I can't lose you too

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*Same Day*
J- GIRLS GET OVER HERE NOW *They all run out of Tessa's room and down to Jake and Erika*
T- What happened? is she ok?
E- My-
S- we'll worry about that later let's go now
T- Ok, um Sunny Mack go with them, Lissa come help me get a bag for Rik, we'll pick up pam and meet you there
J- Ok, Come on babygirl Let's get to the car
*Jake picks her up and runs her to the Tesla, he sets her down as sunny and Mackenzie, he runs to the other side and gets in and pulls out, he races to the hospital and when he gets there Mackenzie gets the nurses while Sunny and Jake help Erika out the car, the nurses take Erika and put her in a wheel chair and begin to take her upstairs, Jake, Sunny, and Mackenzie are following her, when they get upstairs the nurses get Erika a gown to put on, After she puts it on, they leave and it's just Jake, Sunny and Mackenzie in the room*
E- Bubba I-I'm so s-sc-ared *starts crying* its t-to e-early
J- I know babygirl, just calm down the doctors are going to figure out what's wrong and they're going to fix it, you and the babies are going to be just fine ok *kisses her forehead*
E- *Nods her head and slowly stop crying*
Jake's POV
I honestly don't know if they're going to be ok, but I'm praying to god that they will be, Dr. Raymer said that with twins you never carry them to term, but it's too early, she's 6 months pregnant, right now I'm honestly terrified about losing her or the babies, but I'm trying to stay calm for Mikey, Right now she's sitting in the hospital bed, dealing with her 3rd contraction, out of the last hour, shes holdings Mackenzie and I's hands, while sunny is outside calling JC, and Moe, after it passed she sighed and started crying again, I felt so bad, I hate seeing her like this
J- Mikey, what's wrong babygirl? Why are you crying?
E- J-Jake I-I c-can't l-lo-ose t-them t-too
Jake's POV
Those words broke my heart, Erika has lost so many people she loved, and she has been so hurt by it, she's right she can't lose them, because I can't even begin to try and be strong for her if We lose the boys, but right now all I can do is pray and stay strong for her
J- You won't lose them babygirl, They're strong, they'll be ok, just please stay strong ok?
E- *nods her head and squeezes Jake's hand*
J- I love you
E-I love you too *Jake hugs her and then doctor James comes in*
DJ- Hello y'all, so Erika, I have been told that you are in labor but your only 6 months?
E- *mods her head and holds on to Jake and Mackenzie's hands tightly again, because she's having another contraction*
DJ- Is that another contraction?
J- 4th one in the last 2 hours
DJ- Oh Ok, and if you don't mind me asking, who are you?
J- I'm Jake, her husband
DJ- Oh Ok, sounds good, So Erika, we are going to do and ultrasound to see if the babies are ok, and then if they are then we are going to deliver them like normal and if they aren't we are going to take you and them up to surgery, and you're going to have a C-section and we are going to fix your babies, I can almost guarantee you that you and the babies will be ok
E- *nods and sighs as the contraction passes*
DJ- Ok then, let's get started *Erika lifts up her gown revealing her belly, Doctor James puts the ultrasound gel on her belly and then waves the wand around, he nods his head and smiles making Jake and Erika sigh in relief* So Everything's good, the babies are small, but that's to be expected, they seem to be moving a lot, but they seem healthy, the smaller one might have some issues breathing, because their lungs might not be fully developed, but we can fix that in the NICU
E- Oh Ok, just to be clear my babies won't die?
DJ- No they will not
J- Thank you so much
DJ- no problem, so now we just wait let me see how dilated you are *checks her dilation*
Alright your about 4 centimeters so you have a couple more hours before they're coming
E- *Nods and Doctor James leaves the room*
J- Are you ok now?
E- Yea, Thank you guys for keeping me from being even more of a mess
M- *giggles* You are very welcome
J- what are we for?
E- *giggles* I love you guys
M&J- We love you too *Sunny walks in with Logan and Pam*
P- Erika, Are you ok? *runs to her side and grabs her hand*
E- I'm ok, I'm just a little overwhelmed, what are you doing here is T here she told me she'd pick y'all up
S- I called them and told them to come What'd the Doctor say? Are the babies ok?
E- The babies are ok, they just came a little early but everything should be ok, they said that pax, might have a hard time breathing but that they'll fix it
P&S- Thank God
L- Hey Rik, how ya feeling
E- I could be better but I'm alright for now
*She quickly grabs Jake's hand and squeezes it very tightly and puts her head back on the and starts breathing heavily*
J- Another one babygirl?
E- Mhmm *breathes out*
J- Just hang in there
P- How many is that?
J- it the 5th in the last 2 hours
P- Alright well you have 2 or 3 more hours till they're coming
E- *Nods her head and breathes out again* Ok it's over, god that one hurt
J- I'm sorry babygirl, is there anything I can do?
E- Get Nana to come down here?
J- Of course, I'll have Tessa and Alissa get her on their way here with the bag
E- Ok make sure she gets the baby clothes out of the nursery
J- Got it *walks out of the room and calls Tessa*
T- Is she ok? are the babies ok?
