I'm Yours

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Erika had an infection in one of her Post-Op wounds, so Jake took her to the hospital to get it checked out, at the hospital Erika gets the wire taken out of her Jaw and he cast taken off, while Erika's in the hospital Loren and Tessa visit her while Jake is at a meeting, then after he gets back and gets her food, Angel, Erika's mom, and Dani, her little sister visit her so Tessa and Loren can go unpack since they are now a part of Team Ten. Dani and Jake lay down in bed with Erika and fall asleep, Erika just watches them sleep, until Jake starts saying things in his sleep and shaking, she realizes he's having a bad dream and wakes him, he is scared that Erika will leave his life and Erika reassures him she isn't going anywhere and soothes him back to sleep, when Jake wake's up he finds out that Erika can go home, without the wheel chairs and she only has to wear he brace at night, Jake helps her get dressed and they walk to the car and fall asleep, when they get there Jake picks up Erika and brings her upstairs and puts her brace on, and lays her down in the bed, and holds her in his arms

4 Days Later

Erika's POV
I woke up next to the most amazing man in the world, I was in his arms and I didn't want to be anywhere else, but a shower, I have been dying to take a hot shower, I haven't been able to take a real shower in forever so as much as I just want to lay here with this wonderful man, I was going to take a shower, so I tried to get out of Jake's grip on my waist, when I sat up with my back to Jake I put my feet on the floor, I've missed being able to do this, while I was reminiscing about the feeling, I heard a raspy yet familiar voice, it was Jake
J- What are you doing, beautiful?
E- getting ready to take a long over do shower
J- Can I join *smirks as he runs his hand along her spine*
E- I would love you to, but you need to go wake up Dani
J- Let her sleep in *gives her puppy eyes*
E- Come on Jakey, don't give me the puppy eyes
J- Please, I need a shower too
E- There's 15 different showers babe, plus I'm not supposed to even be taking a shower let alone doing you in it *giggles and smirks*
J- Fine, What do you want for breakfast, Egg whites and Avocado or Waffles and Bacon?
E-  Egg whites and avocado please *starts getting out of her clothes and brace in front if Jake only making him want her more*
J- Damn Rik, why you gotta do me like this?
*pouts in admiration of what he can't have*
E- You'll get it soon, now go wake Dani up please
J- *pouts and pecks Erika on the lips and walks out shirtless*
E- *bites her lip and admires Jake on his way out and walks into the shower*

Jake's POV
I was woken up by Rik slipping out of my hands, I didn't want her to leave my embrace, her tiny body felt like it belonged in my embrace, I love her so much, she told me she was getting in the shower, so I asked her if I could join, she said I had to go make breakfast, and wake up Dani, of course I gave her the puppy eyes, and tried one more time telling her Dani could sleep in and she wasn't going to budge, so I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and then I got up and walked downstairs, forgetting to put a shirt on, but oh well, then I went to wake up Dani
J- *whispering lightly* Dani, Dani, wake up, Rik wants me to make you breakfast and then we have to go pick up the crew from the airport
D- *moans in disdain* I don't want to get up
J- I'll make you chocolate chip waffles and  Bacon
D- *turns over to face Jake* with scrambled eggs?
J- Of course
*Dani Jumps up and onto Jake and Jake walked out with Dani on his back*

In The Kitchen
D- GOT IT *Dani presses play on the IPad and Wannabe starts playing, and the spice girls greatest hit fills the massive mansion*
*Erika has gotten out of the shower and changed into a crop top and booty shorts and while Dani is singing Jake notices her and becomes dumbfounded by her beauty*
D- Mikey!!! *she runs to Erika who is standing at the entry of the kitchen and hugs her*
E- Hey Dani good morning to you to *giggles and hugs her back, then she stands up and walks over to Jake who is standing there just standing there in aw*
E- Hey Jakey, what are you staring at? *laughs and wraps her arms around Jake's shirtless torso and pecks him on the lips*
J- Dani am I seeing things or did the most beautiful girl just walk in this kitchen and kiss me * pecks Erika back and wraps his arms around her very small body, and rest his chin on the top of her head*
D- I mean I didn't just walk in and kiss you, but I am the most beautiful girl *flipping her hair back*
E- Oh shut up Dani *Throws a pancake right at her and giggles*
D- This is war *She picks up her water amd throws it at her*
E- OMG DANI *Starts chasing Dani around the island*
J- Rik stop running you're not supposed take part in any physical activity and Dani this is pay back for messing up my kitchen *Jake picks up Dani and runs with her to the back yard and jumps in the pool*
J- *laughs* well don't mess up my kitchen, and don't mess with my girlfriend either
D- ugh your no fun *rolls her eyes and swims to Jake and pushes his head down*
E- Come on you two, you have to change clothes and then we have to pick up the team from the airport
J- Ok babe *Jake hops out of the pool and takes a towel from Erika then goes inside to change clothes*
D- But Mikey I don't want to go
E- We can't leave you here
D- Why not, Tessa and Loren are here!
E- Fine, if you can convince Lo and T to watch you, you can stay here
D- Ok I'm going to go find them *Dani gets out of the pool and grabs the towel out of Erika's hands*
*Erika walks back inside and up to her and Jakes room and sees Jake getting dressed*
E- So I can't partake in any physical activity?
J- Nope, no physical activity that raises your heart rate, puts strain on your muscles, you get it
E- Well I guess you can kiss my plans goodbye *giggles because Jake looks up so fast*
J- W-what w-wwere your p-plans?
E- I guess you'll never know
J- was it remotely close to my plans this morning?
E- I don't know maybe *smirks because she knows Jake wants her bad*
J- Please Rik, I take it back, you can do whatever you want, screw the doctor's orders, please *gives her puppy dog eyes*
E- Depends on how amazing my day is *smirks and walks downstairs to go find Dani*
J- Well shit
*Jake picks up his phone and starts calling people*

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