One Day at a Time

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Jake, Erika, and Dani flew to Austria for Jake to handle some business, on the plane Jake and Erika were all cuddled up and then Erika got morning sickness for the first time, and after Jake made sure she was okay, they fell back asleep, they were woken up by Dani, she was freaking out because she thought the turbulence was the plane crashing, she had an asthma attack and Jake comforted her while Erika got her inhaler, after Dani calmed down she laid down in Erika's lap, making Jake worried, Erika reassured him that she was fine and held Dani, after they got iff the plane and got all their belongings and drove to the beautiful vineyard a3 story Villa, Dani instantly fell asleep on the couch, while Jake and Erika headed upstairs, where things got very heated and they did it. A couple hours later Erika woke up feeling sick, and ran to the bathroom to go puke, after awhile of her throwing up, Jake started getting really worried, so he called his mom and they figured out what was going on with Erika. Erika finally stopped throwing up, and Jake carried her back to bed, went downstairs to take Dani to bed, and ordered Erika some food, while Jake and Erika wait for her food Jake talks to the baby, and then surprises Erika with a beautiful Prada dress to wear on their romantic Date that Jake will take her on later, then Erika chooses a movie, Erika's food arrives and they watch the movie and fall asleep.

The next morning
*Jake wakes up first and starts whispering to the baby*
Erika's POV
I woke up to the cutest thing I've ever seen, Jake was talking to my belly, he was laying his head on my diaphragm and was facing away from me just talking, he didn't know I was awake so I just sat there and listened to Jake
J- Hi little baby, it's me your dad, I love your mom a lot you know, and I promised her I was going to keep you guys safe, I can't wait till I marry her, it's going to be amazing, she deserves the world, she's been through so much, and she should have been treated better, I wish I could give her more, she's honestly the best women in the world and she's going to be the most amazing mom ever, she loves you a lot, and I love you a lot and I promise I'll give you and her everything I can, and I promise I'll never let anything hurt you guys ever *lightly kisses Erika's belly*
E- I love you *Jake turns around and smiles and she kisses him*
J- How much of that did you here? *lays his head back on Erika's belly*
E- All of it *smiles and rubs her hand through Jake's hair*
J- I meant every word
E- I know Jakey, You're going to be an amazing dad, I love you
J- I love you too baby
E-*smiles* Let's go wake up Dani
J- Alright babe *stands up* You coming?
E- Of course *stands up on the bed and jumps on Jake's back*
J- *chuckles* come on let's go *walks out the room and down to the first story and into Dani's room, Jake and Erika both get on her bed and start jumping up and down*
D- *moans* I hate both of you
D- ughh fine I'm up, I'm getting in the shower can you make me breakfast
E- Yea I'm hungry too
J- Yea you should be, and yes I will, Rik wanna come help
E- Sure, wanna carry me? *smirks and giggles*
J- Hop on, Dani you better be up when Breakfast is done, or else your going in the pool *chuckles and walks up to the second floor where the kitchen is*
E- Can you make me chocolate, peanut butter, and banana pancakes with eggs and turkey bacon?
J- Of course I can will you play the music? *hands her the ipad and starts making the pancake mix*
E-*plays an Ed sheeran slow song and pulls Jake away from the pancakes and rest her head on his bare chest and starts dancing slowly with him*
J- These are the moments I live for, I can't wait for all the rest of them *spins Erika out and pulls her back in*
E- Let's just let them come to us One day at a time *smiles and kisses him, they keep swaying back and forth until the song ends*
J- how are you feeling? You need to go take you pills, and I need to get you something to eat, while you wait there's ice cream in the freezer from last night if your hungry
E- well I feel better except I'm starving, I'll go take my pills, then I'm gonna eat all that ice cream *giggles and walks upstairs*
J-*says to himself* I'm gonna marry that woman soon *smiles and flips the pancakes*
*Erika takes her pills and takes her phone and walks back downstairs, walks behind Jake and goes into the freezer, grabs the ice cream, and then grabs a spoon, walks to the counter in front of Jake, and sits down and starts eating the ice cream*
J- Is it good? *smirks because she's eating it so fast*
E- *nods her head and smirks, because her mouth is full*
J- Here you go babe *hands her a huge stack of pancakes with bananas chocolate and peanut butter in between each one, and a side of eggs and bacon*
E- Whoa, this looks so good Babe, thanks I love you *kisses him and starts eating*
J- *starts to make two cups of coffee* I love you to, when your done I'm gonna go throw Dani in the pool to wake her up for my vlog since I know she fell back asleep will you record it for me?
