Still here

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Erika and Jake wake up and Jake weighs Erika and gets ready for the day while she gets breakfast made, when they sit down and begin to eat Jake says that they should start trying for a baby again, and Erika tells him that she's pregnant, Jake freaks out and is very excited

1 Week Later
Erika's POV
It's been a week since I told Jake that I was pregnant, he's so excited, but he's also being even more overprotective, which is saying a lot, he has me eating 5 times a day, he makes me take 3 naps a day, and makes sure I take all my prenatal pills which I hate, the morning sickness hasn't kicked in but it will in the next few days, which I'm not looking forward too, right now I'm taking my second "nap" of the day, Jake's cooking lunch and then we're going to the doctors to check on me and the baby, we haven't told anyone we're pregnant except Tessa, because we want to make sure there's no possibility of losing the baby again before we tell people , I wonder what Jake's cooking I should go see

Jake's POV
Today Mikey and I are going to the doctor to make sure her and the baby are doing good, ever since she told me she's pregnant I have been so much more over protective, making sure she eats enough, making sure she's taking naps throughout the day, I don't want anything to happen to her or the baby again so I'm doing everything I can, the morning sickness hasn't kicked in yet, but Mikey says it will, right now I'm cooking lunch, then I'm going to go pick up the crew from the airport, I really miss Dani, and the rest of Team 10 but it's been nice not having them around for a couple weeks, anyways right now it's 3 the crews plane lands at 5, and Mikey's appointment is at 4, so I guess Mikey's coming with me to pick the crew up, I heard little soft footsteps coming up behind me and I knew it was Mikey
J- Hey baby why aren't you in bed?
E- Because I wanted to know what you're cooking, and I'm not a 3 year old who needs a nap every hour
J- *sighs* ok just because i love you
E- *giggles* I love you too
J- I booked an appointment for 4
E- Oh ok great, does that mean I'm coming with you to pick up the Team?
J- Yup
E- Great *smiles and kisses him* Anyway what ya cooking?
J- chicken Alfredo
E- Ohh I've really been wanting that
J- and guess what's for dinner
E- Hmmm Chinese?
J- No *smiles and stirs the pasta*
E- Panera?
J- No
E- I don't know what?
J- Go look in the back yard
E- *runs to the backyard and sees the big smoker that Jake cooks Barbecue on, she squeals and yells to Jake* NO WAY YOUR MAKING BARBECUE!!
E- *runs back inside and jumps on Jake* you know your barbecues my fave
J- Why'd you think I made it? *smiles and kisses Erika*
E- Good point *gets down and sits on the stool*
J- Here ya go babygirl *hands her a plate and a fork* we're leaving at 3:30 and its 3:15 now so eat up
E- don't have to tell me twice *starts eating*
J- do you need anything before we leave? Purse? Jacket? Anything?
E- Can You get my purse and my jean jacket? They're upstairs on the dresser
J- sure be right back *walks out the kitchen and upstairs grabs her jacket and purse and runs back downstairs*
E- Thank you bubba *kisses him*
J- No problem, you ready to go?
E- Yea, let's go
*They get in the car and drive and talk about ramdom things for about 30 minutes, they get to the OB/GYN office and sign in*
N- Paul
J- That's us
N- Follow me
J- Got it, let's go baby *helps Erika up and holds her hand as they walk back to the room*
N- Here you go I'll just take some vitals and then you're gonna take your pants off and lay back on the bed
E- Alright Let's get this started
N- Ok please step on the scale
E- *steps on the scale*
N- 120, a little underweight, but much better than the last time you were in the hospital according to you file
E- Yep
N- Ok, Your 5'8, your BP is 112 over 70, your temp is fine and your ticker sounds good, the doctor will be here in a couple minutes, so you can get ready and lay back on the table
E- Ok thank you so much *nurse walks out and Erika gets out of her pants hand them to Jake and sits up on the table, she covers her waist down with the sheet the nurse set out for her*
J- You excited babygirl?
E- yes, but I'm super nervous
J- Why?
