Always and Forever

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Jake and Erika come home from the
hospital, While Jake is getting her food, Erika goes upstairs and finds Dani asleep in her and Jake's bed, she had been crying, when Dani tells Erika how she feels Erika has a realization that she needs to get healthy for Jake and Dani's sakes, Jake comes back upstairs with the girls and they Watch a movie and fall sleep.

One Week later

Erika's POV
Today is the day, Today is the day I get married, there wasn't much planning in this, but I'm tired of waiting, I love Jake so much, and I want to just be able to call him my husband, I put my Vera Wang silk dress on, it had a sweetheart neckline and it was strapless, when I out it on and Tessa and Loren zipped me up we all began to cry a little, we miss mom and dad, they loved us when we thought no one else could, they were always there for us, and now they were gone, we had a group hug and I sat down and Tessa did my make up and Loren did my hair, I still haven't seen Jake since we woke up this morning, and left for the church, and my maid of honor, Dani has gone awoll, I bet you she's with Jake and JC, I didn't stress out about it though, because I was not about to be a bridezilla. T, and Lo finished my hair and makeup and we all put our heels on and grabbed out bouquets, then we heard a knock, it was JC and Dani, Dani ran in the room and grabbed her bouquet and JC extended his arm implying for me to take it, I took his arm and we walked towards the cathedral, the ushers opened the door and that's when I saw him, my handsome fiancé, as soon as I saw him I knew he was the man God wanted me to marry.

Jake's POV
This morning I woke Mikey up got her s ome breakfast and then we got to the church I kissed Mikey on the forehead and we went down the opposite sides of the hall, I put my suit on and JC, Logan, chance, Anthony, and my dad came in just as I was tying my bowtie, they all put their tuxes on and we drank a glass of scotch while waiting, I looked at the time and it was 10:30 the ceremony starts at 10:45, then I heard a knock on the door, it was Nana, I picked her up and kissed her on her forehead and she hugged me
D- You ready to get married?
J- Yes I am, you ready to be my kid?
D- *nods and smiles really wide*
J- I love you Nana
D- I love you too Jakey, I'm glad I have you and Mikey
J- and me and Mikey are very happy we have you
D- Mikey misses them, so do I, but she's really sad today
J- I know she does I do too, but wrote something that'll make her feel much better