E- Sure babe *picks up her phone and screams then drops it and starts hyperventilating*
J- what is it baby, what's wrong? *asks frantically, grabbing Erika's hand, and picking up her phone*
E- I-I c-can't b-b-breathe
J-*reads her phone, sighs, puts it down, and hugs her tight and yells for Dani waking her up* DANI GET OVER HERE
D- COMING GOD I'M UP JEE- *walks in and sees Erika clenching to Jake barley breathing*
J- Go get her inhaler its in her back pack upstairs, hurry! *sounds worried and frantic, Dani runs upstairs and starts searching for the inhaler while Jake moves Erika and himself to the floor while holding her in his arms tightly*
E- I-I-I c-can't s-see h-h-him a-a-again
J- I know baby, you won't, don't try to talk ok just breathe, DANI WHERE'S THAT INHALER *Dani runs down the stairs and tosses it across the room to Jake*
D- *tosses it* HERE
J- Here baby, just breathe, I got you, I promise he won't hurt you
E- *catches her breath and starts crying into Jake's chest* I'm so scared Jake
J- *lifts her face up to hers* I promise to god Erika, he won't get close to you, or our baby, I will protect you always *kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly, then he looks to Dani*
Hey D, will you go get my phone?
D- Yea I'll be right back *runs upstairs and right back down with his phone and hands it to him*
J- *he has moved Erika to the counter and is standing in between her legs* Thanks D, breakfast is on the table, how about you go eat at the table outside and we'll be there in a minute?
D- Sounds good *grabs the plate of food and the glass of OJ and walks outside and down the balcony stairs*
E- What are we going to do when we get back home? I can't see him Jake, he wants to kill me, and he will
J- I promise he won't because we aren't going home *pulls out his phone and calls Kevin and puts him on speaker*
On the Phone
K- Hello? *sleepily answers*
J- Kevin I need you to cancel everything I have planned for the month of June, we are staying here, in Vienna for the rest of the month, please also notify all of Team ten
K- Jake it's 2:30 in the morning in LA can this wait?
J- No it can't this is important please just do it *sounding worried and stressed out*
K- Ok, I'll do it, is everything ok?
J- No, I'll fill you in later just get that handled for me please
K- Consider it done, I'm going to finish this, we'll talk later
J- Bye *hangs up and dials another number, the number of the US attorney*
E- Who are you calling now?
J- My friend who happens to be the US attorney
*the phone rings and the US attorney answers, Jake puts it on speaker*
A- Hey Jake what's up?
J- Sorry if it's early but I need a favor
A- it's fine it's only 6:30am in china
J- Ok great, I have a question?
A- Ask away
J- do you think you can get a man by the name of Tyler Joseph in police custody by the end of the month?
A- I'm sure I can, but can I ask why?
J- Well you see I'm in Vienna having a nice vacation with my pregnant fiancé and her little sister, and this morning we we're eating breakfast and my fiancé opened up her phone and saw a bunch of missed calls and threatening text messages from her ex
A- I can get him arrested by morning, but I need a reason to, like did he ever hurt her, hurt anyone else, etc.
J- He put my fiancé in the hospital for two weeks, she had 7 broken ribs, a broken radius, a dislocated Jaw, and a 4 hour surgery to get her spleen taken out, and her collapsed lung fixed
A- Oh god, wow That's enough to put him away for 15-25 years and that's only one time
J- Oh and the day after he came to the hospital and broke my nose and tried to kill my fiancé, but our bodyguard got him and kicked him out
A- Well that's attempted murder and thats 50 or more years plus every count of domestic abuse, and I'm guessing there's more than one, is about another 20 years each if we get a good judge
J- Thank you so much Andy, what information do you need to know to get him?
A- Name, Birthday, Address, Height, Place of work, and phone number
J- His names Tyler Jospeh *looks to Erika to answer for the birthday*
E- His birthday is June 6th, 1996
J- He lives in the 1600 vine street apartments, apartment C370, He's about 5'10, he's a body builder, and his phone number is ***-***-****
A- Alright, I'll have my guys pick him up in the morning, which is around 6 for y'all, I'll be back in the US tomorrow and we'll charge him and put him away, you won't have to worry about him ever again
J- Thank you so much, do you think you can call me when he's convicted, me and my fiancé have decided we are going to stay here all month, so we will not be back in the states for awhile
A- Of course, I understand, you guys don't worry about him, if it makes you feel better, I'll put him as a flight risk also so he can't leave the country
J- We'd love that, Thank you so much, call me if your kids want anymore merch, I'll talk to you soon bye
A- I will, bye *hangs up*
Off the Phone
J- Ok, we're all set, we will stay her for the month, then we will go to Nashville, before we fly back to LA to give Dani to your mom, then we will be back in LA and that asshole will be in the state penitentiary for the rest of his life
E- So he's not going to kill me? *shaky but hopeful*
J- No, he's not, I promise you that, No one will ever hurt you two, I love you *kisses her then her belly*
E- You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I love you to *Smiles and kisses Jake*
And how are you on a first name basis with the US Attorney?