E- I don't know I think it's because I'm pregnant and back at the doctors... again
J- I know, but just stay positive everything will be fine *smiles and kisses her forehead*
E- Thanks bubba I love you
J- I love you too babygirl
*theres a knock on the door then the doctor comes in*
DR- Hey guys, I'm Dr. Raymer, I'm the head OB/GYN doctor here and I'll be checking to see if Erika is pregnant
E- sounds good
J- Great
DR- ok so First I just need a little background info, what do you eat like, sleep like, how much do you exercise, are you in a stressful work environment, the whole deal
E- Alright well, I usually eat really healthy and clean, but I'm still underweight so I have to eat to gain weight, I sleep a lot, this one makes me take 3 naps a day plus the 9 or more hours I get a night, I usually exercise a lot, but Jake's making me slow it down and do like Yoga now, and I mean being a big influencer on social media is a little stressful but I don't really let it bother me
DR- Alright well that sounds really great, keep doing what your doing, anyways you guys ready for the ultrasound?
E&J- Yes!
DR- Alright now this might be a little cold but only for a second *puts the gel on her stomach, and starts searching for a little baby, he mutes the machine so he can get their reactions on camera when the hear the heartbeat, he finds the heart beat and pulls out his phone and starts recording, he unmutes it and they hear the heart beat and are shocked, Jake and Erika both start tearing up*
E- That's our baby bubba *smiles and wipes away her tears*
J- I can't believe it, that's our baby, we are gonna be parents
E- *pulls him into a kiss* I love you
J- I love you too *kisses her again*
DR- Well congrats to you guys and the baby looks healthy, all I'm going to tell you is that Erika needs to keep gaining weight, and stay as stress free as possible, and y'all can come see me again in about a month, Nurse Jackie out front will help you schedule an appointment
E- Ok, thank you so much, see you later
*he waves and walks out Erika puts her pants back on and walks hand in hand to the front with Jake*
E- Hi we'd like to schedule our next appointment in a month
N- Ok how does September 14th sound?
E- Can we do the 12th our 9 year olds birthday is on the 14th
N- Sure how about the 12th at 3?
E- That's perfect thank you so much bye!
N- My pleasure see y'all later!
*They wave and walk out and go back to the car, Erika and Jake kiss then get in the car*
J- I can't believe it... I'm actually going to be a dad *smiles and grabs her hand as he pulls out of the parking lot*
E- And I'm going to be a mom
J- I love you so much
E- I love you too
*they drive to the airport and wait for 10 minutes then the team to walk out of baggage claim, Dani is in Tristan's arms, when she sees Jake she jumps out of his arms and runs to Jake and jumps up in his arms*
J- *laughs* Hey nana, we missed you too
E- We have some big news for all of you guys, but we'll tell you when we get home because Bubba has Barbecue in the smoker
T- we have a surprise for you Erika
E- What is it? *team ten steps aside revealing sunny* SUNNY!!!
S- Hey Rik, miss me?
E- Did I, OMG how long are you here
S- Well I mean I don't live in Texas anymore
(In the story sunny's 19)
S- Jake you want to tell her? *looks at Jake and winks*
J- Baby She's moving to Calabasas 
E- OMG we're gonna be neighbors?
J- I mean sunny signed her contract with Team Ten, so she's apart of the team now
TT- YES!!!!
*They all hug sunny and then they get in the van, Kade, Mackenzie, and Chad are sitting in the last row, Chance, Anthony, and Alex are sitting in the row before them, Tristan, and Nick are in the 2nd row, and Sunny, Dani and Tessa are all in the front row, Erika is in the passenger seat while Jake is driving they all drive back to the house and Jake tells everyone to get ready for the family dinner, he calls Logan and Alissa and tells them to come back to the house after he gets off the phone he goes upstairs and into Erika and his room, she's getting dressed, he walks up behind her and hugs her*
E- Thank you bubba
J- for what Babygirl?
E- being the best husband ever and surprising me with one of my closest friends ever
J- Well I just thought you would want another girl to hang out with around the house and I want to make my wife happy
E- I love you so much
J- I love you too, now let's go eat some Barbecue with our family and have a good time
E- Ok bubba *kisses him and they walk out, they go downstairs where the entire team is waiting for them*
J- Who's ready for some Barbecue?
