Stressed Out

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Jake can't sleep so he stays up and talks to the baby After a while of Jake talking to the baby he notices Erika is having a nightmare when she starts screaming he wakes her up and comforts her reassuring her that he'll never leave Then they talk about how Jake can't sleep because he stressed out about trying to be perfect for his growing family and Erika reassures him that he already is they fall asleep and the next Day Tessa Shows up to the Villa surprising everyone they have a nice day in Vienna and headed back to the villa when they get back Jake, Gustov, and Aaron are the only ones awake. Jake takes Erika, Aaron takes Tessa, and Gustov takes Dani, to bed then everyone goes to their rooms, when Jake puts Erika in the bed she wakes up, Jake takes off his sweatshirt and helps her take off her shoes and shorts, then they get into bed and fall asleep

A week later
*Tessa, Erika, Jake, and Dani have been having a great time, Tessa being there to watch Dani allowed Jake to take Erika out to a very lavish dinner, It's their third week in Austria, Tessa is leaving today, Erika hasn't been eating or sleeping as much, but Jake doesn't really notice, but Jake has also gotten word that Tyler's trial is moving fast so he should be sentenced and in prison by next week so they can go home, he's going to tell Erika after she says goodbye to Tessa*
T- Bye Mikey, Bye Dano, love y'all
D- Bye Tessa, I'll miss you
E- Bye T, I love you too, See ya soon
T- Jake keep an eye on my girls, I know you will, but I still have to tell you *giggles and hugs all three of them*
J- Bye T, I'll keep them safe, we'll see you back in LA *smiles and waves goodbye as Tessa gets in the car and it drives away, Jake tells Dani to go to her room and change into a swimsuit, so she does, Jake hugs Erika and kisses her forehead*
J- So I got some good news
E- What is it?
J- Well I got a call from Andy, the US attorney, and he said Tyler's trial is moving fast, they got the doctor that did your surgery, matt, and Logan to testify, Tyler's looking at 50- life so I promise you won't have to worry about him ever again
E- ARE YOU SERIOUS THATS AMAZING *smiles and kisses him*
J- I know, we can go home next week, that's when the trials over
E- I love this place, but I miss LA, and it's a week till July, we have to have Dani back to my mom by then, she says for school and cheer, but Dani's homeschooled so I don't know why we can't keep her, I think she just misses her
J- Well in 8 months we'll have a Dani of our own *smiles and picks her up and starts walking up the stairs*
E- what are you doing *smiles and laughs*
J- We are going to get in the pool with Nana, and I don't think you wanna go swimming in sweats
E- Good point
J- can you wear your black bikini? I love that one
E- I would, but my baby bump is starting to show, which other one do you like
J- The black zipper one
E- I like that one too
J- need some help putting it on? *smirks and laughs*
E- No silly, you need to get some trunks on too
J- Oh yea, good thinking babe *grabs his trunks and puts them on then sits on the bed and admires Erika*
E- *She notices him staring and walks up to him and sits on his lap and kisses his cheek* You wanna carry me to the pool baby?
J- Of course babe *he smiles and picks her up and walks down the balcony stairs to the pool and sets Erika in the hot tub then sits next to her and Dani jumps in and sits on Jake's lap*
J- So Nana we are officially going home next week, We are going to Nashville first because your mom is going to kill me if I don't have you back by July
D- So I have to leave y'all? *pouts and looks at Jake and Erika*
E- Yes you have to leave us, but since your homeschooled, you can come whenever you want just call Jakey or me and we'll arrange something
J- Totally, your always welcome to come hang at the house for a couple weeks, whenever you want
D- Thanks Mikey, Thanks Jakey I love you guys
J&E- We love you too *Jake pulls them both into a hug and then kisses their foreheads*
* They play in the pool for a couple of hours it's about 4 in the afternoon and Dani and Erika, and Jake are all getting tired of the pool and they just want to chill out so they get out and decide they want to watch a movie, so Dani goes to her room to get dressed and Jake and Erika head upstairs to their room*
J- Hey babe, You okay? You look a little pale
E- No, I'm going to be sick *puts her shirt on while running to the bathroom, Jake runs after her with Advil and vitamin water, she starts throwing up and he holds her hair and rubs her back*
J- You're ok, You're ok just let it out
E- *throws up for another minute then when she's done Jake hands her the Advil and the vitamin water then after she takes them he hugs her and kisses her forehead*
J- You want something to eat?
E- No I'm not hungry *takes a sip of water*
J- are you sure you haven't eaten since one and it's about 4
E- I mean I'm not hungry, but I'll eat a snack
J- Ok good, what do you want to eat?
E- Well we are about to watch a movie so can I get some popcorn?
J- Of course babe, anything else?
E- No thank you I'm good, you want to go down stairs now, I bet you Nana's waiting on us
J- Good point, you want to know something before we go down stairs *smiles and picks her up she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist*
E- What? *smiles*
J- I love you *kisses her*
E- I love you too *smiles even wider and kisses him back*
J- You ready?
E- Yep, but I don't want to walk
J- *chuckles and walks down the stairs carrying Erika, he sets her on the couch next to Dani and hands her a blanket and walks into the kitchen to make her popcorn*

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