Come To Me

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Jake, Dani, and Erika arrive in Nashville, they get to the hospital and are told to go to the hotel and get some sleep while Dani is sitting in testing by Angel and Dan, they go to the hotel and sleep for a couple of hours, they are woken up by a news alert saying there was a shooting at the hospital, they race to the hospital and go in even though they still hear gunshots, they go up to Dani's room and find Dan and Angel bleeding out, Jake and Erika try to save them but are unsuccessful, Erika is distraught, Jake picks her up and takes her to the elevator and upstairs to the 11th floor, where they took all the patients and doctors, they find Dani and break the news to her, Jake calls JC and tells him to, after they end the call Jake finds a doctor and they tell him Dani just has pneumonia and the flu and that she is ok to go home, Jake signs the discharge papers and gets the girls and they all go down to the car, they get to a private airfield and get on a private jet, the girls are already asleep when they take off and Jake reflects on the events that had happened in the last 3 hours, he starts silently crying, his phone buzzes and its a text from the unknown person, they claimed to be the reason why Angel and Dan died, when Jake asked who they were they said that was for them to know and him to find out after they said this Jake put away his phone because he was so overwhelmed

Jake's POV
When I got those text I fell apart, I didn't know how to handle it anymore, I have the love of my life and baby on the way, who ever is doing this just showed me that they can get to anyone, this has to stop, I can't imagine anything ever happening to them, I was so overwhelmed, just the thought of something happening to them makes me sick, I had to puke, I slid out from under Mikey and went to the bathroom, I fell to my knees and started to throw up, I couldn't stop it, then I felt a small hand rubbing my back, it was Mikey, she kept rubbing my back till I was done throwing up, when I was done I sat down and put my back up against the wall, I started to cry, I couldn't control it, I was crying so hard, Mikey sat down next to me and held me in her arms, I kept crying, I finally started to get control of my emotions and Mikey ran her hands through my hair and kissed my forehead
E- It's ok baby, You're ok, just calm down and talk to me
J- I-I'm S-Sorry *starts crying again*
E- Sorry for what baby? None of this is your fault, we will get through this, we just both have to be strong right now, for Dani, for the team, for the baby, and for each other
J- I-I s-s-should've done s-something, t-th-is s-shouldn't of h-h-happened
E- Jake, I told you this once and I'll tell you this again you cannot control what others do or say, what happened is over and it is not your fault, there is no need to say sorry for something you had no control over
J- *calms down and stops crying* I'm trying to be strong Mikey, I'm trying so hard to be strong, for you and Dani, and the baby, but what if I'm not strong enough
E- Jakey you are the strongest person I know, You are so good to me and Dani, and you are more than strong enough, you are so much stronger than you realize, you are my best friend, I love you so much and I wouldn't lie to you, you are strong
J- I just don't want to let you down anymore
E- You've never let me down Jakey, and you never will, I love you, don't forget it
J- I love you too *they kiss and get off the floor*
E- *stumbles while she gets up Jake catches her* Woah
J- Are you ok?
E- Yea just a little dizzy and tired
J- Have you eaten? Do you feel sick?
E- no and Yes
J- Ok, how about you sit down and eat these cheese-it's, while I have the chef make you  something to eat *sits down starts eating*
E- ok, can you get my pills, and check on Nana?
J- sure baby
E- Thank you
*Jake gets the chef to start cooking Erika something to eat, He checks on Dani and the has a slight fever, he gets her pills and sits down next to her and handed her the pills and water, he sat back and wrapped one of his arms around her and puts the other one on her belly*
J- Your food should be done soon , Dani has a slight fever, but her heart rates steady, are you still feeling sick?
E- Yea, I have a feeling I'm going to be throwing up in a bit but I'm ok for now
J- ok, how are you? *looks at her, implying how she feels about her parents*
E- I don't really know, I'm still just trying to take it all in, I can't believe they're gone, I just, I just really wanted them to be at our wedding, and to be the some of the first people to hold out baby, I guess it's just all hitting me at once, we have Nana now, and we have another kid on the way, I'll miss my parents everyday, but I know they're watching over us, and I know they'll be with us every step of the way, and I guess the thought of that is making it a little easier
J- I get it, when my step-dad Died I felt the same way, my dad was never really there for me after he and my mom split up, but then my mom got remarried to an amazing guy and he made us Happy, then he got diagnosed with cancer, and my life was turned upside down, when he died it hurt, it hurt bad, but I realized that he may be gone, but he never really left, and that helped me, and it's going to help you too, but so am I, I will always be here for you, and whatever you need consider it done, I promise you it will get better, it just takes time
E- I love you so much *kisses him, and leans back on his chest, he kisses the top of her head and rubs her belly*
J- I love you too baby
E- Well I guess we are going to have two kids now, you ready for that?
J- *Jake sighs and runs the hand that's not on Erika's belly through his hair* What if I'm not going to be a good dad, what if they get hurt, what if I can't protect them
E- listen baby, I know it's scary, but we as parents have to trust in ourselves and each other to protect them and to make sure they're safe, we are going to be good parents, we just have to believe we are
J- I'm so lucky I have you, thank you so much for always sticking with me and making me feel amazing
E- Anything for you baby *puts her hand on Jake's and squeezes it*
*The chef walks into the cabin of the plane and brings two plates of food to them*
C- Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Banana pancakes with turkey bacon and scrambled eggs and OJ for the lady and spinach and Egg whites, with turkey bacon and coffee for you
E&J- Thank you *he nods and walks away, they sit up and start eating*
*They eat and Dani starts to wake up, Jake notices and gets the medicine they prescribed her out of his bag*
J- Hey Nana, are you feeling any better?
E- Do you want something to eat?
D- No and No, I feel like crap, and I would cry if it didn't make me want to puke
J- I'm sorry Nana. Is there anything I can do?
D- Can I have a hug, I really really need a hug
J- of course I will *pulls her into a hug*you know every thing is going to be ok, we are all a family now, and it's all going to be ok now, I promise
D- *nods her head and pulls Erika into the hug* I love you guys, I'm so glad I have y'all
E&J- We love you too Nana
*they let go of Dani, make her take her medicine, and she goes to lay down again, They finish their breakfast and lay down for about an hour Erika gets up and goes to throw up Jake grabs her pills and vitamin water and follows her, She's throwing up a lot so Jake sets her stuff on the counter and rubs her back while holding her hair back, she's throwing up a lot more than usual, Jake  feels her forehead while she's throwing up and she's really warm, she finishes throwing up and goes to lay back down with Jake*
J- Hey babe are you feeling ok now? You are a little warm
E- Yea baby I just think I'm a little overwhelmed because I get hot and sometimes I start hyperventilating because of stress
J- *sighs* Oh Mikey everything's going To be just fine I promise *hugs her tighter*
E- I know, I just wish it didn't go down like that *a single tear slides down her face and is swept away by Jake's thumb*
J- I know baby, I know, it's hard at first I know but things take time to heal, so just give it time ok?
E- Ok, it looks like we are landing
J- Ok I'll get Dani and my bag and the boys will have the rest handled * puts on his backpack and picks up Dani*
E- Ok, but Jakey what are we going to tell them team?
J- we are going to tell them what ever you want to tell them
E- ok, well let's go home
J- Ok baby, let's go
*They get in the black suburban that was waiting for them and drive home, when they got home no one is home so they laid Dani down and go to their room to take a nap*

