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Jake and Erika realize Dani's really sick while their having breakfast, Erika thinks it's because she's rejecting her new heart, everyone is freaking out, Jake decides that they are getting on a flight back to Nashville After he packs up everything and they head to the airport, in the car the girls fall asleep on Jake, he gets a text threatening him Erika, their family and the baby, he tells the person to leave him alone, they arrive at the airport and board the plane

On the Plane after Take off
*Jake is sitting next to Erika and Dani is asleep on his lap with her pacemaker hooked up to her, every 10 minutes Erika is checking Dani's pulse and temperature, she is stable for right now, Jake notices her constantly checking Dani's vitals and he tells her to eat, lay down, and relax and that he'll make sure she's ok*

Erika's POV
I guess Jake noticed me checking on Dani ever couple of minutes and he told me he would and that I should try to get some sleep, I laid back and looked at Jake, he looked like he had a lot more on his mind than Dani just being sick, I've seen the look he has in his eyes once, and it was when he saw Tyler hurting me, it was a look of anger, and fear, and I hated it, seeing him angry and scared made me angry and scared and I want to know why
E- Are you ok Jakey? you look angry.
J- I'm alright baby, just a little stressed out and worried about you and Dani and the baby
E- Are you sure that's it? You know you can tell me Anything *puts her hand on his and squeezes it*
J- Do you promise me you won't stress out about it if I tell you?
E- Yes, I promise
J-Ok *hands her his phone and holds her hand Erika reads the phone and starts shaking, Jake moves Dani into his seat and sits with Erika he hugs her and kisses her forehead* Nothings going to happen, I already have the tech guys on it, don't worry I'll worry about it, I just need you to eat something and get some sleep, can you do that, for me?
E- *nods and eats the rest of her apple slices then buries her head into Jake's chest, and falls asleep*

15 Hours into the flight
*Erika has been asleep on Jake's chest for about 4 hours she wakes up feeling sick and gets off of Jake's chest and runs to the bathroom, Jake grabs the Advil and Vitamin waters out of her bag and runs behind her, she started throwing up and Jake was rubbing her back and holding her hair back she threw up for about 5 minutes and when she was done Jake hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head*

Jake's POV
we walked back to the seats after Mikey threw up and sat back down, she fell asleep on my chest while I was doing some work she looked so peaceful, I love her so much, we have about half an hour before we landed and I checked on Dani and she looked a little paler then before, I checked her temperature and she was even colder, and her heart was slowing down even more, she started shaking like she was cold, and I didn't know what to do, so I immediately got Rik up and grabbed Dani's bag, Rik was holding Dani and told me to get her blanket, I got her blanket and wrapped her in it, and she started to stop shaking, Rik sighed in relief, I kissed their foreheads and hugged them, I sat down and Rik put her head on my shoulder and Dani adjusted herself to where she was laying in my lap, I texted Angel and told her we'd be landing in about 30 minutes and that we'd be at the hospital as soon as we landed, it took a while for her to answer since it was about 4 in the morning, but she did and she told me they already have Dani's room ready at the hospital, and that as soon as we get off the plane there'd be a ambulance there to take us to the hospital, I said Ok and turned off my phone, I needed to wake up Rik to let her know that we'd be landing soon
J- *whispers* Mikey, wake up baby, we have to get ready to land, please wake up
E- Five more minutes *nuzzles her head into Jake's chest*
J- Mikey we have like 15 minutes till we land and we have to be the first ones out of here so we can get Dani to the hospital
E- Ok, I'll get up, only if you promise you'll be my pillow when we go to sleep later
J- Of course I'll be your pillow, but can you take Dani off the pacemaker, and put it back in her bag
E- sure, is everything else packed, have you talked to my mom?
J- Yes, and Yes, and there's an ambulance waiting for us at baggage claim to so we have to haul ass
E- Sounds good, do we have to wake her up? *starts carefully pulling the wires out from under Dani's shirt and turns off the pacemaker*
J- No I'll carry her, how are you feeling? Are you hungry? Do you need your pills?
E- Okay thanks, I'm ok just a little stressed and tired and yeah I'm a little hungry, I'll take a pill when I eat after we get to the hospital
J- Ok, I love you, and everything is going to be ok, just stay positive
E-I love you too, Thank you for making me feel better *kisses him and finishes packing Dani's bag, the flight attendant gets on the speaker*
FA- Good morning passengers, I am happy to tell you that we are in Nashville and will be landing in about 5 minutes, please make sure everyone is in their seats unless instructed otherwise, and all personal belongings are put away, thank you so much for flying with us and have a wonderful day
E- You ready? *Grabs his hand a squeezes it*
J- Yeah, did I tell you about the help with the wedding
E- No, what help?
J- Well I've noticed that you've been stressed out a lot lately and I am going to guess it's about the wedding, am I right?
E- Yes, I've been really stressed trying to put all this together
J- Well I thought you could use some help so I basically got my mom, your mom, Tessa and Loren to help you plan it so you don't stress yourself out to much
E- Aww your the best, when are they coming in to help?
J- well I was going to say next week but I have a feeling we won't be home for another week or two so, I was thinking about a month or two from now, so we can get everything back on track and on routine, and I can start doing some business again
E- That sounds great thank you so much babe *kisses his cheek and looks out the window and sees they are landing on the tarmac* Looks like we are landing
J- Good, do we have everything?
E- Yes, I have my bag and Nana's bag, and you have Nana and your bag
J- Alright, so we are landing in Terminal A and baggage claim is right before the entrance to the terminal so we won't have to go far
FA- Hello passengers, we have landed in the beautiful city of Nashville, it is currently 4:30am, it is about 75 degrees and there is no rain, Thank you for flying with us once again and enjoy your time in Nashville
E- Alrighty, let's get out of here *They are the first ones off the plane and are basically racing to baggage claim, Jake is holding Dani in his arms close to his chest, Erika had the bags, the reach baggage claim and they put their bags in a baggage car, and have it take it to their hotel, they see the ambulance and get to it, the EMT takes Dani out of Jake's arms and puts her on the stretcher, they all get in the ambulance, when they do the machine that's showing Dani's heartbeat goes on a flatline, the EMT checks her pulse and let's out a sigh of relief, Erika and Jake are freaking out*
J- I don't know baby, please calm down, what's happening to her? *looks at the EMT*
EM- She's ok, her heart rate is so high and her heart is moving so fast that the machine isn't picking up any of the movement, I do think y'all are right though, she's showing signs of rejection, we are about 2 minutes out from the hospital, we will take her up to get her an EKG and run some other test, if it really is rejection she is going to need another heart, but she will be put on the top of the UNOS list, so she'll get the first heart that matches her
E- *starts crying and grabs Dani's hand* Oh god, come on Nana, you gotta pull through, please be ok
J- *wraps his arms around Erika tightly and pulls her into him and rocks back in forth and kisses the top of her head as she cries harder into his chest* She's a fighter baby, she'll pull through, just breathe, try to be positive, Nana's going to get through this
E- *cries and is trying to breathe between each word* She... Can't.... Leave.... Me... I... Can't.... lose... her
J- I know baby, I know, just try to keep it together, for Nana, ok? *Jake lifts her chin up and swipes the tears off her face and looks into her eyes*
E- *nods and sniffles and Jake hugs her*

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