I'm Here

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Jake and Erika have their big day and get married, they get home and the team surprises them by leaving them alone in the house for their honeymoon, after the team leaves Jake ad Erika get busy with their "newlywed  festivities"

3 a.m. same night

Erika's POV
I woke up and Jake wasn't in bed with me I got up and looked all around the house and he wasn't there, I started to freak out, Jake never leaves without telling me, I walked outside and saw him face down in the pool, I screamed and ran to him, when I pulled him out his throat was slit and he was dead, I held him in my lap and started screaming for help
E- *keeps breathing heavily and crying but is awake, she grips on to Jake's chest and cries even harder*
J- Shhhh, hey, hey I'm here, I'm right here, please calm down, I'm right here Mikey
E- I-I-I t-th-ought y-you w-w-were d-d-dead
J- I'm right here babygirl, I'm never leaving, I'm right here just calm down, please don't cry you're ok
E- I-I c-can't l-lose y-you
J- and you won't, I promise, so please just calm down I'm ok, I'm right here
E- *starts to slowly calm down* I'm sorry
J- It's ok Mikey, don't worry about it, Are you ok though?
E- Yea I just thought I lost you
J- You can't lose me, You're stuck with me forever
E- Thank goodness *smiles and kisses him*
J- I love you
E- I love you too
*Jake gets out of bed and gets up and walks down stairs with Erika following him, she sees his back and all her claw marks and touches it*
J- Owwwww
E- Oh I'm sorry Jakey, did I do that?
J- I would hope so *chuckles and grabs her by the waist and kisses her*
E- I'm sorry, stay here, I'll be right back
J- Yes ma'am
*Erika pecks Jake and runs upstairs and comes back down with hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin*

Erika's POV
Jake was sitting on the counter so I got a towel and a rag and made him lay down flat on the counter so I could tend to his back, at first he refused, but I used my charms and got him to comply
E- This is going to sting so be ready
J- Ok
E-*pours the hydrogen peroxide on his back and let's it kill all the bacteria*
J- Jesus Christ
E- Ok, I'm just going to put some Neosporin on your back then we'll be done
J-Ok, can we get in the hot tub after?
E-*starts rubbing it into his back gently* I mean we can but it might hurt your back a little
J- It won't hurt me as long as my beautiful wife is with me
E- Awww your so sweet, I love you, and I'm sorry about your back *finishes rubbing the stuff into his back and is now standing in between his legs as he sits on the counter*
J- Don't be sorry we were having a good time it's fine, know do you want to go get in a really sexy swim suit and accompany me to the hot tub?
E- Of course I would

*Erika walked upstair and changed into a very revelation black bikini and met Jake at the hot tub, they both drank a glass of wine and talked*
E- You need a nickname
J- Oh do I? *smiles and pulls Erika onto his lap*
E- Mhmm How about JJ?
J- Ehhh next
E- Jakey?
J- We need a NEW one and that's Nana's one for me so next
E- Oh I Got it!!!!
J- Lay it on me
E- Bubba!!!
J- Um ok... Why?
E- I dint know, cause it's cute, like you *smiles and kisses Jake's nose*
J- I love it *smiles and kisses Erika more passionately, Erika pulls away*
E-Bubba it's 4 in the morning and I'm getting tired, can we go to bed?
J- Of course baby, whatever you want
E- Ok, can you carry me *smiles and wraps her arounds around his neck and her legs around his waist as he stands up and gets out they walk into the kitchen and Jake sets Erika on the counter and goes into the laundry room and gets more towels while he's getting the towels the doorbell rings Erika gets up and goes to the door before she opens it Jake pulls her away wraps her in the towel and puts her behind him*
E- *they're both whispering* Bubba why can't I open it?
J- Mikey it's 4 in the morning
E- Good point open it
*Jake opens it and sees Alissa on the floor half naked, shaking, and covered in blood*
J- OMG Alissa
Al- p-pl-lease h-help m-me
E- Umm shit ok, Bubba help me get her in the kitchen and then go get me some clean clothes, and the big box under the sink with all my medical supplies
J- Ok Mikey let's get her up *They help Alissa to the kitchen and sit her on the counter Erika gets towels, pain medicine, and band aids and Jake brings down the clothes and the medical supplies, he started helping Erika clean up the blood from Alissa's knee's, arms, face, and back, they cleaned her up and, then they asked her what happened*
E- What happened Alissa? Who dis this to you?
A- B-Banks, h-he g-got m-mad a-and d-drunk a-ag-gain, a-and h-he s-st-tarted b-bea-ting m-me b-be-cause I-I t-tr-ied t-to b-bre-eak u-up w-wit-th h-him
E- *sighs and looks at Jake he nods his head* Ok, well how about you stay here for awhile and file a police report?
A - t-th-ank y-you
J- No problem, me and Erika know what it's like to try and get out of one of these relationships, and listen the past is in the past we can both forget about alright?
Al- O-ok c-can y-you c-call L-lo-gan p-please
J- uh yea, sure, we have a couple extra rooms, so how about you take one of those and I'll get Logan down here asap
Al- *nods and walks into the guest room*
E- You want to call him or should I?
J- Um I'll do it, are you ok? I don't know how seeing all that made you feel.
E- Yea I'm alright I'm happy she got out of there but I mean sometimes i feel like i was just in the hospital yesterday because of what he did, but I have you to make me feel better so I'll be just fine
J- Ok, I'm going to call Logan and tell him to get his ass down here and then I'll wait up and make sure he gets here and then I'll come to bed
E- Bubba are you sure? i can stay up with you, I don't mind I sorta don't want to go to bed alone tonight anyway.
J- Ok Mikey, go put some Clothes on and come back down here we can cuddle and chill till Logan gets here
E- Do you want some dry shorts? *starts walking up the stairs*
J- Yes please *she walks upstairs into their room to change and get Jake some new pants*

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