J- They're All ok, the Paxton might have a hard time breathing but it'll be fine, but have you left the house yet?
T- No Lissa is getting Erika clothes and I'm getting the babies clothes packed why?
J- Can you bring dani with you?
T- Yea, she's already in bed let me get her up and we're gonna get in the car we'll be there in 20 minutes
J- Ok Thanks T
T- No problem see ya later
J- Bye *he hangs up and walks back into the room* She's gonna wake Nana up and get her, they are packing y'alls clothes up right now, she should be here in about 20 minutes
E- Ok, Thank you bubba
J- How are you, Are you ok?
E- Yea I'm just a little worried about pax
J-He'll be ok, I don't want you to worry about it ok, he's going to be fine
E- I hope so *Grabs Jake's hand and squeezes it tightly again, she throws her head back on the pillow again in pain*
J- Again?
M- She just had one while you were on the phone
P- These are getting close let me go get the doctor *pam runs out the room and comes back in with the doctor*
DJ- Hey Erika how are you feeling
E-*sarcastic, and in pain* I feel amazing just great
DJ- Oh Ok, mind if I see how dilated you are?
E- Have at it *He checks her dilation*
DJ- You're at 9.5
J- What does that mean?
E -it means the boys are coming within the hour
J- Ok *surprised* Wow Ok, um I think this is all hitting me, I'm actually gonna be a dad, wow
L- You ready little brother?
J- The only day I've ever been more ready is when I married her
E- Awwww- Ughh *Digs her nails into Jake's forearm and squeezes it hard, she throws her head back into the pillow and shuts her eyes tightly*
J- Ow Ow Ow my arm
P- Jake shut up how would you feel if a baby's body was moving around in your cervix
J- Sorry
*Erika breathes out and the nurse, Candice, walks in*
NC- Hey y'all so I'm gonna take Erika up to the birthing room and then we're gonna have some babies
E- Ok, can my husband and Mother in law come?
NC- Of course, Let's get going *kicks up the stops on the bed and starts wheeling Erika out, Jake is holding her hand as they walk to the elevator, Pam is talking to Candice about nurse stuff, they get in the elevator and go up to the OB/GYN floor the go to the birthing room and get Erika ready to start pushing just then a new doctor walks in, Doctor Robbins*
DR- Alright so let's get these babies out and fix them up
E- Ok let's do this
J- *holds out his hand and Erika takes it, he kisses her* You got this babygirl
E- *nods and smiles, then takes Pam's hand as well*
DR- Ok baby number 1 is crowning, Ok Erika I need you to push for 10 seconds then you can stop
E- Ok
DR- 1...2...3 Push
E- Aghhhh *Erika is pushing hard*
DR- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest
J- Good job babygirl
DR- You're doing great Erika we got to do that 3 more times and then Baby number 1 is here
E- Branson...
DR- Huh?
E- His names Branson
DR- Ok, 3 More and Branson will be here
E- Ok I'm ready
DR- Ok 1...2...3 push *Erika pushes again*
E- Aghhh
DR-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest
E- *Breathes Out*
P- *Is rubbing her back* Good job Rik, you've got 2 more and then he'll be here
J- You can do it babygirl *kisses her forehead*
E- Ok let's go
DR- Ok 1...2...3 push
E- *pushes again* aghhhh
DR-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest *she breaths out*
J- One more Mikey, you got it *pushes the hair out her face*
E- Ok I'm ready
DR- 1...2...3 Push
E- *pushes really hard*
DR-1,2,3,4,5,6- Oh, and Branson is here
E- *breathes out* why isn't he crying? is he ok? Where are they taking him? Jake where are they taking him? *All of the sudden he starts crying* Oh thank god
*They clean him off and wrapped him in a blanket*
DR- Here's Branson *Hands him to Erika*
E- *he's crying loudly* Shhh shhh hey branson, it's momma and Daddy, Shhh don't cry
J- Oh my gosh, he's so small, you did it babygirl, now just one more time
E- Ok here *hands Branson back to the nurse so he can be weighed and given his shots*
DR- Ok Erika Paxton's crowning are you ready
E- Yes *grabs Jake and Pam's hand*
DR- ok 1...2...3 push
E- *Pushes hard* Aghhhh
DR- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest *she breathes out*
P- Good job sweetheart *rubs her back*
J- 3 more babygirl
DR- Erika Are you ready?
E- *nods*
DR- Ok, 1...2...3 push *Erika pushes again*
E- Aghhhh
DR- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest
E- *breathes out*
J- You got it babygirl, I see pax's head come on you can do it *kisses her forehead*
E- I'm ready
DR- Ok, 1...2...3 Push
E- *pushes hard again* aghhhh
DR- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and rest
E- *breathes out*
J- One more time babygirl
P- You got it Sweetie one more time *rubs her back*
E- Ok I'm ready
DR- 1...2...3
E- *pushes hard* aghhh
DR-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8- Ok he's here, Erika we are going to take Paxton to the NICU right now, he's not breathing on his own, don't freak out it's an easy thing to fix but he has to go now *hands him to the nurse who wipes him off*
E- O-Ok *starts tearing up* J-Jake g-go with him p-please
J- Are you sure? mom can go, I don't want to leave you.