TT- WE ARE * Dani runs and jumps in Erika's arm*
J- Take it easy Nana
E- She's fine bubba
D- Jakey how's your hand?
J- It's ok Nana, how was Disney world?
D- It was really fun, Tristan got in a Dance battle with Mr. incredible, Tessa and Me got makeovers, and we all rode every single ride Twice!!
J- Wow sounds like y'all had a lot of fun
TT- We did
E- Hey is everyone here?
TT- Yes
E- great so Everything's done so how about we all go get plates and eat at the table? Because Jake and I have an announcement
TT- Ok, Got it *they all grab plates and run outside and start piling food on their plates*
J- Here baby I'll get Nana a plate you just get yourself one
E- Ok thanks bubba *hands him Dani and grabs a plate then follows the rest of the team*
J- *grabs 2 plates and walks out to the backyard, he sets Dani down and walks with her along the table that has the food on it, he gets their plates and the walk to the table Jake sits Next to Erika and Dani sits next to Jake*
E-*whispers to Jake* should we tell them now?
J- Sure
E- Ok *stands up and gets everyone's attention* So Jake and I have something to tell you guys *looks at Jake and smiles*
S&T&M- WE'RE GONNA BE AUNTS OMG *they all get up and starts jumping up and down, everyone is excited and congratulates them then they all sit down say grace and enjoy dinner as a family*
3 Hours later
Erika's POV
It's about 9 now, and we are all sitting out by the fire just talking and having a good time, Dani is asleep on me and I'm struggling to stay awake, I've been getting so much more tired lately I think the pregnancy is really starting to take effect, I think Jake noticed how I'm barely staying awake because he stood up picked up Dani and said goodnight to everyone, then he grabbed my hand and helped me up, we walked to Dani's room, put her in bed and each gave her a kiss on the forehead, then he picked me up and carried me upstairs, talk about hubby goals amirite, we got to our room and Jake walked into the bathroom, set me on the counter, and grabbed my pills, a water, and he handed me them, I looked at him with a pouty look and he laughed
J- Come on baby, just take them, don't think about it
E- Ugh fine *takes the pills and drinks the water* ewww
J- whatever silly, what do you want to wear for pj's?
E- Sweatshirt?
J- ok, let me go grab one *runs to the closet and grabs one of his sweatshirts and walks back to Erika, she changes into the sweatshirt and Jake takes off his shirt, They walk to bed and get in, when Erika lays down, Jake lays by her stomach and starts talking to it, Erika starts recording*
J- Hi little baby, it's me your Dad here, today was a really good day, me and your mom heard your little heart beating, We are so excited for you to come into this world, we've wanted this for a long time, I just thought that I would tell you how much me and your mom love you, and that we will try to be the best parents we can be, anyway you need to get some sleep, so goodnight little baby, daddy loves you *kisses Erika's belly and sits back up so Erika can snuggle up to his chest, she kisses him and lays her head on his chest*
E- *sighs*
J- What's wrong babygirl?
E- I don't really know, like I'm so happy that we're going to be parents again, but thinking about it makes me miss my mom and dad, Like when I found out I was pregnant, I got my phone out and called my mom, but she then I realized she isn't here anymore, and it's still just so hard to accept
J- Mikey, Look at me, Your parent are still here, they always will be, they are always and forever watching over you, and I know it's hard to accept, I get it, I still don't accept the fact that my step-dad is gone too, but you have to remember that even though you can't see them, they are here, they will always be here, and so will I, I promised them I would, I know What happened to them is sad, but don't be sad over remembering them, be happy that they're still with you, and remember that they'll never leave
E- *a single tear falls from her eye* Thank you
J- It's my job to make you feel better isn't it? *smiles and wipes away her tear and kisses her*
E - *smuggles back up to his chest* I love you so much Jake good night
J- I love you too Mikey, sweet dreams *Erika falls asleep first and Jake does soon after*

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