to his chest, after about 10 more minutes of him screaming, he stops, and he falls back asleep in the Erika's arms, Dr. Sealy has finished his exam and is talking to Jake, Erika is standing up right next to Jake*
D- so Jake, the pain you are feeling on your side is caused by a pulmonary embolism
E-A WHAT? *starts panicking and hyperventilating, Jake grabs her hand and pulls her into bed, He wrap his arms around her and Branson and whispers to her*
J- *calm and quite* It's ok baby girl, let him finish, it'll be alright *Erika nods her head and nuzzles her head into his neck*
D- A pulmonary embolism isn't as serious as it sounds, it's basically a way of your heart letting you know your too over worked, basically your stress is so high that your heart had to hurt you to let you know, your high stress is causing your blood pressure to sky rocket, making your heart have to work extra hard, causing you pain
J- Ok well how do We fix it?
D- Well we can put you on CDC which helps lower your blood pressure, but since you are 22 we don't want to put you on it now and have it cause issues later, so all I can say other than putting you on the medication is to relieve as much stress from your life as possible, maybe take some time off of work, stay at home spend time with your family, relax, just make your life as stress free as possible
J- So nothing that I have to get surgery to fix?
D- No, just keep your stress down and it'll go away, but if your bp continues to rise you will have a heart attack, so try to stay relaxed
J- It's hard not to be stressed while your in a hospital
D- Well we can run some test on Branson if you want to take him home in a couple hours
J-Babygirl? Do you want to let them run the test?
E- Will it hurt him?
D- No, he will be asleep for most of them
E- Ok, well in that case, let's run these test and go home, I miss my babies at home
D- Sounds good, testing should take about an hour all in all, but since it is 4:30 in the morning we can't release you guys till 7:00 so I would get some sleep while he's in testing
J- Thanks doc
D- No problem guys, now let's get this little guy up to testing
E- By baby boy I love you *kisses Branson on the forehead and Jake does the same, Dr. Sealy takes Branson from Erika and puts him back in the crib, he rolls the crib out of the room, Erika walks to the door and closes it, she shuts off the lights and goes back to bed, she crawls into the bed and Jake lays on her chest and she runs her hands through his hair*
J- You alright baby?
E- Yea just a little nervous I guess
J- What's wrong?
E- Last time we were waiting for testing to get done a hospital got shot up, and I lost both my parents, I just don't really like hospitals, it was bad enough when we had the twins and were here for 2 weeks
J- *sits up and looks at her , he holds her face in both his hands and rest his forehead on hers he sweetly whispers to her* I know babygirl, and I promise you that it'll never happen again, we just have too relax and trust that it's all gonna be ok
E-  are you sure bubba?
J- Positive babygirl, *kisses her long and passionately, then he pulls away* now get some rest, we're going home soon *smiles and lays back down on Erika's chest, they both fall asleep rather quickly after that*

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