E- Jake go make sure our baby's ok
J- *sighs* Ok babygirl, I love you, and he'll be ok *kisses her forehead and let's go of her hand*
E- I love you too, now go *Jake runs out of the room behind Candice who is taking Paxton to the NICU, they take him and lay him flat out on the table*
J- Don't hurt him please *whispers to himself* come on little man, momma can't lose you too
NC- Jake I know you're worried, but just calm down and back up so we can get him breathing
J- *sighs* Ok, just please help him *Candice nods and goes back to Paxton, the doctor realizes that Paxton's lungs are filled with fluid and that's why he's not breathing, at this point he's blue, the doctor here's the monitor flatline and Jake is freaking out, then the doctor takes out this huge needle and shoves it into Paxton's chest, he pulls back on the syringe and fluid fills it, Paxton immediately starts screaming, Jake sighs in relief, they put a bandage over the part of his chest the needle went in, then they wrapped him in a blanket, and weighed him, once they were done Paxton started screaming again, he would stop, Candice takes Paxton puts him in the rolling cradle and walks him over to Jake who was sitting down in the waiting room of the NICU waiting for news*
J- Is he ok? Please tell me he's Ok
NC- Jake he's fine but right now he won't stop crying so we're gonna back walk over to Erika's room where her and branson are and then we'll figure out how to get him to stop crying
J- Ok let's go *they quickly walk down the hall to the room, they open the door and Erika is holding Branson*
E- Is he ok?
NC- He's good, but he won't stop crying so that's why I came in here
E- Ok...
NC- Jake sit down please *he does* Shirt off *he takes it off, and she unwraps Paxton so he's only in a diaper, and lays him on Jake's chest, he almost immediately stops crying*
J- How did that work?
NC- When babies are crying it's usually 1 of 3 things, they either are hungry, need to be changed, or they want to feel another human being, so I knew he wasn't hungry or needing to be changed, so it had to be that, but it also could've been the fact that we had to shove a giant needle in his chest so he could breathe
E- Oh My baby boy *starts crying*
J- Hey, Hey you're ok, the boys are ok, everything is ok
NC- Yea we checked Paxton and he's fine he's just really small, and Branson is pretty small as well but they're both ok
E- O-Ok thank you *Candice nods and walks out, leaving Jake Erika and Pam in the room*
E- How much did they say he weighed bubba?
J- 4.03 pounds, what about branson
E- 5.2 pounds
J- Jeez pax you're itty bitty bud
P- They are so cute, I'm a grandma wohoo
E- *giggles* Yea they are, wait Jake is Nana here?
J- Yes, she's waiting with The girls in the waiting room
E- Ok, Pam do you mind going and getting her?
P- Sure sweetie *pam walks out*
J- You did it babygirl
E- I can't believe it, we're parents bubba
J- I know, I'm so happy right now, I'm just here with my family, my beautiful family
E- I love you
J- I love you too *Paxton starts crying*
E- Uh Oh, smelly diaper?
J- No, he's hungry
E- Oh give him here, and take Branson
J- Ok here *takes Paxton off his chest and hands him to Erika, Erika hands him Branson* Hey big boy, I'm your dad
E- Come here pax, let's get you something to eat, she unbuttons the top of her gown and Paxton immediately starts grabbing for her boob, she brings him to it and he latches on, she covers herself with a blanket* Well someone's hungry *giggles and looks at Jake who is talking to Branson, she smiles and stares at him for awhile, when he looks up at her he smiles back at her*
J- We did it babygirl
E- I can't believe it Bubba
J&E- We're parents *They laugh and then Jake stands up and kisses Erika while holding Branson, Dani and Pam walk back in*
E- Hi Nana did you just wake up
D- It's like one in the morning is that even a question?
E- I guess not, well Anyway Jakey and I would like you to meet Branson and Paxton, well Branson right now, because Pax's is hungry
D- Omg he's so small
J- Pax is even smaller
E- Yea he's about the size of Jake's hand
D- Wow, that's small
E- Yea I know right *Dani jumps up on Pam and lays her head down and yawns*
P- Do y'all need anything before I take the girls, Logan and Nana back to the house?
E- No we're good here, I was talking to Doctor Robbins and she said that we would be back at the house by Friday and it's Tuesday, so do you mind keeping the house together while we are away?
P- Of course anyway, We are going home so good night, Goodnight little babies I love you
J- Ok night mom, Night Nana* side hugs and kisses both their foreheads,Erika waves*
E- Night y'all see y'all later *they walk out and Jake and Erika talk for awhile, while Erika feeds Paxton, when she's done Candice walks back in*
NC- Alright guys, we have to put these two in the NICU for the night just to keep an eye on everything
J- Ok, be careful *hands Paxton then Branson to her*
E- Night my little Angels I love you *she kisses their foreheads and then let's Candice take them, Erika and Jake both get in the bed and cuddle and fall asleep

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