Jake's POV
Erika chose Kelly to be out wedding planner, but I guess Mikey forgot how frantic Kelly can be, I was hanging out in the dressing room with the boys and Nana when she came in and yelled at Nana to go get her bouquet and for JC to go get Mikey, then I got yelled at Because I wasn't at the alter, I got up put my jacket on and walked out the dressing room and through the corridor, and I arrived at the alter, all of our close friends were here, I asked them not to record the wedding so me and Mikey could have our privacy, I walked up to the alter with chance, Logan, and Anthony, my dad sat down with my mom, the priest asked me something
Pr- Do you love this girl?
J- with all my heart
Pr- Does she make you happy?
J- She's the light in the darkness
Pr- That's amazing my child, I hope you two have long happy lives
J- I promised her we would
*The music starts playing and Jake and the priest both look down the isle, Jake is stunned, he looks at Erika and she's already crying, he smiles as JC hands her off to him*
J- You look absolutely beautiful
E- I think this is the first time I've seen you in a suit, and you look amazing
J- Why thank you *smiles and flips her vale up*
Pr- We gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two amazing souls, who love each other so much, now if I have learned anything about marrying people is that people only care about the I do's and the vows, am I right?
*everyone laughs and nods*
Pr- ok then, so how about we get started with the vows, Jake you're first
J- Ok, *looks at Erika and smiles* Erika Costell, I can't even begin to tell you how happy you make me, I love you so much, you are my world, You have been through so much, and I know it hurts you, but you are strong, and the most amazing person I know, I love how when I wake up I get to see your beautiful face everyday, I know we've had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day we always come out on top, you've been my shoulder to cry on since day 1, we've built an empire together, and I'm ready to build a family together too, I promise to take care of you and Dani always, I promise to keep you safe, and to put your needs before mine, I promise to make you the happiest girls in the world, I love you so much, and I will always be there, always and forever *Erika starts crying*
Pr- That was beautiful, now Erika, it's your turn
E- *sniffs* wow I don't know how to go after that, but I'll try, Jake Paul, you are my everything, my world, my reason to be here, I thank god everyday that I get to wake up next to you, you put all of us before yourself, you are such an amazing and kind hearted person, and your my person, I can't believe that you chose me, you chose me to spend the rest of your life with me, Dani and I are so lucky to have you, you are such a good dad to Dani, and you're going to be an amazing husband, you have helped me through so much, and you always remind me to slow down and enjoy the moment, and I can't thank you enough, I love you more than anything in the world, you are mine and I am your always and forever *Jake starts tearing up and grabs her hand*
Pr- Now Jake, do you promise to protect, care for, and love this girl for the rest of your long life?
J- I do
Pr- and Erika, do you promise to protect, care for, and love this man for the rest of your long life?
E- I do
Pr- Well in the name of lord and in the church of St. Mary's I pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Jake Joseph Paul, Jake you may kiss your bride *Jake smiles and cups Erika's face in his hands and kisses her passionately, everyone cheers and they raise their hands and walk back down the isle and out the cathedral, everyone follows them and they take their wedding pictures, then the groomsmen and the brides party go into the dressing room and get all their belongings and all of team ten piles in the van and they go back to the Calabasas mansion, as soon as they got there everyone ran to their rooms except Jake and Erika, about a minute later all of team ten including Dani runs back to the foyer with their suitcases*
J- What the hell are y'all doing?
E- Why does everyone have their suitcases?
T- Well since you guys haven't planned a honeymoon because y'all don't want to go anywhere, the Team and I thought it'd be easier for y'all to do "newlywed stuff" if y'all had the house to y'alls selfs so we are going to Disney world in Orlando for a week or two so y'all can have "alone time"
E- How long have you been planning this?
T- 4 days
E- and Nana's going?
D- You bet I am
J- Do you have everything?
D- Yes
E- Your inhaler?
D- Yes
J- Your medicine?
D- Yes
E- Your Epipen?
D- Omg yes I have everything jeez could y'all stop being parents and start being newlyweds already
E- ok just making sure, call us every night
J- and make sure you wear sunscreen
D- Ok got it, We have to go I love you guys have fun
E&J- Have fun too, we love you *they hug and everyone leaves and puts their stuff in the car except Tessa*
J- Keep them in line and make sure Nana actually takes her medicine and stuff
T- Sir yes sir
E- and Make sure she stays close we don't need her getting lost
J- An-
*Tessa cuts Jake off*
T-Guys me and Dani will be just fine, I know everything she's supposed to be taking and when she's supposed to take it, don't stress, we want you guys to have fun, and don't call us more than twice a day or I will kill you, got it
J- Fine, but seriously thank you T, we really appreciate it
T- No problem guys, but we have to catch a flight so we'll cape you when we land, Love y'all bye *They hug and Tessa runs out the house*
  ********** Mature Content**********
   (I'm going to start doing this now)
J- Well now that we're alone, what do you want to do
E- You *smiles and kisses Jake, he picks her up and walks up the stairs and into their room, he sets Erika down, she kisses him then pulls away and walks into the closet, Jake walks to the bed and slides off his shoes, socks, tie, and starts taking off his cufflinks when Erika walks out in a sexy piece of lingerie*
J- Holy shit *Jake takes out the last cufflink and walks to Erika and grabs her by the waist*
J- You... Look... amazing
E- I do what I can
J- *whispers in her ear* I want all of you
E- You can have me if you want me
*Jake picks Erika up and starts kissing her he brings her to the bed and lays her down and gets on top of her without breaking the kiss, he tries to slip his tongue into her mouth, but to tease him she doesn't let him, so her runs his hand on her inner thigh making her open her mouth he slides his tongue into her mouth and pins her down, he slowly starts moving down to her neck leaving hickeys all over her, then she flips them so she's on top, she breaks the kiss and starts unbuttoning his shirt, she unbuttons the shirts and kisses all over his chest, she leaves multiple hickeys on his neck and chest, he removes her bra and flips them again so he's on top, he starts sucking on Erika's boobs making her moan, he licks his way down to her V-line and starts to take off her panties with his teeth, he takes them off and starts eating her out, Erika let's out along and loud moan and grips onto the sheets, Jake continues this for about 10 minutes then licks his way back up to Erika's face they starts to make out again and Erika flips them again and licks down Jakes chest to his belt, she unbuckled it and slides off his pants and his underwear, she gives him a blow job, she does for about 10 minutes and then licks all the way back up his body to his face, they start making out again and Jake flips them, he slides into Erika and she let's out the loudest and longest moan yet, he kisses her to keep her quite, she digs her nails into his back and as he picks up the pace the more she digs them in, she drags her nails down his back and runs her hands through his hair, they continue for another 2 hours, when they finish they are both out of breath and lying side by side*
E- *trying to catch her breath* That.... was.... amazing
J- This... week... is... gonna... be... amazing
*They catch their breath and look into each others eyes and kiss*
E- I Love You
J- I Love You Too Mrs.Paul
*Erika and Jake get up and Jake puts underwear on and Erika puts on his button up and they get back in bed Erika rest her hand and head on Jake's chest he kisses her forehead and they fall asleep with big smiles on their faces*

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