Whatever you want

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Erika has a nightmare about Jake dying, Jake reassures her that he's not going to leave her and that he's ok, they are fully awake now and so they head downstairs to the kitchen where Erika sees Jake's back, his back is all scratched up because of her so she cleans up the scrapes and they decided to get wiin the hot tub, after they get out the hot tub the door bell rings, they open the door iand see Alissa sitting there crying and shaking because banks beat her so badly, they help her inside and get her cleaned up and let her stay with them, she asks them to call Logan because Logan and Alissa are in love, they call him and he rushes to their house, he goes inside and says night to Jake and Erika then goes to comfort Alissa, they all go to sleep and the next day Erika wakes up and makes everyone lunch they all eat and hang out for the day

3 Days later

Erika's POV
Today Lissa, Jake, Logan, and I are going to our lawyers so Lissa, can get a restraining order against Banks, and Jake and I can sign the papers to legally become Dani's guardians, it's about 10:30 right now and I smell breakfast, and Jake's still asleep so I'm going to guess Lissa and Logan are in the kitchen cooking, I need to get in the shower and get ready for the day so I got out of bed, stripped and got in the shower I was washing my hair when I felt a pair of hands grasp my waist I knew it was Jake so I continued washing my hair and then turned around
J-Morning Beautiful
E- Morning Bubba *wraps her arms around his neck an kisses him*
J- You ready for today?
E- Of course, are you?
J- Yes, I'm so ready, I already ordered a shirt that says "worlds chochiest dad"
E- *giggles* Only you would do that
J- *laughs* whatever, anyway I was thinking
E- Ok and...?
J- What if we add Lissa to The Team, I mean she needs a place to stay, and no one knows we were together so I don't think there'd be any controversy surrounding it, and we could always use more girls in the house, and I mean we've cleared the air and she's clearly in love with Logan so I think it'd be a good idea
E- I think it would too, me and Lissa have actually become really good friends and I'd love to have her around the house, we'll ask her about it later
J- Sounds good babe
*They make out a little in the shower, get out, get dressed, and walk down stairs where Alissa is sitting on the counter with Logan standing in between her legs eating*
E- Morning Y'all
L- Morning Rik morning Jake
Al- Morning guys
J- Morning
L- Y'all hungry?
J&E- Duh
Al- y'alls Plates are in the oven
J- Thanks *walks to the oven and grabs the plates with an oven mitt on and then walks to the table and puts a plate in front of Erika and pours her a cup of coffee*
E- You guys ready to go to the lawyers today?
Al&L- Yea
Al- I need to find a place soon
E- About that... *looks at Jake and he nods his head*
J- We wanted to know if you would like to join Team Ten?
E- You could stay here, and start over
Al- Are y'all serious? OMG OF COURSE THANK YOU SO MUCH *gets off the counter and hugs Erika and Jake*
E- And after we get the restraining order signed and get our guardian papers signed we are going to meet the security team up at banks house so you can get what you need
Al- Seriously guys thank you so much for doing all this for me I really appreciate it
J- The past is in the past and me and Mikey don't really hold grudges and we are happy to have you on the Team
E- Y'all I think it's time to get going
J-Yea, Y'all ready?
L- Yea, Lissa?
Al- Yep Let's go

*They all get into the tesla and drive to the lawyers, Alissa and the judge both sign the restraining order and Jake and Erika sign the papers to become Dani's parents, after they are done they go to Banks house and meet up with the security team and Matt*
M- Hey guys so the plan is Jake, Logan, and I will handle Banks while Erika, Alissa, and the rest of my guys get Alissa's stuff packed up
J- Sounds good to me
L-Same here
E- Yea we'll be in and out
Al- Gosh I really don't want to be here right now but let's just get this over with
E- You'll be fine just look at all the big dudes we got
Al- Alright Let's do this thing *They all get out of the car and Jake Logan and Matt are in front of the girls while the security team is behind them, They all walk up to the door and Matt knocks on it, Banks opens the door with a bottle of Whiskey in his hand*
B- *sluring all his words* what are you doing here?
M- We are here to get Alissa's things and give you this *hands him the restraining order*
B- a fucking restraining order?
J- Yea now if you don't mind Lissa needs to get her things so please move
L- and I suggest you listen because we aren't asking twice
B- whatever, go get your stuff you little bitch *opens the door letting Then all in but then he takes a step closer to Alissa then looks at Erika* You're beautiful you know that
*Jake pulls him away from the girls and grabs him by his collar*
J- If you ever look at my wife like that again I will kill you, do you understand
B- Aye aye captain
L-Girls go get Lissa's stuff we'll be waiting
*The girls go up stairs with the security team following them, they start packing up all of Alissa's stuff while the boys watch Banks downstairs, after about 20 minutes the girls are finished and come downstairs while the security team walks out to put the boxes in the truck, Jake, Erika, Alissa, Logan, and Matt start walking out but Banks says something that boils Jake's blood*
B- Sorry bout y'alls baby, maybe next time she won't freak out and kill the baby
*Jake turns around and grabs Banks by his throat and holds him against the wall*
J- What the fuck did you just say
B- Maybe next time your wife gets threatened she won't kill your baby
J- How the fuck did you know about us getting threatened
B- Who do you think it was genius, who do you think had your girls folks murdered?
J- You son of a bitch *Jake punches banks right in the face as hard as he could, Banks falls to the floor and starts laughing, Jake gets on top of him and starts hitting him more and more*
J- I'll kill you, you motherfucker, *hits him knocking out some of his teeth* you put my family through hell *hits him again knocking him out cold, he gets off Banks and sits back against the wall and puts his head in his hands and starts to cry, Logan and Matt are holding Erika back and away from Jake but when they see him start to cry they let her go to him, Alissa calls the cops*

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