Everything I Have

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Tessa, Dani, Erika, and Matt, Erika's bodyguard go out for a girls day, while Jake is attending meetings, after they get their nails done Tessa and Erika walk across the street to get the truck, but they don't realize Dani is chasing after them, Dani doesn't notice the speeding car coming at her, until it's almost to late, before Dani gets hit, Matt pushes her out of the way and he gets hit by the car, Dani is okay,but Matt isn't, Tessa calls an Ambulance and comforts Dani, until the ambulance gets there, Erika gets in the Ambulance and Tessa and Dani take the truck and meet Erika at the hospital, on the way to the Hospital Erika tries to get a hold of Jake, she can't so she calls his manager and finally gets a hold of Jake, she can barley explain what happened to Jake, without crying, but she manages to calm down just enough to tell Jake, soon after the ambulance gets to the hospital and they take Matt to the OR, Erika makes her way to the waiting room and sees Jake holding Dani, and Tessa calling Team Ten, Jake sees her and engulfs her in a hug and comforts her and Dani until they are allowed to see Matt, Matt and Jake were talking and Matt said he was just keeping his promise to keep Erika and Dani safe, After everyone says their goodbye's  to Matt, they go home and everyone goes to bed

A Couple Days Later
*Jake wakes up first and kisses Erika on the forehead, then takes a quick shower, and goes downstairs to wake up Dani and make Erika some breakfast*
J- Dani, come on let's get up and get ready, me and Rik have a surprise for you later
D- Ugh do I have to? *moans and turns over to face Jake*
J- Yes come on I can't cook breakfast without my sous chef
D- Fine, just because you need me *throws off her sheets and follows Jake out the room and into the kitchen*
J- We need Eggs, turkey bacon, avocado, and toast stat
D- *gets all those things out* But we also need some music
J- Alright what do you want to hear?
*picks up the iPad and starts scrolling through the music choices*
D- Ummmm let's hear some Post Malone
J- I like the way you think *smirks and plays white Iverson, and Dani and Him start singing along and cooking breakfast*

Erika's POV
I woke up this morning to an empty bed, I wondered where Jakey was, until I heard White Iverson playing, then I realized that He was downstairs cooking breakfast with Dani, they always do this when Jake cooks, I don't want to get up yet, but I love seeing Jake and Dani playing around and having fun so I pull up the security cameras on my laptop and watch them singing and dancing to Post Malone, they are so cute, I want to spend the rest of my life with Jake, I want a family with him, he's going to be such a good dad one day, My thoughts are interrupted by my phone dinging, it's a notification from my period tracking app, saying I should've started yesterday, which I didn't, I shrugged it off because it's usually late when I'm in a stressful situation, but when I got up and went to the bathroom, there was nothing, so I took a pregnancy test because I realized I haven't taken birth control since before I was in the hospital and that was almost 2 Months ago, so I take the test and it's positive, I know that I need to tell Jake, and I wasn't going to like make it a big deal, Jake loves me and I love him, he's not going to freak out and be a dick he's going to love it so I take the test and walk downstairs and I see Jake sending emails and eating breakfast with another plate sitting next to him, it was for me, I guess Dani had gone to take a shower or sleep, because she wasn't in the kitchen, I walk behind Jake and run my hands through his hair
J- Morning Beautiful
E- Morning Handsome
J- How'd you sleep
E- Good, I mean how could I not I was in your arms
J- *smiles and kisses her, then pats the seat next to him* Sit with me and Eat your breakfast
E- Gladly, oh and here *sits down and hands him the test, at first he looks confused not knowing what it is, then he figures it out and reads it, and the biggest smile appeared on his face*
*asked excitedly*
E- *Takes a bite of her egg whites and avocado toast and looks at him* Yes I am, and this is delicious
E- Yes, and your going to be the best one there is *kisses Jake and smiles, then continues eating*
E- because I know you're going to be the best dad ever, and that you'll love me and this baby with everything you got
J- So I'm having a baby, with the love of my life? *starts crying*
E- Aww Jakey, I love you too, and yes we are having a baby
J- Well then I might as well do this now *pulls out a black box and gets down on one knee*
J- I was going to do this tonight at dinner, but I can't wait, and I already called Angel and Dan asking their permission to do this, so Erika Michael-Anne Costell, I love you more than anything else in this world,  I gave you my first name already, and now I want to give you my last, Rik, will you make my life worth living and Marry me?
E- *starts crying* Yes Jake, Of course, I love you so much *pulls Jake up after he puts the giant diamond ring on her finger, and kisses him* OMG I HAVE TO TELL LOREN AND TESSA
J- Go ahead, but finish your breakfast first, you're not just eating for one anymore
E- Okay Baby I love you
J- I love you too *kisses her and grabs her hand while she eats and he's sending emails*
E- How do you think Kade is gonna react when we tell him we are getting married and having a kid for real?
J- I don't know let's see *picks up his phone and calls Kade*
K- Yo what's up?
J- Me and Rik need to talk to you do you think you can come to the kitchen?
K- Sure be there in a minute
J- Dope see ya
K- Bye
* Jake hangs up and looks at Erika*
J- He'll be down in a minute, do you want to tell him, or should I?
E- I'll tell him, and then we can call your mom
J- Oh yea I almost forgot to call my mom and tell her I'm going to marry and have a child with the most beautiful girl in the world
E- Aww Babe, your so sweet, I can't wait till we're married
J- Neither can I, but I want you to know something
E- What is it?
J- as long as I am breathing you two will never need anything, because I promise to give you everything I have, you and this baby are the only thing on my mind now, and I promise I'll keep you two safe no matter what *hugs Erika and kisses the top of her head then bends down and kisses her belly*
E- I love you so much Jake Jospeh Paul
*she kisses him and then Kade walks in*
K- Yo What's poppin?
J- You are going to need to sit down for this
K- Okay *looks confused but sits anyway*
E- Well we thought you would want to know that We are officially engaged like for real
K- OMG CONGRATS I CAN'T WAIT FOR JERIKA BABIES *starts smiling and getting excited*
J- Well you won't have to wait long
K- What do you mean? *raises a brow*
E- I'm pregnant
K- YOU BETTER NOT BE PLAYING WITH ME AGAIN, I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE?!?!? *starts jumping up and down and smiles really big*
J- Yea and I'm gonna be a dad!! *starts jumping up and down with Kade*
E- You two are something else *giggles and hugs Kade and kisses Jake then walks out the kitchen looking for Tessa and Loren*
J- Yo I can't believe it, I'm going to be a dad, and I'm going to be married to the woman I love, seriously life couldn't be better
K- I'm so happy for you man, you deserve her and she deserves you and y'all are going to have a beautiful family together
J- I've known her for 8 months and been with her for 3 almost 4 and I feel like I've known her all my life, she's the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I think of when I'm about to sleep, I will give her and this baby the world, I will love them with all my heart, and I will be the best husband and father I can be
K- and I will be the best uncle I can be *they both laugh*
J- I guess I need to call a team meeting to share the news
K- Yea you should do that, but I'd ok it with Rik first
J- Yea I'll text her in a minute
K- Alright man, I'm so happy for you, I'll see you later
J- Bye man * Jake gets on the phone with he best OB/GYN doctor and schedules an appointment for after they get back from Austria*

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