3 Hours Later
*Erika wakes up before Jake and gets in the shower with all her clothes on and has a breakdown in the shower*

Erika's POV
I woke up and looked at the time it was about 5 I slipped out of Jake's tight grip and kissed him on the forehead before heading to take a shower I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, I turned on the shower, and got in it with all my clothes on, it was freezing, I don't know what happened but I just collapsed, I couldn't breathe because I was crying so hard, I guess the full force of seeing my mom and Dad on the ground dying hit me, I tried to stop and to breathe, but I only cried harder, I'm going to miss them so much, and Dani, oh god Dani, she's going to grow up without actual parents, she has to pack up and move in with us because they're gone, I won't have a dad to walk me down the aisle, or a mom to tell me how to be a mom, I lost some of the most important people in my life today, and I don't know how to handle it, I can't handle it

Jake's POV
I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of the shower turning on, I guessed it was Mikey and let her be, I checked the time and it was about 5:05, I waited for ten minutes for Mikey to come out the shower, when she didn't I got a little worried, I walked in the bathroom and saw her on the crying on the ground of the shower fully clothed, my heart stopped because I saw how much pain she was in, I snapped out if my thoughts and grabbed a towel, I walked into the shower and turned it off, it was ice cold, I picked Mikey up, and put her on the counter I walked in the room after I wrapped her in the towel and got her favorite pair of sweat pants and her favorite sweatshirt if mine and walked back in, she was crying so hard, I just hugged her as tight as I could, when she started to calm down I grabbed the dry sweatshirt
J- You know the drill
E- *lifts her arms and Jake takes off her wet shirt and puts on the dry one on, he helps her with her pants then he looks in her eyes and cups her cheeks in his hands*
J- I know it's hard baby, but talk to me, tell me when you feel like this, I don't want you to ever be alone, especially in a time like this, so please just come to me
E- *nods and starts crying* I-Im S-s-sorry
J- Don't be baby, there's no reason to be sorry, I love you *kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly*
E- *stops crying* I love you too
J- Are you hungry?
E- I could eat
J- Ok how about I go get you something to eat?
E- Ok, Dani has to take her meds I'll go get her
J- Don't worry about baby, I'll get her meds and stuff and bring her up here to keep you company while I'm out?
E- Ok, be safe I Love you
J- I will I love you too
*Jake gets Dani's meds and walks into her room and sees nothing*

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