Yes We Are

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Jake, Erika, Alissa, and Logan all go to their lawyers so Alissa can get a restraining order against banks and Jake and Erika could legally make Dani a part of the Pauls, after that they go to Banks house so Alissa can serve him the restraining order and get her things since she has joined Team 10, When they get their Banks is a drunk mess, when they come down and start leaving Banks says something about how we caused a Erika's parents deaths, Jake goes crazy and beats the crap out of Banks, he cries for a little while Erika holds him, the police come and take all their statement arrest Banks and let Jake and Erika go back home, once they get home Jake and Erika talk and they realize Jake's hand is broken, they call a doctor to come to the house and order food, the doctor fixes Jake's hand, puts it in a cast, and leaves, they walk downstairs and eat their Panera, Jake asks Erika out on a date they watch a movie until they have to start getting, they get in the shower Where Erika teases Jake then they get dressed Erika helps Jake with his shirt and then they leave and go to a fancy restaurant they have a nice dinner and return home, when they get home they sex for hours

The next Morning
Erika's POV
This morning I woke up in Jake's arms, I looked at him and he was smiling, I didn't want to get out of bed yet so I sat there  and traced little shapes on his chest with my finger, He slowly started waking up so I kissed him waking him up completely
J- Morning mikey
E- Morning Bubba, How's your hand *looks at his hand and sighs*
J- I'm alright it hurts, but I'll be ok
E- Ok bubba, anyway do you want me to make you some breakfast?
J- That sounds amazing
E- Ok, what do you want? Eggs and Bacon?
J- Yes please
E- Alright, well I'm going to get go cook, how about you get in the shower then we can go
do a light workout after breakfast
J- Sounds good baby girl
E- Ok well if you want to have breakfast you have to let go of me so I can go cook
J- But I don't want to
E- You're very comfy yourself but I'm hungry too
J- Oh that reminds me, when's the last time we weighed you?
E- Great question, I think 3-4 days ago?
J- Well we should probably check it just to make sure your still gaining
E- Ok, well you still have to let me get out of bed *giggles and kisses him*
J- Fine only because we have to *kisses her and releases her from his grip, she gets up and walks into the bathroom, Jake stares at her ass for a minute because she is only wearing his button up, then he gets up and goes into the bathroom after her*
J- 115 That's right where you're supposed to be
E- Wohoo
J- Thats great baby *smiles and kisses her*
E- Now I'm going to go make us some breakfast *kisses him and walks out*
J- You should put some pants on!!! *yells at her*
E- Don't You like what you see!! *yells back at him*
J- Of course I do but I think you should put some on incase you get cold!! *yells back*
E- Whatever!! *yells back and giggles*

Jake's POV
This morning I woke up to Mikey's little fingers moving around my bare chest, we talked for a bit then I remembered that I needed to weigh Mikey, when she got out of the bed, she was glowing, and she only had my button up on, she looked great, and so did her ass, I admired my beautiful wife for a minute then I got up a followed her into he bathroom, she stepped on the scale and it said 115 I was really happy because it meant my baby girl was getting better, after she got off the scale she walked downstairs to make breakfast and I started to get in the shower I slipped on my sleeve over my cast and got in the shower, I got out after Ten minutes and got ready for the gym, I walked downstairs and saw Mikey sitting down waiting for me to come sit and eat breakfast with her, I walked over to her and kissed her cheek, then walked over to the medicine cabinet, I grabbed my pain meds, and Erika's appetite enhancers, and anti-anxiety meds then I walked back over to Erika and handed her the pills I know she hates pills, like she refuses to take them most times, so I usually dissolve them in her coffee so she doesn't even know she's taking them, because if she knew they were in her coffee she probably wouldn't drink it, but today she made breakfast so I couldn't
E- Bubba I hate taking pills
J- I know Mikey, but you have to take them
E- No, I'm fine I don't want to
J- Give me your coffee
E-Okay... *slowly hands him the coffee*
J- And the pills *holds his hand out As she puts the pills in his hand, he takes the pills and puts them in her coffee and hands it back to her* Drink up baby girl
E- but it'll taste funny
J- No it won't just do it for me
E- Fine *starts drinking the coffee*
J- So I was thinking...
E- *finishes the coffee* mhm... and?
J- I think we should start trying for a baby, but only if you want to
E- That's great to hear, because I'm pregnant
J-*starts crying* We're having a baby?
E- We're having a baby bubba!!!
J- * stands up and picks up Erika and twirls Around* WE'RE HAVING A BABY *kisses her long and passionately*
E- Yes we are *smiles and pecks him on the lips*

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