Calm down

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!!!!!!NOTE TO READERS!!!!!!
I will no longer be doing recaps, they are Very time consuming and I feel like I'll be able to update longer chapters more often without them I am also going to do time skips so each chapter will be about one or two days out of a month until Erika has the baby(s), I will put the date in so y'all can know the timeline, but I also need Y'all to comment on whether you want one or more baby(s) and what sex you want them to be, Thank you!!!

1 month later
*September 13th, Erika and Jake just had there OB/GYN appointment yesterday, everything is good, and Erika is back on track with her weight, Jake is still in his cast and will be for another month or two, tomorrow is Dani's 10th Birthday*
Jake's POV
So tomorrow's Nana's 10th Birthday, I know she's been missing her parents a lot lately, and she's sad that they won't be there for her big 10th Birthday, but Mikey and I have been trying to cheer her up, We asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said she just wanted to chill at the house and have a family day, we told her we would do that and that she could do whatever she wants, but Mikey and I planned a surprise for Nana, so Nana and my mom get along super well, like typical grandma and granddaughter bond, Nana talks about Pam all the time and how she really misses her since she lives in Cleveland, so Mikey and I are flying my mom out here to stay for the rest of the week so her and Nana can hang out, I really hope this cheers her up because I know that when Nana's sad, Mikey's sad, and when both my girls are sad, it's hard not to be sad along with them, anyway it's about 8:30 right now, Mikey's in the shower, Dani's in the hot tub with T, Sunny, Mack, And Lissa, and the boys are in the front yard playing basketball, and as usual I'm cooking, tonight everyone wanted my bratwurst and spatzel pasta, which is sorta weird because first off Mikey's the only one who's had it, and second of all no one ever agrees on what they want for dinner, dinner is just about done and so I called everyone down on the intercom, everyone came inside and got their plates except Mikey, I waited about five minutes and I started to get worried, I ran upstairs and walked into the room, I saw Mikey in bed asleep in my fave sweatshirt, she looked so peaceful and cute, as much as i hated having to do it, I had to wake her up, because she needed to eat, so I walked up the platform, I slowly and gently rubbed her back, slowly waking her up
J- Hey babygirl, you need to get up and come eat dinner
E- I'm so tired though bubba *turns to the other side and gets up, she runs to the bathroom and throws up, Jake follows her, holds her hair back, and rubs her back, she finishes brushes her teeth and takes some advil*
J-Come here babygirl *Jake picks her up and she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, she rest her head on  his shoulder and he walks down stairs and sets her in between Tessa and Sunny, he gets her a plate and sets it down in front of her and kisses her forehead* Eat please
E- Ok, but you're carrying me back upstairs
J- Fine now eat *she starts eating and everyone's talking and having fun, then theres a knock at the door*
D- I'LL GET IT *stands up and goes to the door Jake knows who it is and follows her, she opens the door and sees pam, she smiles and hugs pam very tightly* GIGI YOUR HERE!!!!
P- Hey Nana!! Did you miss me? *laughs and walks inside with Dani still in her arms*
J- Hey mom *hugs her* Rik's in the kitchen, She's not feeling to hot, when she's done eating we're going to head to bed, but feel free to stay up with Nana as long as you want
P- Ok sweetie, well tell her I said hey and that I love her and hope she feels better *looks down at Dani* Hey Nana, how are you
D- I'm wayyy better now that your here *Pam sets Dani down and they walk off, Jake goes} back to the kitchen to see Erika rinsing her plate off*
J- Did you finish?
E- *Nods and raises her arms up implying for Jake to pick her back up, he picks her up and she lays her head on his shoulder, they walk upstairs, and he lays her in bed, he gets out of his shirt and crawls into bed with her, he goes to her stomach and starts talking to the baby*
J- Hey little baby, It's me Your daddy, I just wanted to check in and ask how you're doing and if you can stop making mommy sick, she is really tired and doesn't feel good, so can you please please please stop making her feel icky, I don't like seeing her feel so bad, tomorrows a really important day to mommy and me so can you make her feel better so we can have fun tomorrow? Anyway Daddy loves you, and so does Mommy, we're going to go to bed so goodnight little baby *kisses her belly then lays back and hugs Erika and kisses her forehead*
E- You know you're going to be a really good dad, like the best one there is
J- And your going to be the best mom there is *smiles and kisses her*
E- I love you
J- I love you too, now get some sleep tomorrow we will officially have a 10 year old on our hands, so good night babygirl
E- Ok, good night bubba *rest her hand on Jake's chest and listens and feels his heart until she falls asleep*

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