J- His kids are fans, he invited me to the white house, way back
E- Ohh yea you turned it down because I was in the hospital
J- And I'd do it again, now let's go eat breakfast with Dani in our beautiful villa's backyard, overlooking the vineyard
E- That sounds amazing, just like those pancakes *eyeballs the pancakes and Jake picks them up and hands them to her with a cup of coffee, they walk outside and down the stairs and see Dani, eating breakfast smiling at the view*
E- Hey Nana
D- Mikey, are you okay?
E- I'm just fine, just a little asthma attack don't worry about, isn't it beautiful *looks out into the view*
D-it's so pretty
J- did I do good?
D&E- Totally *nod in agreement*
J- Well Rik, can you record that surprise I had for Dani now *hands her the camera*
E- Oh yea here let me get it rolling
D- What's the surprise? *looking back and forth at Jake and Erika*
J- is it rolling?
E- Yep
J- Ok Dani, ready for your surprise?
D- Yes *starts getting excited*
J- Here you go *picks Dani up and runs to the pool and jumps in*
E- Fine let me go change *walks upstairs to the third floor using the balcony stairs and walks onto Jake and hers balcony*
D- I'm getting out, I don't feel like watching you two just making out, Gustov's going into town, do you think I can go with him?
J- Take Aaron with you, he's the temporary head bodyguard until Matt's better, what time will you be back?
D- Ok, thanks Jake, around 6, gustov said he'd take me to the bakery, and to the boutiques so do you want anything?
J- pick up Rik some of that Ice cream Gustov got her last night and then get her a lemon cake
D- Ok, see ya later *walks inside and into her room, then Erika walks out and Jake drops his jaw to the pool floor, Erika comes out in a stunning and very revealing black bikini*
E- Does it look bad? Should I go change? *starts walking down the stairs*
J- no, don't ever take that off, god damn you look beautiful *jumps out the pool and runs to meet Erika half way*
E- Where's Nana?
J- She wanted to go into town with Gustov
E- Did she take a bodyguard?
J- Yea I made her go with Aaron, she said they'd be back around 6, and it's like 11 now
E- So what do you want to do? *smirks*
J- this *picks her up and runs into the pool with her in his arms*
J- No it's not just give it a minute here wanna hug it'll make you warm *pulls her into a hug*
E- Let's play some music and just relax and play
J- Ok baby, what do you want to hear? *swims to the side of the pool and gets the remote controlling the music*
E- Hmmm I Don't Know how about some post malone
J- I like the way you think *smirks and plays the music*
E- I know you do *gets on a pool float made for two, then Jake swims over*
J- Scoot over
E- Sorry not enough room
J- There's room for two though *looks confused*
E- *points to her face* One *points to her belly* Two
J- Not fair, now let me on
E- *giggles and sounds sassy* no
J- Or else I won't be your pillow anymore
E- *immediately scoots over making room for Jake*
J- That's what I thought *smirks and she pecks him on the cheek and snuggles up close to him and starts tracing her fingers over his abs*
E- I love when your shirtless *smirks*
J- I love when your shirtless too *smirks*
E- come on let's go for a swim *rolls off the float and dives into the water*
J- God damn your sexy *rolls off the float and dives in after Erika*
E- Come here Jakey
J- Gladly *swims over to the shallow end and Erika jumps on him and wraps her legs around His waist and her arms around his neck and starts making out with him, until she pulls away*
E- I'm hungry *giggles and puts her forehead on Jakes*
J-Want me to cook? *smirks already knowing the answer*
E- Yes please
J- Alright can we finish that later? *chuckles and smirks*
E- Of course we can babe *winks*
J- Alright what do you want?
E- Chicken and Green beans with mashed potatoes?
J- Ok, I'm going to cook on the outdoor kitchen so I can see your beautiful self while I cook
E- Alright Baby, I'll be right here
J- I'm going to go cook
E- Thanks baby, I'm going to tan for a little bit
*Erika lays on the float and Tans while Jake cooks her lunch, after Jakes done they both sit and eat lunch together at the pool side then go swimming and relax in the pool for another hour*

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